Just and Sinner Podcast

Jordan B Cooper

  • 1 hour 1 minute
    The Communication of Attributes (FC VIII)

    This program discusses article eight of the Formula of Concord in which the relationship between the divine and the human natures in Christ is discussed. This program covers the debates between Lutheran and Reformed theologians on the communication of majesty.

    30 August 2024, 9:56 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Christ's Presence in the Lord's Supper (FC VII)

    This next part in the series of talks on the Formula of Concord addresses the debates surrounding the nature of Jesus's presence in the Lord's Supper.

    26 August 2024, 9:49 pm
  • 44 minutes 1 second
    A Christian Approach to the Relationship Between Theology and Philosophy (What's Wrong with Modern Thought 4)

    This fourth lecture in a series on modern thought discusses how Christians should view the relationship between theology and philosophy, or faith and reason.

    23 August 2024, 3:57 pm
  • 49 minutes 4 seconds
    Poststructuralism and the End of Modernity (What's Wrong with the Modern World 3)

    This third talk in the What's Wrong with the Modern World series addresses the end of modernity and the rise of postmodernity.

    19 August 2024, 3:53 pm
  • 46 minutes 21 seconds
    How Modern Philosophy Shaped the World (What's Wrong with Modern Thought 2)

    This is the second lecture in a series of talks on the ideas of modernity. In this talk, I discuss Rene Descartes. 

    16 August 2024, 3:35 pm
  • 53 minutes 39 seconds
    The Rise of Skepticism (What's Wrong with Modern Thought 1)

    This is the first of five talks I gave on the problems with modern thought and how Lutherans should respond to these challenges. Here I discuss Pierre Charron and the birth of modern skepticism.

    12 August 2024, 3:33 pm
  • 45 minutes 27 seconds
    The Mystery of Beauty

    This is a talk I gave to the Graduate Christian Fellowship at Cornell University on the subject of beauty.

    9 August 2024, 2:56 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    The Third Use of the Law (FC VI)

    This continuation of our study of the Formula of Concord addresses controversies related to the third use of the law. 

    5 August 2024, 2:53 pm
  • 1 hour 22 seconds
    The Distinction Between Law and Gospel (FC V)

    This continuation of our study of the Formula of Concord overviews the distinction between the law and the gospel in light of debates among second generation Lutherans.

    2 August 2024, 9:29 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Are Good Works Necessary for Salvation? (FC Article IV)

    This fourth part of our series on the Formula of Concord address the relationship between good works and salvation.

    29 July 2024, 4:45 pm
  • 44 minutes 21 seconds
    A Lutheran Response to Modernity (What's Wrong with Modern Thought 5)

    This is the final lecture in the What's Wrong with Modern Thought series, in which I provide a Lutheran response to the basic questions and challenges of modernity.

    29 July 2024, 4:05 pm
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