Glory Revolution


Glory Revolution

  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Psalm 23 - Justin Abraham
    God is coming on the earth and mentoring people with the mysteries of the Kingdom. This intoxicating teaching is loaded with priceless gems and wisdom which will revolutionise your thinking. Let it bring you into outrageous joy and rest. After all, “the transition is a new positioning" and "the way you think determines the world that you see!” - Justin Abraham Many have preached on Psalm 23 before but never quite like this! Music at the end is the blissful "Song of the Angels" by Georgian Banov. Available in the iTunes store.
    15 June 2016, 10:32 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Glory Invasion - Justin Abraham
    I think they’re starting to believe... Are you ready ready, ready - for a Glory Invasion? This powerful and intimate teaching was recorded at our Glory Revolution “Ancient Paths” conference in May 2015. Here Justin shares his heart, history & deep longing to see a company of people arise who reflect Him fully. A people so yielded and surrendered to heaven’s purposes that all things truly become possible. Justin shares on God’s heart for the Islamic people, revival and the coming in-gathering of the Kingdom. Are you ready ready, ready? Music by the amazing and inspiring, Godfrey Birtill, "Ring Out Wild Bells", available on iTunes.
    2 April 2016, 7:50 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Creating Worlds - Charlie Shamp
    "What would it look like if the corporate body of God came together and began to create a canopy of the glory of God and began to bring that cloud of His glory into this generation and see the heavenly realm manifest and materialise on the earth"? By faith we understand that the worlds [universe, multiverse, ages, arrangements of space and time] were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Recorded at our recent Glory Revolution, "Sons Revealed" conference in Melbourne, Charlie brilliantly articulates the truth about terraforming our worlds "with the architecture of heaven".
    8 November 2015, 2:23 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Time - The 4th Dimension - Justin Abraham
    Are you governing time or is time governing you? In this new era, God is opening up new revelations and understanding to His people. Old mindsets and paradigms are being replaced. He is setting us free of the human limitations that once kept us anchored and bound to this reality. It's a whole new world and it's time to fly! Recorded at our recent Ancient Paths Conference, Justin shares some of the time miracles that are unfolding at the minute. As you listen, allow Jesus to shatter the glass ceilings that have kept us living too small! The music at the end is the incredible "Fly" from Jason Upton's "Remember" album available on iTunes.
    21 June 2015, 10:56 am
  • 53 minutes 13 seconds
    Heaven’s Culture - Justin Abraham
    Life flows through honour. As supernatural as any manifestation, as mystical as any phenomena, in Heaven’s Culture, HONOUR is the womb of this new move and supernatural love;- the essential component. This challenging teaching was recorded at our recent Ancient Paths Conference in Melbourne and will provoke all who hear it to relentlessly go after shaping and creating a culture of love on earth as it is in heaven. The music at the end is Mark Steen’s Ecstasy of Love from his album Harmonics of Love available on iTunes.
    26 May 2015, 11:01 am
  • 54 minutes 10 seconds
    Unseen to Seen - David von Blanckensee
    An oldie but a goodie. Recorded at the Ecstatic Revolution last year in New Zealand, David takes us behind the veil with ease, to the unseen Kingdom to shape the seen world. Heaven is at hand! Music at the end is the "Rend Collective Experiment" available on iTunes.
    17 May 2015, 12:49 am
  • 47 minutes 8 seconds
    The Banqueting Table - Ian Clayton
    In this life changing session recorded in Nov 2014 during our "Heavenly Courts" conference, Ian unpacks Psalm 23:5 and how to position ourselves "in" this word. "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Ian shares keys to live in such an atmosphere that the enemy cannot touch us. It's where we're seated at the heavenly banqueting table drinking from the cup of joy in the midst of the battle and enjoying rest, refreshment and restoration. Presence driven warfare! The music at the end is "Kabod" from our good friends at Glory Realm Productions. Check them out.
    25 April 2015, 12:42 am
  • 5 minutes 25 seconds
    Prophecy Over Australia - Justin Abraham
    On a day when we celebrate our nation, (Australia Day - January 25) we thought it very timely to release this prophetic word from Justin Abraham over Melbourne and Australia. This powerful word speaks of a move of God, uncontrollable, uncontainable and not birthed by man. A supernatural wildfire that cannot be put out and will impact the nations. Recorded in Melbourne during our very first Glory Revolution meeting.
    25 January 2015, 3:54 am
  • 50 minutes 6 seconds
    The Cloud Community - Milly Bennitt
    This was recorded at our very first Glory Revolution gathering in Nov 2013. The Cloud Community;- A people willing to lay down their lives for His sake and the sake of others. Who recklessly pursue Him to know Him in ever increasing measure. A people who willingly pay any price to experience the more of their God. So they may bear His glorious image! At the end of this podcast, Milly brings a powerful prophetic word over the Nation of Australia before the whole meeting spontaneously erupts in unified worship. We've included a very tiny snippet.
    25 January 2015, 3:35 am
  • 10 minutes 46 seconds
    More Like Jesus - Justin Abraham
    This is a short, power packed leader’s session. Part of our recent Heavenly Courts conference in Melbourne Australia. A heavy, intoxicating presence of God came, enveloping the room with pure bliss and joy and making preaching almost impossible! Simple but profound. God downloaded a weighty message to people while Justin tried to speak on the platform for this new era,- A Culture of Honour. Jesus made himself of no reputation. Jesus was not afraid of mistakes. In fact, He picked a group of people that were bound to make mistakes much like He still does today. I think we should be more like Jesus! The music at the end is a favourite of ours -"Mystical Instrumental" from Mark Steen’s new album, "Spirit Engaged”. Available in iTunes from Jan 1, 2015. Let the Spirit speak richly to you as you enjoy this teaser! Happy New Year!
    31 December 2014, 11:20 am
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