Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Radio Academy

Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~

  • 53 minutes
    The Teton Meetings: Interview with Lavandar
    If you’ve heard our last few shows, you know that BlogTalk Radio is leaving the internet on Jan. 31.  Our show will continue through our website,  We’ll be on the air the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm ET, starting on Feb. 4, 2025.  You can still listen during the live show by going to, and there, you’ll see where you can either click or call to listen.  The call in number will be there for US callers, and both international and American listeners can click the link to listen.  After the show, the audio will be added to the new archive of shows on our site, so you can still listen to the show if you miss the live one.  We’ve done over 550 shows in 15 yrs. so it will take some time to transfer all of the previous shows to our new archive on our site.  If you follow us here on BlogTalk, please email me at so I can put you on our new follower list so you’ll still get our show announcements. When our show was scheduled to go live on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 7 pm ET, BlogTalk crashed and we couldn’t get in, even though we kept trying.  Because this information on the Teton Meetings is so important for starseeds, this is a do-over. This is Lavandar’s interview about the Teton Meetings, which are going on right now.  Every January 1-7 and July 1-7, Galactic Councils gather inside a mountain in the Tetons to review the last 6 months and plan for the next 6 months, as well as a long term plan to help us evolve out of darkness.  With all that’s happening in our world now, the meetings are being extended beyond Jan. 7.  Every 45 minutes, they bring 144,000 starseeds to the meeting, which is two weeks in their dimension.  In this rare interview, we'll talk about those meetings, how they came about, why they are needed, the beings involved and the starseed participation.
    9 January 2025, 8:30 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    A Christmas Message from the Avatars Known as The Marys
    Sandra Recchione was born with the gift Seership and is a Clairvoyant Trans Medium as well as a Flower & Gem Essence Creator and Practitioner, and Reverend in The Order of Melchizedek, a diversified and universal Spiritual Advisor for our changing times. Her clairvoyant gifts and mediumship connected her to the angelic realm and Archangel Michael, her guide, who has assisted her as her spiritual team leader throughout this lifetime.  Sandra shares her Christmas message from the Avatars through Mother Mary and more as we delve into the emergence of The Mary’s, a collective of etheric priestesses and fifth-dimensional beings who are stepping through the 5D portal to illuminate humanity during this most transformative time, as we enter the Aquarian Age.  It marks a profound shift in consciousness, emphasizing unity, balance, and spiritual evolution. Central to this transformation is the reemergence of the Divine Feminine and Goddess Energy. After centuries of dominance by masculine energies, this age calls for the nurturing, intuitive, and creative forces of the feminine to restore harmony to the planet. The Divine Feminine represents compassion, collaboration, and a deep connection to the earth and cosmos, aligning perfectly with the Aquarian ideals of equality and higher awareness. This resurgence signifies humanity’s collective awakening to the sacred balance of masculine and feminine energies, paving the way for a more harmonious and enlightened era. “The Marys bring their torches of divine light, guiding us toward unity, enlightenment, and the promised Golden Age. Join us as we explore their message of illumination, and the awakening of our highest potential." Visit Sandra's website: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News. Happy Holidays!
    11 December 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    From Lavandar's Vault: Galactic Lightning Demonstrations
    From Lavandar's Vault, this is her story about her experiences with lightning of a galactic nature.  Even as a young girl, her first incident of being struck by lightning was just the beginning of a life long series of demonstrations with lightning which were conducted by the ETs responsible for her training.  Though the knowledge and understanding she gained was not easy to cope with, living in the third dimension, it was necessary for her future missions, so that we can learn from her experience and not have to go through what she did.  She has kept the chronicle of her journeys for over 40 years, locked in a bank vault, to be released during these times.  You can read more of Lavandar's work on our site: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest and hope to starseeds!
    27 November 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    Conversations from Lavandar's Vault part two
    Our last episode was part one of a rare interview with Lavandar, and this is the second half.  We aired it the first time several years ago, and the information is still relevant for starseeds.  Lavandar has always been ahead of her time, discovering the Star Marking codes in the early 1980's, working directly with the Pleiadeans and other off world beings, training high profile celebrities, and people from every walk of life.  If you didn't hear our last episode with part one, it's available in the archives, so you can listen to that first if you want the entire content of this interview.  More of Lavandar's work is on our website in the Vault of Knowledge: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest and hope for starseeds, not heard in the mainstream. Thanks for tuning in!
    13 November 2024, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    Conversations with Lavandar part one
    In a rare interview with Lavandar, she and Arielle talk about some of the most profound discoveries through her decades of work with the Pleiadeans.  She'll talk about many aspects of starseed missions, including information that she was given by the Pleiadeans, and knowledge that she gained by living through the demonstrations they orchestrated over the past 40 years.  This is one of the best interviews she's ever given, and even though we aired this the first time several years ago, there is so much valuable information that it calls for another listen.  You can read more of her work in our Vault of Knowledge here: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest and hope for starseeds!
    29 October 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Women's Imagine Network
    Lynne Hardin has always possessed an entrepreneur’s spirit. After high school and college, her first job was working for Braniff International as an Airline Hostess.  Lynne volunteered for the Military Air Transport System (MATS), flying U.S. service personnel to various stations around the world during the Viet Nam conflict. She spent several years in the education and investment arena, working with the California Teachers Association. Lynne moved to Florida and established the Key West Tennis and Scuba Center; then consulted in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and St. Petersburg on land use. Lynne was recruited to Oklahoma City as the first Development Director for the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics, raising over 35M for the school. In 1994, after a life-changing auto accident, Lynne authored The Magic of Why® a groundbreaking book and curriculum providing a process to examine your purpose. Leading her High School alumni, she created FRIENDS of NWC, which has raised over $2 million to impact students and teachers. She produced The Vagina Monologues in OKC and in 2019 she was inducted into The Order of The Round Table, her School Hall of Fame. She initiated and facilitated passage of the Oklahoma Breast Cancer Bill, which continues to fund mobile mammograms across Oklahoma. She was elected and served as Chairman of the OKC Public School Board.  She had a vision after the million-man march and in 2023 created a 501C3 foundation, Women’s Imagine Network, (WIN), so the idea of a Million Women March was born.  With imagination and inspired effort, a million women, from home, will affect positive improvements for women and families. Check her website: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, with topics of hope and interest for starseeds.
    1 October 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Keycodes for Empowerment Transmutation and Galactic Tracking
    From Lavandar's Vault comes the keycodes that all starseeds need to further their own empowerment, be able to transmute situations and things, and therefore to skillfully track events of a galactic nature.  Without this understanding, a successful mission is elusive.  With the current state of our world, this information is more essential than ever, since the stakes are higher now than ever before.  This episode would a great one to download and listen to several times, as each time, you'll get more understanding and be able to fully integrate these keycodes.  Our website is: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest and hope for starseeds.
    3 September 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    From Lavandar's Vault: The Crystal Grid, The 96 Bloodlines and Genetic Quartz
    Many multitudes of Starseeds are drawn to Quartz Crystal instinctively, and tonight Arielle will present information from Lavandar's Vault that explains why, and how we have been designed to carry more Light.  This year, she also has written new entries about the connection between the Crystal Grid and the 96 Goddess bloodlines on the planet.  You'll hear the intricate design of Silica, Starseeds and the Crystal Grid, with its connection to the 96 Goddess bloodlines left on the planet by Athena. When you fully understand the critical importance of Genetic Silica and Quartz Crystals, you will hopefully understand how EMF can undermine your mission, without your awareness.  You can find one of Lavandar's eBooks on Crystals in our Vault of knowledge, if you haven't downloaded it yet: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, with topics of interest and hope for starseeds.
    6 August 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    The Essence of Mary Magdalene
    Sandra Recchione was born with the gift Seership and is a Clairvoyant Trans Medium as well as a Divine Dragon Energy Healer and Flower & Gem Essence Creator and Practitioner....A diversified and universal Spiritual Advisor for our changing times. Her clairvoyant gifts and mediumship connected her to the angelic realm and Archangel Michael, her guide, who has assisted her as her spiritual team leader throughout this lifetime.  Sandra combines flower and gem essences for you and creates a custom essence and aura spray designed especially for your current needs. These flower and crystal remedies can assist in healing trauma, depression, anxiety, loss, psychic attacks and symptoms associated with the current planetary and cosmic energies, known as Ascension Symptoms.  Many ancient civilizations used flower essences in their natural remedies, as did the Essenes through the practice of the Myrrophore Lineage, of which Mary was a part. Learn more about the sacred oils, flowers and resins used by the Myrrophore priestesses during this most auspicious time in history. Today Sandra will be sharing  some information about  the fascinating world of Mary Magdalen, whose story intertwines with Yeshua and the Essene movement that was thriving in that era. We'll delve into how this movement shaped her life and teachings, and how it continues to inspire us. She'll share some special flower essences and space & aura sprays that are available in the shoppe, each carefully crafted to carry the unique frequency and energy of Mary Magdalen. These products are designed to help you connect with her healing and transformative power.  Discover the enduring legacy of Mary Magdalen and the spiritual tools that can bring her energy into your everyday life. Anastasia's Starseed News is up first!
    23 July 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    High Vibrational Wellness – Center for Intuitive Food Therapy
    Lainie “Sevante” Wulkan is the founder of CIFT – Center for Intuitive Food Therapy, is a #1 International Bestselling Author with her chapter on Intuitive Food Therapy in the Energy Healer’s Oracle, and  #1 Bestselling book Top Exotic Foods for Natural Healing, Smoothies, Nourishing Wisdom Beyond the Blend, and The Food Healing Oracle Deck series. Her newest book, High Vibrational Wellness – Intuitive Healing Therapies to Nourish Your Body Temple launches globally on July 16 on Amazon and features 25 profound stories and healing tools to feed, heal, restore, awaken and transform.  With an extensive background as a 4th Generation Intuitive, Food Scientist and Multi-Modality Energy Healer, Wulkan’s passion steers towards bridging the worlds of spirit and science to understand one’s journey into wellness by learning the deeper connection to self and how we “feed” our mind, body and spirit. Her focus on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual (EMPS) wellness thru the esoteric arts allows one to intuitively see how ‘food is medicine” and by realizing we are nature, we can begin to heal with the connection to nature’s five elements, color, chakras, the Archangelic Realm, Ascended Masters, sacred geometry and our chakra systems.  She is the Host of the Nourish Your Soul show, a ten year online program that interviews top world healers and spiritual leaders. Nourish Your Soul retreats take attendees across the globe to learn about the consciousness of food and how to truly nourish your soul with deep, self-care and restoration.  Check out her website: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, with topics of hope and interest for starseeds!
    9 July 2024, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    Jeshua, Mary Magdalene and Starseeds in South France
    In April of 2024, a group of starseeds who met at the starseed quests, went to South France after Angela Franks (a Starseed Quest alumni), received divine guidance from Goddess to go.  It was nearly a year after receiving the guidance to go, that the trip came to fruition. Eight starseeds made the journey, from Ireland,  England and the US meeting in France to honor Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, the Essenes and Cathars.  Their journey spanned the Languedoc region as well as Marseille and surrounding sites. Intense inner preparation happened for each person prior to the trip. The journey was clearly and divinely guided. Each starseed carried a unique power of presence, synergizing a group dynamic that catalyzed a magical and powerful journey. The experience married both challenge and magic, calling each member to step into their next level of personal evolution! They realized they were following THE WAY to their inner self love as well as unconditional love for each other, mirroring THE WAY of the Essenes and Cathars, set forth by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. There was deep remembrance of the past, a releasing of that which no longer served, and blossoming of unconditional love within the group. They were present during the April 20th conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, in unplanned divine, galactic timing. They were guided to use sound together throughout their whole journey culminating in a mystical ocean cave that resembled a womb. Tonight, Angela will share their mystical journey they experienced together.  Angela is a vessel to channel the creation of powerful orgonite devices to assist with the ascension of humanity by bringing in the new earth frequencies - working with healing the land and bringing in new light codes to expand and evolve human consciousness. Her work is guided and carries a deep connection to the power of crystals and sacred geometry/symbols.  Anastasia's Starseed News is up first!
    25 June 2024, 11:00 pm
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