Fiery Crown and Glory

Fiery Crown and Glory

  • 3 minutes 13 seconds

    Let's have a chat with the awesome John Haines from a beautiful community of lovelies who gather together to ascend into the Heavenly Kingdom Realms. 
    Recorded by a waterfall in the great outdoors in Mean wood Valley Trail North Yorkshire Leeds.
    The roaring waterfall frequency, energy, the fountains of life, of glory, the spout of his love.

    Keep your eye peeled for there up & coming interactive week event 'BECOMING' 5th -6th JULY!!!
    Also check out my Youtube Channel and Facebook!

    Janey x


    16 March 2024, 7:46 am
  • 23 minutes 57 seconds
    Episode 4: LIVING OUT OF TIME AND SPACE with Jane Schroeder & Rob Townely

    Enjoy our resent podcast in this series of ramblings living out of time and space. Framing up our Future in Remote sight!

    Also my latest meditation Album 'DEEP' where I share from the heart my intermit encounters with my lover Jesus
    in the Bliss of the kiss.

    A big shout out from me and my precious family to all you lovelies for your support over the years.

    Love ya all


    24 February 2024, 4:05 am
  • 27 minutes 49 seconds
    Episode 3: Sea Side Chat 2 with Lance Canter


    On a warm sunny afternoons visit to Porten Cross Castle West Kilbride. We ventured up the winding steep stairway emerging out on the turret. The stunning breath taking senery, views far and wide. Lance stories  flow forth from remembrance of the places he had resently visited. His incredible knowledge and love of the journeys of the Celtic Saints of Scotland's. The history is rich the radical faith in God, deep intimacy with the father, manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit unlike anything seen in our modern age.

    Check out Lance canter's brillant video series 'In the Footsteps of the Celtic Saints'
    Music by Rob Townely, an innovative guitarist

    Keep your eyes peeled for more in this series of the Celtic Saints

    A massive heart felt apprecation and a big thank you to all our podcast followers, Shalom & blessings,
    love ya all!

    1 October 2021, 9:58 am
  • 16 minutes 5 seconds
    Episode 2: Sea Side Chat with Lance Canter

    One blustery sunny day at the tidal sea cove at Porten Cross Castle West Kilbride, Lance Canter shares his amazing knowledge and love of the journeys of the Celtic Kings of Scotland's. The history is rich the radical faith in God, deep intimacy with the father, manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit unlike anything seen in our modern age.

    Check out Lance canter's brillant video series 'In the Footsteps of the Celtic Saints'
    Music by Rob Townely, an innovative guitarist

    Keep your eyes peeled for more in this series of the Celtic Saints

    A massive apprecation to all our podcast supporters, abundant blessings, we love you all!!!

    2 July 2021, 2:49 pm
  • 28 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 1: Fire Side Chat with Matthew McDowell
    On a warm summers evening sat at the foot of the Dunadd Fort Kilmartin Glen Argyll with my good friend, Irish born Matthew McDowell. Dunadd site is internationally renowned as a royal power centre of the Gaelic kings of Dal Riata from about AD 500 to AD 800. Historically a place where the famious St Columbe visited. This enchanted rugged country side is a perfect place for a spontaneous fire side chat.
    A great big thank you to all our podcast supporters, we love you.
    Check out our free podcast & teachings, by visiting our new website at
    24 May 2021, 3:20 pm
  • 34 minutes 2 seconds
    Captivated in the symphony of sounds in twinning oneness, Jeshua!
    This spontaneous recording at High Mountain Center, (FKA) Fresh Winds Ministries Lake County, CA
    For more of Jane's amazing FREE podcasts go to
    Also you can purchase the deep deep sounds off the Ancient Paths CD at
    Massive thanks to all my international wonderfull partners & family, you are the Best!
    2 November 2020, 8:05 pm
  • 23 minutes 42 seconds
    Precious Metals with Mark Wilburn
    Entrepreneur Mark Wilburn chats with Jane Schroeder about precious metals. Mark shares some golden nuggets of wisdom, advise on the buying power of Silver & Gold. For more information on trading/stocks with Mark & his beautiful wife Kate owners of NEOS Capital Development Group, go to YouTube FREE teachings... A Big shout for your amazing support & partnership, I am forever grateful. Thank you Jane!
    20 October 2020, 1:11 am
  • 49 minutes 53 seconds
    Birthed in Awe & Wonder
    Poetry, inspirational beauty written on my heart...I was born in awe and wonder, I was born out of the burning heart of a King, YHWH! Beautiful Accompanying music is by my good friend Rob Townely and a superb painting by the talented Rebecca Morris This podcast was recorded in Nashville Tennessee by the amazing, passionate Corina Toncz-Pataki of Coming soon my first book "The Secret Diary of Seer" stories, sequence of events as small child of being taken into heaven! Thank you to all my partners & podcast listeners, Shalom!
    19 October 2020, 11:47 pm
  • 44 minutes 43 seconds
    Ireland Wild Celts
    Beautiful Ireland the land of the Wild Celts. A fun light hearted but Deep message "What is true Love from Papa, Abba Father" Jane explores some mysteries, beauty, concerning Agape, Agapeo, Phileo Love of the Father for son. Recorded at The fathers House Community Church Ballyclare Belfas. Sound track by the amazing Rob Townely: You can listen to many more FREE teachings at or purchase some brilliant messages/teachings on the SHOP with... Ian Clayton, Michael Van Vlymen. A Big shout for your amazing support & partnership, I am forever grateful. Thank you - Jane!
    24 October 2019, 11:03 pm
  • 32 minutes 6 seconds
    The Amazing Daniel Black
    My dear friend Daniel Black, a laid down lover of Jesus. Having the privilege & honour to part of his Lovefestglobal team Indonesia mission for last two years. He describes himself as a simple man who believes in loving BIG. A global traveler, speaker, and compassion leader. His home base is in Hong Kong where Daniel & his team visit the red light district seeing Jesus every day bringing transformation to the very street of its heart & love, Jesus amazing love! Be inspired check out his website.... The music at the end is by the talented Rob Towny
    24 October 2019, 9:53 pm
  • 39 minutes 39 seconds
    Engaging Wisdoms Delight
    New Podcast, Engaging Wisdoms Delight. One of a new series of teachings from the Transfigured conference at Fresh Winds Church Califonia. Jane teaches us about Engaging Wisdom with the intent of your heart, turning towards her, she catches your eye. Her delight is in us, she delights in us engaging with her in the full measure, of what we are going to be positioned in Yahweh. Proverbs 8:3 Wisdoms mandate is to bring us into the full pleasure of Yahweh. The Song at the end is by Janine John Band, Continually Before Him Image from the beautiful Rebecca Morris collection of paintings
    Keep your eyes peeled on Shop for latest New Transfigured teachings with Ian Clayton & Jane Schroeder.
    I am forever grateful for your amazing partnership. Thank you Janie!
    3 September 2018, 11:38 am
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