Lifegate Church Podcast

Les Beauchamp

Welcome to the weekly podcast from Lifegate Church led by Pastor Les Beauchamp. Lifegate is a multi-campus church that exists to invite people everywhere to discover, live and give life in Jesus!

  • 44 minutes 36 seconds
    Finding Ourselves in Christ Jesus

    Our exciting LIFE TRUTH is that God is DEEPLY COMMITTED to provide ALL WE NEED (and more) for EVERY SEASON of our ENTIRE LIVES!

  • 42 minutes 22 seconds
    The Man Who Won't Go Away

    Even in a world that seems to be drifting from God, Jesus’ name and story keep showing back up. Why is it that Jesus still captures our attention today?

    8 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 44 minutes 12 seconds
    The Gift of Jesus | Audio Only

    Jesus himself is the greatest gift that humankind has ever been given. In this message, we will unwrap this gift and see the beauty that is the Son and the implications that it can have on our lives today. Best news, you don't have to wait until Christmas to open it!

    1 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 38 minutes 39 seconds
    Love Came Down | Audio Only

    This season is an invitation to lean into the Wonder of Christmas, which is the miraculous, unexpected, perfect gift of God’s only son. 

    1 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 33 minutes 32 seconds
    The Wonder of God

    The Wonder of God, becoming man, and how that changes everything when an infinite God enters the temporal world. He created all of time revolves around his coming and going (BC and A.D.)

    1 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 37 minutes 12 seconds
    To us a Son is Given | Audio Only

    Looking into the Wonder, beauty, majesty, and impact of the amazing gift given to us in the person of Jesus.

    1 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • From Fearful to Cheerful

    We often underestimate the role that fear plays in our financial decisions. Both how much we spend and how much we save are influenced by what we fear. But, when we grasp the depths of God’s faithfulness, we’re freed from the power of fear and discover a newfound influence in our financial world – joy.

    24 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 36 minutes 14 seconds
    Forever Faithful

     The promises of God can often bring us great hope and sometimes serious confusion, especially when related to His provision in our lives. Let’s discover key that unlocks God’s promises, giving us joy and peace in every area of our lives. 

    10 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 42 minutes 19 seconds
    Resilient Hope

    In times of political chaos and conflict, we’re tempted to be swayed by the emotions of the moment. But Jesus, no stranger to cultural tensions, invites us to a hope that can’t be shaken.

    3 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 33 seconds
    The Life of Love

    We’ve arrived at the final stage of the spiritual formation journey, which is the end goal of the Christian life. Surprisingly, we’ll discover following Jesus is less about us getting into Heaven and more about getting the things of Heaven into us!

    27 October 2024, 10:00 am
  • Life Beyond The Wall

    When in our stages of growth as followers of Christ we find ourselves hitting a 

    wall that threatens to destroy our faith, our future, our very lives, God is there. 

    The wall doesn’t represent the end but, is instead our invitation through and 

    into a deeper life of surrender, love, impact and intimate friendship with God!

    20 October 2024, 10:00 am
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