St Helen's Sunday talks podcast

St Helen's Bishopsgate

Sunday sermons preached at St Helens Church, Bishopsgate, London, UK

  • 16 minutes 11 seconds
    When the author wrote himself into history
    Tim Sheppard - It's so easy to overlook the details when it comes to Christmas - but when we do so, we are losing more than we may realise. The coming of Jesus is a reality-defining moment, which demands careful thought from all of us.
    8 December 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 14 seconds
    The Christmas dragon
    Aneirin Glyn - What happened that first Christmas? Revelation 12 shows us how Christmas fits in to the history of the world.
    8 December 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 46 seconds
    The heart of the gospel
    Phil Hudson - In these final verses Paul shows that the actions of the ‘troublers’ demonstrate that they are all about the flesh and this age. Anything that sidelines the cross and focuses the flesh is just like the rest of human religion. But the gospel of God is about the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and the new creation it inaugurates. And Paul says in this gospel we have it all. Don’t go anywhere else.
    8 December 2024, 10:30 am
  • 30 minutes 30 seconds
    The heart of the gospel
    Drew Balch - Boasting is not a desirable English character trait. Nobody aspires to it. Yet, when we think rightly about the cross, we’ll join Paul and won’t let our pride or persecution stop our boasting in the cross of Christ alone.
    8 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 26 minutes 50 seconds
    An astounding reaction
    George Diwakar - Who has Jesus come to save? His audience in Luke 4:22–30 thought it was them. After all, they were his family! But his true mission both surprises and offends such spiritual entitlement, because Jesus has been sent, like Elijah and Elisha, to save the most undeserving outsiders.
    1 December 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 41 seconds
    An astounding reaction
    Aneirin Glyn - Jesus is in his hometown Nazareth, where adulation quickly turns to anger. Jesus’ message is uncomfortable, because he doesn’t pull any punches. But to those who are willing to listen, there are astounding words of grace.
    1 December 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 12 seconds
    Gospel life: true spirituality
    Gwilym Davies - What does it actually mean to do good? The Galatians were in a proper muddle about good and evil - and we're often just as confused. But into that confusion, Galatians 6:1-10 speaks a beautiful, simple and compelling word: a Law we should keep, and good we should do.
    1 December 2024, 10:30 am
  • 29 minutes 50 seconds
    Gospel life: true spirituality
    Gwilym Davies - What does it actually mean to do good? The Galatians were in a proper muddle about good and evil - and we're often just as confused. But into that confusion, Galatians 6:1-10 speaks a beautiful, simple and compelling word: a Law we should keep, and good we should do.
    1 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 24 seconds
    An astounding message (with Q&A)
    George Diwakar - Why did Jesus come? In Luke 4:14-21, he tells us by launching his manifesto for the kingdom. He has been anointed by the Spirit (his mandate) to preach God’s kingdom (his mission) for the forgiveness of sins (his message).
    24 November 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 35 seconds
    An astounding message
    Aneirin Glyn - What is it that Jesus came to do? In these verses, we hear from Jesus himself how he is the one bringing God’s glorious plans for the world to fulfilment.
    24 November 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 30 seconds
    Gospel life: led by the Spirit
    Gwilym Davies - What would you say to someone in search of the silver bullet in their fight against the flesh? It’s so tempting to think that such a quest is naïve: there is no silver bullet, and anyone looking for one is on a fool’s errand. But in our passage in Galatians today, Paul wants us to see that any authentic Christian already has the silver bullet in the fight against the flesh: the cross and Spirit of the Lord Jesus. It would be mad to look anywhere else for Christian change.
    24 November 2024, 10:30 am
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