Radical with David Platt

David Platt

Radical with David Platt is a podcast that highlights sermons weekly from teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.

  • 53 minutes 51 seconds
    Recipients of a New Covenant

    As Christians we can easily take for granted the great privilege we have of having access to God through Christ. But when we consider the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man, and all that was involved in approaching God in the Old Testament, the saving work of Christ appears even more glorious. In this message from David Platt from Hebrews 10:19–39, we’re reminded of the infinitely gracious privilege we have as recipients of a new covenant. Those who have put their trust in Christ are invited to come boldly into the presence of God.

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    12 March 2025, 5:00 am
  • 59 minutes 59 seconds
    The Gospel Demands Radical Abandonment - Part 3

    In the Old Testament, God’s people were often promised earthly, physical blessings if they obeyed him. The blessings of land and prosperity were often anticipations of a greater, heavenly reward. In the New Testament, on the other hand, God’s people are not promised wealth or comfort, at least not in the present age. In Mark 10:17–31, Jesus warns us of the danger of treasuring money and making an idol out of it. Our money and our resources should be used for the purpose of his kingdom. David Platt urges Christians in wealthier contexts to take heed of Jesus’ words and to trust in God’s generous provision. 

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    5 March 2025, 6:00 am
  • 55 minutes 59 seconds
    The Gospel Demands Radical Abandonment - Part 2

    In the Old Testament, God’s people were often promised earthly, physical blessings if they obeyed him. The blessings of land and prosperity were often anticipations of a greater, heavenly reward. In the New Testament, on the other hand, God’s people are not promised wealth or comfort, at least not in the present age. In Mark 10:17–31, Jesus warns us of the danger of treasuring money and making an idol out of it. Our money and our resources should be used for the purpose of his kingdom. David Platt urges Christians in wealthier contexts to take heed of Jesus’ words and to trust in God’s generous provision.

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    26 February 2025, 6:00 am
  • 45 minutes 15 seconds
    Christ in You, the Hope of Glory

    As the Lord who has authority over all creation, Jesus Christ did not only come to die on behalf of his people—as amazing as that is—but he also came to live in them! Living the Christian life is not primarily about our wisdom and strength but about Christ’s wisdom and power at work in and through us. In this message from Colossians 1:24–2:5, David Platt points us to the astounding reality of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” 

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    19 February 2025, 7:00 am
  • 58 minutes 2 seconds
    The Gospel Demands Radical Abandonment - Part 1

    If Jesus asked you to give up all your money and possessions in order to follow him, how would you respond? Is your allegiance to money greater than your allegiance to Jesus? In this message from Matthew 10:17–31, Jesus exposes the idolatry of the rich young ruler. While not every Christian is called to give up all their possessions, Jesus’ words should cause every would-be follower to examine their own heart. Our allegiance to Jesus must be greater than our allegiance to money. However, as David Platt points out in this message, the reward Jesus offers is greater—infinitely so!—than any earthly treasure that the world may offer

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    12 February 2025, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    The Gospel Demands Radical Giving

    God freely forgives our sin through the gospel, but he doesn’t intend to leave us in our sins. Genuine faith should lead to a change of heart, and according to Jesus’ teaching in Luke 16:19–31, that change of heart should be evident in the way we treat the poor. Sadly, we are often tempted to ignore the needs of others while prioritizing our own comfort. In this message, David Platt urges us to consider our treatment of the poor and needy as an indication of the condition of our hearts. At the same time, our use of money should not be motivated by guilt but rather by grace. 

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    5 February 2025, 6:00 am
  • 35 minutes 35 seconds
    The Goodness of God in Scripture

    What does it mean that the Lord is our shepherd, and how should this give Christians comfort today? In this message from Psalm 23, David Platt points us to the ways that Psalm 23 highlights the goodness of God and Jesus Christ as the good shepherd who has laid down his life for his sheep. When we realize Who is leading us through life’s dark valleys, we can be confident in his salvation and provision through every trial. 

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    29 January 2025, 6:00 am
  • 59 minutes 45 seconds
    The Gospel Demands Radical Compassion

    Some Christians wrongly assume that the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will. However, if we’re going to follow Jesus and demonstrate radical compassion toward those in need, then safety should not be our ultimate concern. In this message from Matthew 9:35–10:42, David Platt points out that the danger of our lives may actually increase as we follow God’s will. But the good news is that the One who sends us out into the world has promised to be with us, to sustain us, and to give us an eternal reward based on the salvation that he has provided.

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    22 January 2025, 6:00 am
  • 40 minutes 51 seconds
    Is the Bible Reliable?

    How do you know the Bible is the Word of God? That’s a question Christians should be prepared to answer, particularly since we claim to base our lives, and our eternity, on the truths contained in the words of Scripture. In this message from 2 Timothy 3:16, David Platt offers seven reasons we can be confident that the Bible is God’s Word. Whether you’re a Christian looking to strengthen your trust in God’s Word or a non-Christian who is curious about the claims of Christianity, the spiritual stakes are too high for us to be left wondering about the Bible’s authority. These words have been breathed out by God himself. 

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    15 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 40 minutes 7 seconds
    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice

    Have you ever come to Jesus on his terms? It seems that many professing Christians are ok with following Jesus so long as he can be thrown in the mix with other priorities rather than being the priority. In this message from Luke 14:26–35 by David Platt, we are urged to consider what it means to give Christ our supreme love and loyalty, and our very lives. Ultimately, following Christ shouldn’t be motivated by guilt or a desire to earn God’s favor—which we can’t do—but rather from a sincere and superior love for the One who gave his life for sinners like us.

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    8 January 2025, 6:00 am
  • 23 minutes 33 seconds
    Christmas Eve

    Ultimately, there are only two groups of people in the world: (1) those who revere Jesus as the King of their life, and (2) those who reject Jesus as the King of their life. In this Christmas Eve message from Matthew 2:1–12, David Platt challenges us to consider which group we are in. Will we be like Herod and try to rule our own lives, or will we trust in Christ and submit to lordship? The good news of Christmas is that Christ, the true King, laid down his life so that whoever trusts in him can be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life. 

    We hope you'll join us for Secret Church 25 on April 11. For six hours, we’ll dig deep into the book of Matthew and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If you register by April 2 and live in the US, UK, or Canada, we’ll make sure your printed guided scripture journal gets to you in time for the event. Sign up today at radical.net/sc25 

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    1 January 2025, 6:00 am
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