Network Radio


Topics discussed Ascension, Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Metaphysics

  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    David McCready - Life beyond the Earht Plane and the assistance we get from beings on other worlds

    Today we discuss life beyond the Earht (Earth) Plane, and the considerable assistance we get from beings on other worlds.

    David McCready is the author of Real Alien Worlds, The Great Simulator books and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.

    David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.

    1 December 2020, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 59 seconds
    Richard Martini - Past life Regression - Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code

    Hello and welcome to the Spirit Guides Podcast with your host Mark Chatterton. Today I am pleased to welcome on board from the USA, film maker, author and musician, Richard Martini. Rich has been involved in directing and making films in Hollywood for several years now including, You Can’t Hurry Love, Point of Betrayal and My Bollywood Bride. In 2012 he directed a documentary on the work of Michael Newton on past life regression, and it is through his work in filming past life regression sessions that he has become involved in the world of the Afterlife, or the “Flipside” as he calls it. As a result, he has written and published six books about this subject. His first book, Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on how to Navigate the Afterlife, became a best seller on Amazon. He has recently released his sixth book, entitled Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code – Discovering the Blueprint for the Great Beyond. He also regularly has a “Hacking the Afterlife Podcast” which you can see on his website “The Martini Shot”. I think you would agree that Rich has plenty of different experiences to talk about, so a warm welcome to the show Rich.

    How did you first get involved with filming these past life regressions?

    You come from a Catholic background and were naturally sceptical when you first started recording these past life regressions. What was it that made you change your viewpoint about all this? Was there one particular event which affected you or was it a gradual process?

    I understand that you have done some past life regressions yourself and that you have found that you once lived the life of a Buddhist monk in Tibet. What did you make of that and how has that revelation affected you?

    In 2006 you visited Tibet, making a documentary with the Buddhist scholar, Robert Thurman, (father of actress Una Thurman). Before that you had made another documentary on Tibetans in exile in Dharamansala, India. So you seemed to being drawn to Tibet at that time?

    What’s your view about angels?

    In your latest book, Architecture of the Afterlife: The Flipside Code you include a session with the British medium, Tony Stockwell, who will be familiar to many of our viewers and listeners. How did you come to meet up with him and who did he channel in the session he did for you?

    7 November 2020, 5:55 pm
  • 33 minutes 23 seconds
    Lorna Byrne - Love from Heaven - Interview with TheSpiritGuides

    Hello and welcome to the Spirit network radio show with your host Mark Chatterton. Today we are pleased to welcome back on the show, Lorna Byrne from Ireland. Lorna has been seeing and speaking to angels all her life and her best selling book, Angels in My Hair brought Lorna’s story to millions of people world wide. She has recently just had her fourth book published called, Love from Heaven, which we are going to discuss today. So a warm welcome to you Lorna.

    Let’s begin by talking about the title of your new book, Love from Heaven, which is all about Love as a force. Do you mean a physical or a spiritual force?

    You haven’t mentioned Love in this sense before in your books, so why now?

    You talk in the book about how all humans have love in them, yet many of us lock away this love, due to lots of things like hurt or anger early on in our lives. How can the listeners help people like this who have locked away the love that is in them?

    Does this mean that people we think of as evil leaders are not necessarily evil, but it’s just that the love that is within them is locked away so deeply that it is never shown in their lives?

    Quite often when you describe what a guardian angel looks like, you describe them as wearing armour. Does this in some way reflect the mood of the human they are connected to, or does it mean that the angels are in some sort of battle taking place?

    In Love from Heaven there is a whole chapter on the environment, especially on the hole in the ozone layer.

    People seem to have forgotten that particular problem. What should we be doing to try and stop this getting worse?

    You also mention Fracking which many politicians see as a solution to the world’s energy needs. Yet there are so many problems caused by fracking in places like America and Australia, such as water coming out of the taps that you can set alight with a match. It seems that the people in charge don’t care about what happens to the planet and are more interested in making money.

    Later on the book, you mention how jealousy eats away at people, yet competition is not at all bad. I would say that competition is quite a negative thing as it divides people and turns them away from each other, not in as strong a way as jealousy, but it is till a divisive force.

    In the past couple of years or so, it would seem that the world has become more violent again, with conflicts in Syria, Africa and now more recently in Iraq. Are the angels trying to stop all this from happening?

    What can we be doing to help the world become a better place?

    What plans have you got for the future?

    7 November 2020, 5:51 pm
  • 34 minutes
    David McCready - Astral Projection and seeking higher awareness

    Welcome to interview series with inspirational holistic and spiritual teachers.

    Today we have David McCready, the author of Real Alien Worlds Volumes 1 to 7 and The Great Simulator parts 1,2 and 3 and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.

    David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.

    David's experiences have taken him to higher astral worlds and beyond into the non-physical, beyond the human form or ego.

    He has also experienced other parallel worlds and human civilizations and brought back a wealth of spiritual knowledge to assist others in doing so too.We will touch on many subjects in this show but endeavor dig deeper into other subjects in future recordings.

    7 November 2020, 5:51 pm
  • 50 minutes 26 seconds
    Surviving Corona Virus from a Spiritual and Energetic Perspective with David McCready

    Today we discuss how to survive the Corona Virus from an energetic perspective. What is a virus? How does it affect us spiritually and energetically. How we can align our energy system and thoughts to stay healthy. In the middle of the show David shares a powerful yet simple meditation technique to help align the body with your higher being and channel healing energies flowing from us from source and grounding them back into nature.

    David McCready is the author of Real Alien Worlds Volumes 1 to 7 and The Great Simulator parts 1,2 and 3 and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.

    David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.

    David's experiences have taken him astrally to the higher astral worlds and beyond into the non physical, beyond the human form or ego. He has also experienced other parallel worlds and human civilisations and brought back a wealth of spiritual knowledge to assist others in doing so too.

    7 November 2020, 5:51 pm
  • 28 minutes 42 seconds
    The Power of Thankfulness with Mark Chatterton

    Hello and welcome to the interview series with your host, Ian Jones. Today I would like to welcome to the show my co-host and partner, Mark Chatterton. Over the years Mark has written several articles for the website and interviewed several of the top names in Spirituality and Metaphysics including Eben Alexander, Lorna Byrne, Diana Cooper and Anthony Peake. Today the tables are turned and Mark is going to be interviewed by me, particularly about his new book, The Power of Thankfulness. So welcome Mark.

    Before we talk about your book, TheSpiritGuides viewers will have noticed that you have been absent from the website in the past few years. Was there any particular reason for this?

    You have a degree in Theology from Oxford University. Did you choose that subject because you were into religion at the time and how has that experience shaped the belief system that you have today?

    You’ve recently written a book about Thankfulness, called “The Power of Thankfulness”. Where did the idea come from for the book?

    Could you explain to the listeners how you see Thankfulness as being different to Gratitude?

    What would you say are the benefits of Thankfulness if you practise it on a regular basis?

    There have been a lot of Scientific studies into Thankfulness and Gratitude, especially in the United States. Could you tell us about some of these?

    In your book you mention the idea of keeping a diary or journal to record your thankfulness experiences. How important is this?

    What else can readers find in the book?

    Currently we are in a Lockdown situation due to the Coronavirus pandemic both here in the UK and in many other countries of the world. Would you say that you can still be Thankful in this situation?

    7 November 2020, 5:51 pm
  • 30 minutes 34 seconds
    Consciousness in a Virtual Reality Holographic Universe and Missing Time with Terry Edwards

    Hello and welcome to the / Podcast with your host, Mark Chatterton. Today I would like to welcome to the show Terry Edwards, who is the author of two books, Consciousness in a Virtual Reality Holographic Universe, a metaphysical book, and Missing Time, a novel.

    Terry was psychic as a child and trained as a healer and medium as a young man. After graduating with a degree in Physics in 1972, he then went on to gain a Master of Science degree in 1978. He worked in several jobs connected with Science and Computing before finishing his working life in the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. He now writes and gives talks and interviews about the connection between Science and the metaphysical world. So welcome Terry.

    You trained as a healer and a medium when you were younger, but eventually stopped doing this. What was the reason?

    I would guess that as a Mathematician numbers have always played an important role in your life. How do you see numbers as being part of the Universe?

    You mention the concept of Systems in both of your books. Could you explain to those watching what you mean by them?

    If we move onto your novel, Missing Time, which was published late last year, could you tell us a little bit about what it is about?

    Talking about Karma, many people believe that the Coronavirus Pandemic is a type of Karma. What do you think about it all?

    Also, Money seems to be at the heart of all that is going on. Do you agree?

    When you decided to complete the story, what was your objective in writing it?

    You decided to publish Missing Time yourself, rather than through a commercial publisher. What was your thinking behind this decision?
    Finally, have you got any other books in the pipeline?

    7 November 2020, 5:50 pm
  • 29 minutes 21 seconds
    Keith Xander on his NDE, Spirituality, Consciousness and Xander and the Peace Pirates.

    Hello and welcome to today’s show where I am pleased to welcome Keith Xander of the group Xander and the Peace Pirates. Keith is the lead singer and lead guitarist with the band who hail from Liverpool. Through their album 11:11 and live concerts the band have gained a large following of fans from around the world, supporting the likes of Bon Jovi and Mannfred Mann’s Earthband on the way. So a warm welcome to you Keith.

    Let’s start with the name of the band, Xander and the Peace Pirates. I suppose many people when they hear the name think that you are Xander, yet that is your surname and you have your brother, Stuart playing alongside you.

    The Pirates part of the name comes from the hook that you have on your right arm as you were born without a right hand. Yet that hasn’t held you back and you can play the guitar comfortably with the hook. Can you tell us a little about what it was like growing up and how you feel about your body nowadays?

    On your first album, many of the songs are about spiritual subjects. Can you explain how the spiritual side of life has become an influence in your life?

    Also, on the album you have an excerpt of a speech by Alan Watts, the author of The Way of Zen. Is he someone who has inspired you?

    You called your first album, 11:11 and have a facebook page about this number. What does 11:11 mean to you?

    I understand that you had a Near Death Experience several years ago. How did that come about?

    You have been influenced by the teachings of Adyashanti, an American spiritual teacher. What would you say attracts you to his teaching?

    Are there any books that you have read that have inspired you greatly?

    How are you finding life in these strange times of Lockdown. Do you have anything that you would like to say to people listening in about it?

    A little bird told me that there was a strong possibility that Xander and the Peace Pirates might have been playing at Glastonbury this year and that Glastonbury founder, Michael Eavis was so impressed that he said you should be up on the Pyramid Stage!

    Am I correct in saying that you have got a new album written and all ready to go, but you are still seeking a record deal for it?

    7 November 2020, 5:50 pm
  • 23 minutes
    Astrologer, Helen Sewell on current affairs. Covid-19, world events and more...

    Hello and welcome to the Spirit Guides and Enjoy Holistic Podcast with your host Mark Chatterton. I am pleased to be able to welcome back onto the show the astrologer Helen Sewell, who is going to be answering my questions mainly about the Covid 19 virus, as well as a few other things. I first interviewed Helen eight years ago in 2012 and we discussed the year 2012 and its significance, as it was such an important year. It looks like 2020 is also going to be a significant year so a warm welcome to you Helen.

    To start with, let’s go back to 2012 when I first interviewed you. Back then there was a lot of talk about the date of the 21st December 2012 being such an important changing point for mankind. Yet many would say nothing really happened, nothing really changed. Would you agree?

    Moving onto 2020, and the coronavirus pandemic, many people would say, “ I didn’t see that coming”. What about astrology? Were there any indications in the charts that either you, or other people did, that predicted this event?

    What about the future after this has all died down? Will things return to the way there were, ie “back to normal”, or are things going to be different?

    With all that has been going on in America (and in the UK) regarding “Black Lives Matter” has there been any indication in Astrology that things will change in America regarding Black People’s human rights?

    Also, what about the US President? I would guess that many astrologers did his chart when he became president. Have you ever looked at his astrological chart?

    You also do relationship counselling. Has the Lockdown caused an increase in relationship breakdown, ie the fact that people are living close together all the time. And have you found yourself being involved in more counselling of this type?

    7 November 2020, 5:50 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Anthony Peake - The Hidden Universe. What's Reality, Synchronicity and Alien Abductions

    Hello and welcome to the Spirit network Radio Show with your host, Mark Chatterton. Today I would like to welcome back onto the show researcher and author Anthony Peake. Anthony is now the author of over ten books covering the human mind, consciousness and their relationship to science. In fact he is fast becoming one of the leading lights into the study of altered states of consciousness.

    His first book, Is There Life after Death – The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die has now sold in excess of 60,000 copies. His latest book, The Hidden Universe – An Investigation into Non-Human Intelligences was published late last year, just before the Coronavirus Epidemic took hold. In it Anthony looks at subjects such as Alien Abduction, Religious Visions, Shamanism, Imaginary Childhood Friends, Ghosts and a whole host of other “Intelligences”, some of which we will talk about today. So a warm welcome to you Anthony.

    It is now getting on for a year when we met at the book launch for The Hidden Universe at Watkins Books in Central London. What a year it’s been. I know you should have gone to the United States this summer to speak at the Contact in the Desert Event, but obviously Covid-19 put paid to that. I understand that you still managed to get away to Greece though, one of your favourite places?

    Moving onto your latest book, The Hidden Universe, you start off the book by looking at Shamanism and the notion of Egregorials. This is a theme which is found throughout the book. Could you explain a little about what you understand by Egregorials?

    Moving onto the subject of UFOs and in particular Alien Abductions, you mention that in the USA the consensus of thought is that these are physical realities, whereas in Europe these are more seen as mental realities. Could you explain how this view has come into being?

    So is that the same with religious visions that these are all created in the mind?

    I would like to move onto the subject of Synchronicity – I’m not sure if you have mentioned it in your books, but it does seem to keep cropping up on your Facebook page. Would you care to tell your audience a little about what you perceive Synchronicity to be and maybe tell us about a synchronistic experience that you have had.

    I know that you’ve just started work on your latest book, which you are quite excited about. Could you tell us a little about it.

    2 November 2020, 5:56 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    David McCready - self awareness in the illusion, higher realities & recognising your spirit team

    Living in the illusion – Being self-aware in the illusion, traversing higher realities and recognising your full guiding spirit team.

    David McCready is the author of Real Alien Worlds, The Great Simulator books and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.

    David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.

    Today’s show is based on the following questions:

    In your books you document your experiences with astral projection, travelling beyond the illusion of the physical world to witness reality actually being a cleverly constructed projection. This is a view also shared from the Hindu concept of Maya, an illusion which makes the physical world appear real and as a duality. In Buddhism the practitioner is also encouraged to move beyond the drama and master their emotions and reactions in order to become enlightened.

    Your experiences and books very much confirm the same style of teachings where the ultimate goal is to master our minds and see the illusions for what it is, and not get caught up in the drama and have a lighted hearted childlike jovial quality.

    With the world seemingly more divided than ever before and the compelling drama seeking to entice us deeper in the illusion, how can spiritual practitioners best navigate through this to reach their highest goals? For example, is the practitioner to use their voices and actions to speak against the negativity that's coming to the surface right now and possibly get caught up in more drama, as tyranny often rises up when good men do nothing.

    Or does one exercise self-masterly, and hold the light here and work on personal growth to overcome emotions and learn to react to situations from a higher place. This can appear apathetic to some but maybe the ultimate goal for all souls is to practice self-masterly where a lifetime is provided once ready to choose to step out of the drama and finally recognise it, whilst other souls are still working through their own Karma and hard school of knocks. What's right for one soul, isn't going to be right for another.

    Also, in your books you have met with other higher physical and non-physical races, have they gone through similar experiences to reach a higher state of consciousness and also possibly helping Earth humans at this time bring more awareness and a higher state of consciousness to the planet.

    The word illusion may also offend some people as it trivialises our whole reason for being here, what would you say the purpose is for souls to reincarnate into such experiences?

    22 July 2020, 4:46 pm
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