In this message that takes us through the remainder of John 1, Pastor J.D. explains how Jesus both asks and answers a vital question for all of us: “What are you seeking?” Though people everywhere naturally crave love and acceptance, they often search for it in all the wrong places. Through Jesus’ encounters with both Peter and Nathanael, we see the beauty of being fully known and loved by the One we should devote our lives to following.
In his incarnation, Jesus personified God’s defining characteristics of grace and truth. Yet religion often espouses one without the other, to the point of condemnation and exclusion. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to walk through Jesus’ resume in John 1 to show how Jesus is the glory of God in the flesh and how to respond to his offer of grace and truth and eternal life.
In this message from the Gospel of John, Pastor J.D. takes us through what we can think of as Jesus’ resume, to better understand who Jesus was and is. With so many misconceptions of Jesus prevalent in today’s world, this is a task that is immensely important. Perhaps you’ve encountered churches that have embodied grace, but not truth (or vice versa). If so, you can rest in the assurance that the Jesus who took on flesh and dwelt among us is full of both grace and truth.
Jesus said that money is the top competitor in our hearts for God, and what we do with our money reveals who is really the Lord of our lives. In this message, Pastor J.D. concludes a series on opening our hands with our time, talent, and treasure to show just how much the gospel has changed our lives by teaching the two ways Zacchaeus demonstrated that he had been changed by grace.
In today’s teaching from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. leads us through what is likely a familiar story for many—the story of a tax collector named Zacchaeus whose life was forever changed by a glimpse of Jesus. This man who was despised by many was willing to do whatever it took to see the Savior, and as a result, the grace offered by Jesus changed not just his behavior, but his heart. Is your life characterized by generosity and a desire to live honorably before God and others? If not, maybe you simply need to start by taking your first real glimpse of Jesus.
We may recognize the time, treasure, and talents God has given us, but have we asked God for his purpose in giving them to us? Pastor J.D. continues to teach in this message about investing our lives in God’s kingdom by sharing what keeps so many of us from investing our resources wisely and how to take what we’ve been given and double it so that others can hear the gospel.
To follow Jesus involves risk—the risk of releasing control and yielding every area of your life to Jesus as Lord over all. In this message from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. looks at the parable of the ten minas, where we see that, likewise, sowing a harvest with our resources can also involve risk. But when the risk is for the building up of God’s kingdom, it’s always worth it.
The way to reap a bountiful harvest is not by collecting and spending but by giving and trusting. Pastor J.D. continues in this message to show how living like Christ, not money, is what brings happiness by looking at five laws of the harvest. When we ask ourselves first how much we want God to multiply us, then we will know what kind of sacrificial giving he requires of us.
In this message from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. looks at one of the most revolutionary principles in all of Jesus’ teaching—the “law of the harvest.” It’s as simple as it is profound: As you give, it will be given to you. Sounds wise enough, maybe even encouraging. Most of us, however, don’t live that way. We don’t believe, in our heart of hearts, that God is as generous as he says he is. The result? We aren’t generous either. But Jesus invites us to a richer life than any of us could imagine, one in which every good thing (generosity, forgiveness, joy) not only abounds, but multiplies.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, we know what’s coming, and we know that only what’s done for the sake of the gospel will last—and that’s why we can let go of the things that will soon have no value for the one thing that has infinite value. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to teach about surrender by looking at the essential question of lordship and what keeps us from clinging to Jesus.
In this message from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. walks through the story of a man who missed out on an enormous (actually, an eternal) opportunity—all because he was too afraid to take a risk. Thinking only of what he would lose in following Jesus, he never considered what he would gain. It was the biggest mistake of his life. And if we’re not careful, it will the biggest regret of ours, too.
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