Pirate Monk Podcast

Nate Larkin

A (mostly) weekly podcast produced by members of the Samson Society

  • 47 minutes 53 seconds
    449 |  Juliane Taylor Shore | The Brain Wears History Colored Glasses

     The Brain Wears History Colored Glasses w/ Juliane Taylor Shore

    Aaron recaps the 2024 Samson Summit. He shares his takeaways on vulnerability, storytelling and five senses activities. Then he has bad internet. Nate discusses the first ever Canadian retreat June 6-8, eh.

    This week, Nate interviews Juliane Taylor Shore. Juliane is an author, speaker, teacher, therapist, and leads online and in-person intensives and workshops. She nerds out (in a good way) on neuroscience as she shares ways with us on understanding and creating new internal practices for health and safety. Juliane shares a quote that the “brain is your body’s captive audience” in learning to hear and understand ourselves. The thinking brain is good at some stuff, the feeling brain is good at other stuff, and faster. She walks us through an exercise on setting psychological boundaries and explains the process of creating new neural networks engaging the heart and belly.

    Juliane Taylor Shore

    Setting Boundaries That Stick: How Neurobiology Can Help Rewire Your Brain to Feel Safe, Connected, and Empowered
    Descarte’s Error: Emotional, Reason, and the Human Brain, by: Antonio Damasio

    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    24 January 2025, 1:50 am
  • 48 minutes 29 seconds
    448 | Zack Brittle | Poetic and Mad Science Therapy

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron talk about experiences at the 2024 Italian Samson Retreat with nuns.

    Our Guest: Zach Brittle, who is the only Gottman and RLT trained couples therapist in the world. He is also a cohost of Marriage Therapy Radio, a husband, father, teacher, and four years sober, recovering alcoholic. Zach discusses getting married at 23 and being happily married for 24 of the 27 years. He works for the Gottman Institute and tells us the origins of the Gottman method and why it's so effective in therapy. Zach encourages us to be curious about the possibilities for our relationship beyond repairing the issue that brought us to therapy. Also, being curious about what’s not being said, and the origins of addiction and shame. He shares the science behind successful marriage repair. He leaves us with many hopeful and positive resources as well.

    Zach Brittle
    Marriage Therapy Journal By: Zach Brittle
    The Relationship Alphabet: A Practical Guide to Better connection for Couples: By Zach Brittle
    Reconnect: A Marriage Counseling Workbook: Guided Conversations and Exercises for Long-Lasting Relationship By: Zach Brittle and Laura Heck
    Other Books Mentioned:
    I Don’t Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression By: Terrence Real
    Us: Getting Past You & Me to Build a More Loving Relationship By: Terrence Real
    How Can I get Through to You: Reconnecting Men and Women By: Terrence Real
    The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work By: John Gottman and Nan Silver

    2025 Samson Summit

    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    16 January 2025, 4:59 am
  • 55 minutes 1 second
    447 | Alexandra Repke | Father Forgive Them…

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron are live and in color. Aaron says interesting things and swallows spit. Nate escapes the bitter cold of Tennessee, because he is old.

    Exciting News: Pure Desire, 7-Pillars is moving from Portland to the Nashville area, and there will be an Austria Samson retreat in 2025!

    Our Guest: Dr. Alexandra Repke has a background in criminology, correction, forensics, and personality disorders as they relate to addiction and recovery. She discusses her understanding of why psychology has yet to catch up with biblical truths. Alexandra also shares the four deep keys and considerations to forgiveness from real world experiences. She drops the bomb that the lack of forgiveness fuels addiction. Perk up for a great show this week, folks.

    Repke Psychological Services
    2025 Samson Summit
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    9 January 2025, 4:59 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    446 | Mark and Michelle Hollingsworth | From Knowledge to Experience

    On this episode: Aaron interviews Mark and Michelle Hollingsworth.

    Our Guests: Mark and Michelle are trauma trained at the Allender Center and Art of Living Counseling Center in narrative focused healing as marriage counselors. They come from experience, navigating and recovering from an affair. They discuss offloading the burdens of trauma and secrets. Mark and Michelle talk about shame in the ministry, lack of Christian and church support, and navigating people that don’t know what to do with the pain. We learn how to bless the process of healing, and that everyone’s process is different. They also talk about when and how to share with children.

    Soul Reserve
    2025 Samson Summit
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    2 January 2025, 4:59 am
  • 55 minutes 7 seconds
    445 | Tom Bellamy | Limerence

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron end 2024 with hope. Aaron feels it in his chest. Nate revisits old recovery. Nate predicts the best national retreat ever, and Aaron may hula.

    Our Guest: Dr. Tom Bellamy is from the UK and an expert on the topic of limerence. He explains that limerence has properties similar to drugs and expires fairly quickly. He discusses the history and how to recognize the limerence type of love. Dr. Tom also gives help on how to end it, and even how to prevent it in the future. 

    Book: Smitten: Romantic Obsession the Neuroscience of Limerence, and how to Make Love Last
    Book: Living with Limerence: A Guide for the Smitten
    Living With Limerence
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    26 December 2024, 4:59 am
  • 45 minutes 22 seconds
    444 | Kimberly Panganiban | The Sex “Need”

    On this episode: This week, it's Friday to Aaron.

    Our Guest: Kimberly Panganiban is a Gottman-trained LMFT with a Filipino last name. She tells her story of being curious about people and her parent's divorce that led her to the therapy field. Kimberly shares that many sexual problems in marriage are simply misalignments and are repairable with the help of an outsider. She discusses the importance of sexual communication, so that a couple is connecting, not merely having a mechanical event. How pressure, rejection, and one-sided pursuit all kill libido and cause resentment. Kimberly tells us that it is important to discuss uncommunicated expectations explicitly. She also encourages everyone to shop around for therapists or counselors -- you are not obligated to the first one.

    Kimberly Panganiban
    Therapy Coach at Gottman Institute
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    19 December 2024, 4:59 am
  • 59 minutes 18 seconds
    443 | Christine Baker | Learning to Fight a Bear, Run Away from a Bear, or Drop Dead

    On this episode: Aaron is excited.

    Our Guest: Christine Baker is a PHD, CSAT, LPC, SEP, and a sex addiction therapist. She shares her journey from working at the Baptist Children’s home and attending a lecture that led her to pursue sex addiction therapy for women. Christine later transitioned into sex addiction therapy for men and women, stating the value and importance of helping men heal and relate to women in a healthy and appropriate way. She talks about why it's easier for males to get into sexual recovery than females. They discuss the trend of women having a higher growth rate as sex addicts than men. She explains “stuck” responses and give tips on how to get “unstuck” to be able to move forward to grow and heal. Christine gives some practical tips on how to begin a habit of thinking rationally in our routines.

    Wayfare Counseling
    Christine Baker on Instagram
    Sensation Slide
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    12 December 2024, 4:59 am
  • 59 minutes 1 second
    442 | Sam Jolman | Bless the Arousal

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron talk about different seasons of life. They share how important it is to balance parts of life, including: work, friends, play, and scheduling.

    Our Guest: Sam Jolman shares how he asked his brother to clarify sexual questions for him. They discuss how many people are sexually awakened and then immediately shamed. Sam shows us how to welcome one's sexuality, learning to respond with awe instead of lust. He talks about the different experiences of coming to sexual intimacy regulated and unregulated. And Aaron discusses how he raises his Ebenezer.

    Sam Jolman
    Book: The Sex Talk You Never Got: Reclaiming the Heart of Masculine Sexuality
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    5 December 2024, 4:59 am
  • 56 minutes 16 seconds
    441 | Shane Ramer | Sober Recreation

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron talk about healthy play. Nate shares what it's like to attend 3 intensives in 2 months. He shares the joy and relief in attending intensives instead of leading them.

    Our Guest: Shane Ramer is an old school skater, recovery coach, and podcaster. They discuss recreation and fun in sobriety and fighting the boredom. Shane shares why community is important, even when we may have found it in the wrong places at times. How giving back and volunteering helps to heal and grow along the healing path. Also, when to surrender and ask for help.

    That Sober Guy Podcast
    That Sober Guy
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    28 November 2024, 4:59 am
  • 59 minutes 27 seconds
    440 | Carrie Cole | Re-Marriage

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron are back for another episode of the podcast a few people will enjoy. This podcast took a year off of Aarons Life. Planning for the Italy and Germany retreats are discussed, as well as Octoberfest.

    Our Guest: Dr. Carrie Cole is director of research, training, and runs the “Love Lab” at the Gottman Institute. She performs analysis of relationships. Carrie shares through research that men are more emotional than women and stay that way longer. Discussion includes reasons for jumping into a new relationship too soon (rebound), even if by accident, having sex or being physical too soon, and the desire to be cared for. Aaron discusses his @$$hole theory of dating. Other topics include helping all couples grow and understand the perpetual problems in a relationship. Carrie also offers a tool to help couples repair after an argument.

    Gottman Institute
    Carrie’s Contact
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    21 November 2024, 4:59 am
  • 58 minutes 59 seconds
    439 | Vicky Easa | Time-Outs and Connection

    On this episode: Nate and Aaron bring the podcast back. Aaron wears pants and a hat on Thursday. Nate is still swimming and reads Lonely All the Time. And Aaron goes to jail.

    Our Guest: Vickey Easa is a therapist and podcaster in Boston Mass via SoCal. She discusses the cultural challenges of how sarcasm is avoiding vulnerability and also blocks intimacy. Understanding how males use insults to show love, especially in the show Friends. Vickey helps couples work through why we keep reacting and not connecting. Seeing each other’s pasts and stories, and how it has shaped their present messages. Vickey shares the downsides of how the brain reacts in self-preservation when there is a desire to connect. She offers simple steps for couples in the form of time-outs to help rebuild after arguments.

    Unmess Your Mind
    Book: Lonely All the Time: Recognizing, Understanding, and Overcoming Sex Addiction, for Addicts and Co-Dependents
    2024 Samson Summit
    Life Works Counseling


    If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to [email protected].  

    The music on this podcast is contributed by members of the Samson Society and www.fiftysounds.com.

    For more information on this ministry, please visit samsonsociety.com

    Support for the women who have been impacted by our choices is available at sarahsociety.com.

    The Pirate Monk Podcast is provided by Samson Society, a ministry of Samson House, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. To help support the vision, please consider a contribution to Samson House.

    14 November 2024, 4:59 am
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