White Horse Inn

White Horse Inn

Do all paths lead to God? Is the Bible history or mythology? Are we saved by grace or good works? Featuring conversations with Christians from a variety traditions, this program is designed to give you a better understanding of what you believe and why you believe it.

  • 46 minutes 3 seconds
    The Heart of the Lord’s Prayer With Adriel Sanchez

    Watch this conversation at YouTube.com/@WhiteHorse1990

    Bob Hiller sits down with Adriel Sanchez to discuss the most famous prayer in history and his new book, Praying with Jesus: Getting to the Heart of the Lord’s Prayer. Adriel is the pastor of North Park Presbyterian Church in San Diego and the host of Sola Media’s radio program, Core Christianity. 

    Pastor Adriel shares how the Lord’s Prayer presupposes the gospel and the doctrine of the Trinity, and how prayer is itself a gift as well as a discipline that requires intentionality on the part of the Christian. Listen in as Bob and Adriel also walk through the petitions of our Lord’s Prayer and how practicing the prayer transforms our lives. (Episode SP017)


    • Adriel Sanchez is senior pastor of North Park Presbyterian Church in San Diego and cohost of the Core Christianity radio program. He is also the author of Praying with Jesus: Getting to the Heart of the Lord’s Prayer.
    • Bob Hiller is the Senior Pastor of Community Lutheran Church in Escondido, California. He is also the author of Finding Christ in the Straw.


    2 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 38 minutes 42 seconds
    A Vision for a Modern Reformation: From Dechurched to Rechurched

    We can't go back to the church environments we grew up with, we can only go forward. So what would a healthy modern reformation and a Great Rechurching look like? Rather than wallowing in pessimism and longing to return to the church of yesteryear, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Justin Holcomb, and Walter Strickland discuss how the church today can reform and be marked by orthodoxy, love, and resilient joy.




    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]


    Featuring:  Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    28 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 38 minutes 42 seconds
    Equipping You to Minister to the Dechurched in Your Life

    If you go to church, do you know why you attend? Do you know why your friends and family have casually just stopped going to church? How can we talk about the necessity of the church in a way that is beautiful and life-giving, but goes beyond personal preference? In this episode, Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Walter Strickland, and Bob Hiller answer these questions and more as they discuss how Christians can reach out to their dechurched friends, family, and neighbors.


    “When asked how willing they would be to go back to church, 51 percent said they are either somewhat willing or very willing—51 percent! Unsurprisingly, the reasons they would come back also represent a longing to belong. These dechurched evangelicals said they would come back if they made new friends (28%), if they move and want to make new friends (18%), if they became lonely and want to make new friends (20%), if their children want to go (16%), if their spouse wants to go (18%), if a friend invites them (17%), if there is a good pastor (18%), if they find a good community (17%), if they miss their church community (20%), or if they just find a church they like (14%). This group's high orthodoxy scores also inform other reasons they would come back: if they feel the distance from God (20%) or if God tells them to go back in some significant way (18%). The main takeaway here is that many dechurched evangelicals simply need a friend to invite them to church.” - The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? by Jim Davis and Michael Graham, with Ryan P. Burge, p. 28.



    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]


    Featuring:  Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    21 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 40 minutes 24 seconds
    How the Local Church Can Minister to the Dechurched

    What happened in American culture and in the church from the 1970s-1990s? What were the conversations and big concerns of that time when White Horse Inn recorded its first episodes? In answering some of these questions, churches can get their bearings as to what trends have impacted those who no longer sit in their pews and what to do about it.


    “The early 1990s was an inflection point for American religion. Between the early 1970s and 1990s, the share of Americans who had no religious affiliation had only risen two points. But from that point forward, the nones would grow by a percentage point or two nearly every year through the following three decades.” - Ryan Burge, “‘OK Millennial’: Don’t Blame the Boomers for Decline of Religious America


    Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb discuss how modern historical events and trends have impacted church attendance today and how to respond.


    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]

    Featuring: Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    14 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    The Great Dechurching, with Michael Graham and Jim Davis

    Justin Holcomb interviews Jim Davis and Michael Graham, authors of The Great Dechurching, to discuss why forty million Americans have stopped attending church in the past 25 years. Many attribute church decline to encroaching secular trends, abuse in the church, or spiritual deconstruction. While all of these trends have spiked in recent years, Davis and Graham, with the help of Ryan Burge, reveal that these factors are not the primary causes for the erosion of church attendance and share what the church can do to turn back those estranged from her.



    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]

    Featuring: Justin Holcomb, Michael Graham and Jim Davis


    7 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 42 minutes 6 seconds
    Preaching the Resurrection Amidst the Mockery of the World

    On this Easter Sunday, we join Paul at the Areopagus in Acts 17. Hosts Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Walter Strickland, and Bob Hiller dive into Paul’s apologetic approach as he speaks to his pagan audience and how on Easter we will, like Paul, be mocked by some for preaching the resurrection of the dead, while others will want to hear more about its hope and promise. 




    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]


    Featuring:  Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    31 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 38 minutes 52 seconds
    Preaching That Frees Us from the Law

    In Acts 13:16-41, we encounter the newly converted Paul preaching at the synagogue in Antioch. In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb discuss what happened between Stephen’s death and Paul’s conversion, and what uniquely transformed Paul from a law-abiding Pharisee to preaching “[freedom] from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses.” 




    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]


    Featuring:  Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    24 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 42 minutes 24 seconds
    Preaching That Endures the Anger of Mobs

    In Acts 7, we see Stephen’s sermon before the Sanhedrin. What did he say that enraged those he was speaking to and how can we model his posture of forgiveness in the face of persecution? Hosts Michael Horton, Walter Strickland, Bob Hiller, and Justin Holcomb trace Stephen’s redemptive historical tour de force that ultimately culminates in his martyrdom and ask how we can model our own lives and ministries after his example.



    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]


    Featuring:  Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    17 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 36 minutes 3 seconds
    Preaching Repentance to the Religious and Irreligious Alike

    Why was Jesus sent to the Jews first? How does the church relate to Israel now? In Acts 3:12-26, Peter continues to unravel for the “Men of Israel” how Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises made to the Patriarchs, Moses, and the Prophets. In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Justin Holcomb, and Walter Strickland discuss Peter’s second sermon, how Christianity and Judaism became their own distinct religions, and how the preaching of the gospel calls for the religious and irreligious alike to repent and have faith in Christ.



    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]


    Featuring: Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    10 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 50 minutes 2 seconds
    A Tribute to Rod Rosenbladt
    Watch this conversation at youtube.com/@whitehorse1990   Let’s just go to the OK Corral together to defend the gospel and help people.” In this episode of White Horse Inn, original hosts, Michael Horton, Ken Jones, and Kim Riddlebarger discuss the impact and legacy of their dear friend and former co-host, Rod Rosenbladt. Rod died after a brief illness on February 2, 2024. For those at White Horse Inn, “Dad Rod” was more than just a regular voice articulating a confessional Lutheran distinctive on the radio. He was a mentor, a father in the faith, and a trusted friend.   Listen in to hear how Mike, Kim, and Ken met Rod, how he had a desire to win people, not arguments, and how he never forgot to point us all away from ourselves to “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
    8 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 44 minutes 47 seconds
    Preaching That Cuts to the Heart

    What can the modern church learn from apostolic preaching in Acts? More than we may realize. In this episode, Michael Horton, Walter Strickland, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller uncover many of the key themes, components, and characteristics of apostolic preaching. Starting with Peter’s Pentecost sermon in Acts 2:14-40, the hosts discuss the hermeneutics of the apostles and how we can use their insights in the Old Testament to “cut to the heart” of those who hear our message today. 



    For more information, visit us at whitehorseinn.org or email us at [email protected]

    Featuring: Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb


    3 March 2024, 9:00 am
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