Kasey Van Norman

Kasey Van Norman

The audio teachings of licensed counselor & bestselling author, Kasey Van Norman.

  • 1 hour 33 seconds
    Staying Salty & Sober: Getting Real with Self for the Sake of Others | Session 8 (FINAL), Salt & Light Series

    *Please be patient with background construction noise through first half of teaching. In the final session of the Salt & Light Series, Kasey teaches us the power of becoming more self-aware for the sake of loving others who are different than us. In this teaching Kasey covers: what anxiety points to, why we sin, how we effectively regulate our mind to deal with our childlike view of the world, and how we get real about our implicit biases, specifically, racial stereotypes. 

    This teaching was recorded live at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX on March 14, 2022.

    15 March 2022, 8:59 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    The Sex Talk: From Idol to Altar | Session 7, Series: Salt & Light

    In this session Kasey unpacks the ways culture has distorted God's covenant design for sex through pornography, cohabitation, modesty in dress, and entertainment. As we learn the rich meaning behind Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 6, we are empowered as parents, friends, brothers & sisters in Christ, to take drastic measures burning our idol of self-pleasure on the altar of intimacy with Christ. Parents, this teaching may not be suitable for young listeners, but, may be helpful in giving you language for talking openly with your children about their body, sex, and how much God loves them.

    This session was recorded live at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX on 03/07/2022.  

    8 March 2022, 3:37 pm
  • 55 minutes 36 seconds
    Submission in Marriage | Session 6, Series: Salt & Light

    You are listening to session 6 of a weekly Bible study series, entitled, "Salt & Light: Biblical Responses to Polarizing Issues." Taught by author & counselor, Kasey Van Norman. This was recorded live on 2/28/22 at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX. 

    2 March 2022, 3:16 am
  • 57 minutes 8 seconds
    The Order of Eden: God’s Design for Gender & Marriage | Session 5, Series:Salt & Light

    You are listening to session 5 of Kasey Van Norman's weekly Bible study series, entitled: "The Order of Eden: God's Design for Gender & Marriage." This session was recorded live on 02/21/2022 at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX. 

    22 February 2022, 8:38 pm
  • 56 minutes 25 seconds
    When Love Sets Free | Session 4, Series: Salt & Light

    You are listening to session 4 of a weekly Bible study series, entitled, "Salt & Light: Biblical Responses to Today's Most Polarizing Issues" by author & counselor, Kasey Van Norman. This was recorded live on 02/14/2022 at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX.

    15 February 2022, 9:12 pm
  • 59 minutes 26 seconds
    Comfort or Cross | Session 3, Series: Salt & Light

    You are listening to session 3 of a 7-week teaching series, entitled "Salt & Light" by Kasey Van Norman. This session was recorded live at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX on 02-07-2022.

    8 February 2022, 1:28 pm
  • 54 minutes 4 seconds
    The Greatest Offense | Session 2, Series: Salt & Light

    This is a 7-week teaching series led by Kasey Van Norman, entitled; "Salt & Light: Biblical Responses to Today's Most Polarizing Issues" | You are listening to Session 2, taught live at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX on 01-31-2022.

    1 February 2022, 4:29 pm
  • 40 minutes 7 seconds
    What’s Your Truth? | Session 1, Series: Salt & Light

    This is the beginning of a 7-week teaching series led by Kasey Van Norman, entitled; "Salt & Light: Biblical Responses to Today's Most Polarizing Issues" | You are listening to Session 1, taught live at Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX.  

    26 January 2022, 3:18 am
  • 1 hour 46 seconds
    The Kingdom Within | Kasey Van Norman

    Teaching 10/15/21. Kasey teaches through the book of Matthew with her home church Bible study group, Faith Bible Church in Bryan, TX.

    19 October 2021, 9:06 pm
  • 45 minutes 36 seconds
    Trust the Plan

    Be encouraged as Kasey shares 3 Biblical anchors to help us trust the eternal plan of God in the moments we feel tempted to doubt. Understand the inner-working of human compromise, how the enemy tempts us to believe a lie, and learn 3 ways to re-align yourself in to the perfect, ongoing will of God.

    {Recorded March 7, 2020 at the Extraordinary Women's Conference in Tulsa, OK}.

    *To learn more about upcoming events & where Kasey will be next: https://kaseyvannorman.com/events

    *To learn more about Kasey's books & Bible studies: https://kaseyvannorman.com/books

    *To request Kasey to speak for your upcoming event: https://kaseyvannorman.com/request

    *Connect with Kasey via the following ways: https://kaseyvannorman.com/media

    {Copyright Kasey Van Norman Ministries, 2020. You are allowed to share/publish this content without charging for distribution}.

    22 March 2020, 9:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 22 seconds
    I Don't Know How to Not Love You

    How do we live as free, authentic believers? In this teaching, Kasey teaches powerful truths from the beloved ROMANS 8. She shares openly about how God loved her through painful seasons of habitual sin. And how God's love finally became her reality.  

    12 December 2019, 8:23 pm
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