TGC Podcast

The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition Podcast features keynote and breakout sessions from our national, regional, and women's conferences. We exist to equip the next generation of believers, pastors, and church leaders to shape life and ministry around the gospel.

  • 35 minutes 27 seconds
    How Union with Christ Changes Everything

    Amy Gannett joins Joanna Kimbrel to discuss the doctrine of union with Christ and its profound impact on the Christian life. They explore how salvation is not just a legal status but a deep, spiritual connection to Christ through the Holy Spirit. Amy explains how this union transforms prayer, evangelism, identity, and the believer’s daily struggle against sin. The conversation also highlights how union with Christ provides strength in suffering and assurance of God’s presence. 

    7 March 2025, 5:00 am
  • 48 minutes 37 seconds
    What in the World Is God Doing?

    In this breakout session at TGCW24, Sarah Zylstra hosts a roundtable discussion with Sarah Kuswadi, Gail Curry, Carol de Rossi, and Shamsia Borhani Rafee, highlighting the spiritual landscapes of Australia, Ireland, Latin America, and Afghanistan. Each panelist shares the challenges present in her context while reflecting on ministry highlights and the encouraging ways she sees God at work in the world.

    They discuss the following:

    • Australia's spiritual context
    • Gospel movement in Australia
    • The spiritual context of Ireland
    • Encouragements in Ireland
    • Challenges and opportunities in Ireland
    • Latin America's spiritual context
    • The revival of the gospel in Latin America
    • Practical ministry strategies in Latin America
    • The spiritual context of Afghanistan
    • Ministry to Afghan refugees in the U.S.
    28 February 2025, 5:00 am
  • 44 minutes 31 seconds
    Materialism, Money, and Me Culture

    In this breakout session from TGCW24, Jen Oshman explores the deep-rooted human desire for security, whether through material wealth, productivity, or influence. She unpacks Jesus’s parable of the rich fool in Luke 12, emphasizing the dangers of self-centered accumulation and misplaced trust in earthly possessions. She encourages listeners to seek true security in God by living generously, trusting Christ, and prioritizing eternal riches over temporary gain.

    She teaches the following:

    • The pursuit of security and materialism
    • An introduction to Luke 12
    • The rich fool's self-centered decision
    • The Lord's rebuke and true foolishness
    • Living for eternity and practical applications
    21 February 2025, 5:00 am
  • 40 minutes 48 seconds
    A Conversation about Singleness

    In this episode, Soojin Park, Anna Meade Harris, and Lydia Brownback share their personal experiences, from widowhood to lifelong singleness, addressing the challenges and misconceptions that single individuals often face in the church. 

    The conversation explores how the church can better support and integrate singles. And they offer encouragement and practical insights on embracing singleness with faith and purpose, reminding listeners that singleness is not a secondary calling but a meaningful and valuable part of God's plan.

    14 February 2025, 5:00 am
  • 43 minutes 14 seconds
    Preparing Teens for Life in a Secular World

    A recent Barna study showed that the ages of 18 to 25 are when many professing Christians will leave the church, especially as they transition to college life.

    In this breakout session from TGCW24, Michael Kruger shares insights from his book Surviving Religion 101, exploring how parents can equip their children intellectually and spiritually to go through college and beyond with their faith intact. Kruger shares three key principles for parents—wise exposure, purposeful dialogue, and embracing doubts—along with four ideas for teens, including viewing challenges as growth opportunities and valuing community.

    7 February 2025, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes 50 seconds
    How Christianity Transformed the World

    Many today claim Christianity is toxic, bigoted, patriarchal, Western, imperialist, and repressive. However, the biblical teaching that every human being is made in God's image is the foundation for our regard for human dignity and freedom.

    In this breakout session from TGCW24, Sharon James explores the profound ways Christians have influenced the world for the better in areas such as justice, philanthropy, health care, education, and the dignity of women.

    She discusses the following:

    • The story of Sarah Martin
    • The influence of Christianity on human rights and freedom
    • Justice and the rule of law
    • Protection of life and the sanctity of human dignity
    • Relief of human need and philanthropy
    • Education and women's empowerment
    • The dignity of women and Christian ethics
    • The role of Christianity in modern society
    31 January 2025, 5:00 am
  • 29 minutes 36 seconds
    Is the Bible Good for Women?

    In this episode, Kendra Dahl, Rebecca McLaughlin, Jen Oshman, and Wendy Alsup consider the Bible’s teaching about women through a Jesus-centered understanding of Scripture. They observe Christianity's historical and cultural influences and encourage women to stay engaged with the Scriptures, seek truth in community, and persevere in the good work God has called them to.

    They discuss the following:

    • Personal experience and why it's essential to study the Scriptures
    • The misuse and misapplication of Scripture
    • The importance of a Jesus-centered hermeneutic
    • Why we need historical and cultural perspectives
    • Encouragement for women who have a negative view of the Bible

    Recommended resources:


    24 January 2025, 5:00 am
  • 45 minutes
    Longing for the Holy Spirit’s Power

    Jesus told his disciples it’d be to their advantage that he was going away because, if he didn’t, the Helper wouldn’t come to them. Then in Acts, we read about the Holy Spirit's descent on believers. So what advantage does the Holy Spirit bring?

    In this breakout session from TGCW24, Nancy Guthrie considers how our experience of the Holy Spirit today differs from that of Old Testament saints. She also unpacks the advantages of the Spirit's indwelling and what the Spirit-empowered life looks like.

    She discusses the following:

    • The biblical imagery of wind and fire
    • A survey of the Holy Spirit in the Bible
    • Longing for guidance
    • Longing for power
    • Longing for more of Christ
    • Longing for spiritual fruit
    • Longing for glory
    17 January 2025, 5:00 am
  • 33 minutes 31 seconds
    Ligon Duncan Interviews New TGC President Mark Vroegop

    In this special episode, Ligon Duncan sits down with Mark Vroegop, the new president of The Gospel Coalition, to discuss his journey of faith, pastoral ministry, and vision for TGC's future. Hear Mark's testimony, the personal trials that shaped him, and the passion driving his commitment to serve pastors, churches, and believers around the world.

    Mark shares his thoughts on:

    • TGC’s role in supporting the local church
    • Challenges and opportunities facing the church today
    • The importance of cultural apologetics
    • His vision for TGC’s next chapter
    • How he hopes TGC will continue building on the gospel-centered legacy of Tim Keller and Don Carson

    Learn more about Mark at

    10 January 2025, 9:56 pm
  • 45 minutes 11 seconds
    Why People Are Leaving the Church

    We’re currently living through the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history, with 40 million people having left houses of worship, mainly in the last 25 years.

    In this breakout session from TGCW24, Jim Davis and Michael Graham, authors of The Great Dechurching, unpack four types of people who’ve left evangelical churches, why they left, and why more than half of them are willing to return.

    They discuss the following:

    • Why we need data on dechurching
    • Key findings from The Great Dechurching’s study
    • The timeline and causes of dechurching
    • Four profiles of dechurched individuals
    • Myths and misconceptions about dechurching
    • Practical steps for engaging the dechurched
    10 January 2025, 5:00 am
  • 39 minutes 52 seconds
    Spiritual Disciplines for Every Season

    Joanna Kimbrel, Amy Gannett, Gretchen Saffles, and Trillia Newbell reflect on their practice of spiritual disciplines, offering encouragement and practical suggestions for various seasons of life. They discuss the value of community in cultivating accountability, the need to start small and build consistency, and the abundant grace for those who find themselves in seasons of struggle. They also address common misconceptions about spiritual disciplines, stressing the joy of receiving these practices as a means of grace.

    They discuss:

    • Defining spiritual disciplines
    • Practicing spiritual disciplines in different seasons
    • Overcoming lies about spiritual disciplines
    • Encouragement for different life seasons

    Recommended Resources

    3 January 2025, 5:00 am
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