Radical with David Platt is a podcast that highlights sermons weekly from teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.
How do you know the Bible is the Word of God? That’s a question Christians should be prepared to answer, particularly since we claim to base our lives, and our eternity, on the truths contained in the words of Scripture. In this message from 2 Timothy 3:16, David Platt offers seven reasons we can be confident that the Bible is God’s Word. Whether you’re a Christian looking to strengthen your trust in God’s Word or a non-Christian who is curious about the claims of Christianity, the spiritual stakes are too high for us to be left wondering about the Bible’s authority. These words have been breathed out by God himself.Â
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Have you ever come to Jesus on his terms? It seems that many professing Christians are ok with following Jesus so long as he can be thrown in the mix with other priorities rather than being the priority. In this message from Luke 14:26–35 by David Platt, we are urged to consider what it means to give Christ our supreme love and loyalty, and our very lives. Ultimately, following Christ shouldn’t be motivated by guilt or a desire to earn God’s favor—which we can’t do—but rather from a sincere and superior love for the One who gave his life for sinners like us.
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Ultimately, there are only two groups of people in the world: (1) those who revere Jesus as the King of their life, and (2) those who reject Jesus as the King of their life. In this Christmas Eve message from Matthew 2:1–12, David Platt challenges us to consider which group we are in. Will we be like Herod and try to rule our own lives, or will we trust in Christ and submit to lordship? The good news of Christmas is that Christ, the true King, laid down his life so that whoever trusts in him can be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life.Â
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Jesus warns us in today’s passage that “many” will be shocked on the last day to find out that they never truly belonged to him. Though they called him “Lord” and performed many works in his name, he will claim that he never knew them. How, then, can we be confident that we are truly following Jesus? In this message from David Platt from Matthew 7:12–27, we are confronted with the decision about whether we will enter by the narrow gate or the wide gate—whether we will truly follow Jesus and live by his teaching or merely maintain a superficial attachment to him. Gratefully, entering God’s kingdom isn’t ultimately based on our own obedience but on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Salvation comes by relying on him.Â
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Are you satisfied with your prayer life? If you’re like many Christians, the answer is no.‬ †But why is that? Why is it that we struggle to spend concentrated time in prayer with the‬ †all-glorious King of the Universe, the only One who can meet our most pressing needs‬ †and truly satisfy us? In this passage from Matthew 7:7–11, Jesus urges his disciples to‬ †be persistent in prayer in light of the goodness and generosity of their Father in heaven.‬ †Though we don’t always know what’s best for us, we can go to God in prayer, trusting‬ †his perfect wisdom and love. This message from David Platt highlights the privilege and‬ †promises of prayer.‬Â
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Jesus said that we must renounce everything if we want to be his disciple. This is the clear teaching of Scripture, but do we believe this? Do we really believe that following Jesus means turning away from the gods of comfort and self, or have we come up with a Jesus of our own devising? In this message from Luke 14:33, David Platt challenges us to hear the call of Jesus: “Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.” Following Jesus is costly, but in the end, it is the path to true and eternal satisfaction.Â
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“Judge not, that you be not judged.” This is one of the best-known verses in all of Scripture, even for non-Christians. Unfortunately, though, it’s also one of the most misunderstood portions of Jesus’ teaching. These words have been misused and twisted, sometimes as an excuse for sin. In this message from Matthew 7:1–6, David Platt helps us see what kind of judgment Jesus wants (and doesn’t want) from his followers. We need the help of God’s Spirit to rightly evaluate our own lives and the lives of others with humility and godly wisdom.Â
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Did you know that you can give, pray, and fast regularly, and yet still fail to please God? It’s entirely possible to do the right things for the wrong reason. In this message from Matthew 6:1–18, David Platt highlights Jesus’ warning about living for the praise and recognition of others. God himself is our reward, and it is enough to know that he sees us.Â
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Who is Jesus? People answer that question in various ways, but Scripture gives us the only true answer. Jesus Christ is unlike any other religious leader in history, for he not only knows our greatest problem but he is also able to address it through his life, death, and resurrection. In this message from Revelation 5:1–14, David Platt points us to a Savior who has overcome death in order to give us eternal life freely. He is worthy of our faith, worship, and devotion.Â
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When you hear the word “worship,” what comes to mind? Your favorite worship songs? A certain feeling or vibe on Sunday morning? Unfortunately, we often put ourselves at the center of Sunday morning rather than the One who should be the focus of our worship. In this message from Mark 11:15–19, David Platt urges us to make sure that God is at the center of our worship. God-centered worship changes not only our heart posture in corporate worship but also the way we live our lives.Â
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Our culture takes the covenant of marriage very lightly and downplays the seriousness of divorce. In our own attempts to find happiness and fulfillment, we’ve sought out what we think is a better way. However, based on Matthew 5:31–37, we see that Jesus has a very different view of marriage and divorce. In this message, David Platt points us to God’s design for marriage—a design that is better for us and that brings him glory. Gratefully, for those who have rejected a biblical view of marriage, God’s grace in the gospel is sufficient for forgiveness and restoration.Â
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