Using nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent afterlife evidence, quantum physics,consciousness research, and ancient writings, we seek to understand who and what we are, how reality works, the nature of God, and the meaning and purpose of our lives. The truth is accessible to us now, and it is beyond-belief wonderful! Join us each week as we work together to better understand our one reality and gain insights into how we can make the most of the glorious eternal beings that we are.
Sanar Alixandyr is an Empowerment Coach with a degree in education and a diverse background spanning education, entertainment, and holistic healing. Over the past thirty years she has supported herself as a professional musician, director, composer, teacher, and actress. Her journey took a transformative turn when she embarked on the path of healing herself from PTSD, and overcoming depression, suicidal thoughts, and eating disorders. This experience led her to create “BEAUTIFUL!”, which is an acclaimed one-woman musical-drama that documents her own healing journey. Sanar then turned her newly empowered focus to the Healing Arts. She became proficient in various cognitive, energetic, and holistic therapies, and her current focus is on ‘Quantum Field’ Energetic Transformation. It is her belief that this is the new wave in providing a “Quantum Leap” in personal healing and in manifestation power. Sanar’s passion is being of service to the greater vision of the transformation and evolution of women in the world. And toward that end, she offers her own story in her own very personal book, which is called Becoming Sanar – From Shadow to Light: A Journey of Self-Discovery. Sanar’s website is
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Our guest this time is Happy Ali, who has made a thorough study of the whole field of what he calls intuition, which is this great, massive area of internal guidance and help from discarnate beings and energies of all descriptions that is available to us all. Now he teaches others how to access their own internal guidance, and he writes about it in what Roberta considers to be an extremely helpful book.
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Apple PodcastsAndroidRSSHappy Ali has a BA degree in psychology from UCLA. He calls himself a prophetic dreamer. He is a certified master NLP practitioner, a certified master clinical hypnotherapist, and host of the Happy Insights podcast. Happy’s spiritual journey began in 1995, when he dedicated his life to the exploration of metaphysical disciplines after a near-death experience inspired a dramatic awakening. Now, Happy teaches, and he globally shares the Subconscious Manifestation Methodology that he created. He lives in Los Angeles, and his wonderfully insightful book on these subjects is called The Intuition Bible: How and Why to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom. Happy’s website is
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Many long-time Seek Reality listeners have some favorite guests by now that they will ask for over and over again, because what those guests know, and what they can share with us, and what they might be able to do for people who may need their special kinds of care, is precious. And it is very enjoyable for all of us to hear more about how they can help people! Past-life regression is one of those dramatic fields that can help to solve some pretty exotic problems. And Peter Wright, who is an expert in that field, is with us for the 22nd time today.
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Apple PodcastsAndroidRSSPeter is a certified Hypnotherapist based in Santa Barbara, California, and he has more than 25 years of experience in his rather esoteric field. He is also one of only 40 Board-certified Past-Life Regression Therapists in the whole United States. In addition, Peter is certified as a Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist, and he is skilled in Spirit Releasement as well. At this point, our wonderful friend Peter Wright has helped more than 2,000 clients through Hypnotherapy by Zoom, phone, or Skype, or in person in his Santa Barbara office. He also offers free 30-minute consultations to prospective clients by Zoom, phone, or Skype.
Peter has worked with many Seek Reality listeners over the years, and we sometimes will hear from people who say that they have consulted with Peter, who has been able to help them with some problem or other of theirs, which is especially wonderful! Peter’s website is
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Mikey Morgan is a genuine sixth-level being, who by the year 1600 had achieved the level of astral reality which is just below the Source level. He was becoming ever more concerned about the way that things are going on earth, so he chose to take an optional additional earth-lifetime which began in 1987 and ended in 2007 so he could teach us in the voice of a modern 20-year-old. And now with his mother, Carol’s, help, he answers our questions about life, death, and the afterlife. Roberta Grimes has tested Mikey exhaustively, and she is convinced that he is just who he claims to be; she says that he knows everything that she knows after she has spent fifty years doing so much careful research, and in addition he knows a whole lot more. Roberta considers Mikey’s book, Flying High in Spirit, to be the best book by a discarnate ever written. This is Mikey’s 25th appearance on Seek Reality. If you would like to have Mikey answer your questions, please just email them to Roberta at [email protected].
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Brenda Reiss is with us today for the sixth time. she is dedicated to helping people overcome obstacles that hold them back from living life to its fullest, by guiding them through a special 5-Step Forgiveness Process. She says that self-forgiveness helped her to transition out of victimhood and into the life that she was meant to live. Brenda has experienced these obstacles firsthand, in the form of toxic relationships, eating disorders, and anxiety, which can consume everyday life when problems like these are allowed to control our lives. Brenda has developed a very successful forgiveness coaching practice, and she has written a great little book called Forgive Yourself.
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Apple PodcastsAndroidRSSRoberta suggests two key points to explain why what Brenda teaches is so important. First, to be perfectly frank, the people who wrong us don’t really care whether we ever forgive them. Forgiveness of others is always the gift that we give to ourselves! And it is the greatest gift that we can give to ourselves, no matter how hard it may be! And second, many people don’t even realize that the core problems at the center of their lives have to do with things for which they are blaming themselves. So self-forgiveness may in your case be something that you especially need to learn! Brenda’s website is
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Roberta’s dear friend, Dr. R. Craig Hogan, was our first guest on this podcast more than a decade ago, and this is his forty-seventh visit with us on Seek Reality. He has been our guest faithfully, about every three months, ever since this program started. And we always try to talk about something different! So this time, we think we are going to begin at least by talking about something that should by now be common knowledge. But because mainstream materialist science still doesn’t get consciousness at all, sadly what the father of quantum mechanics, Dr. Max Planck, discovered a full century ago, the amazing fact that what we experience as human consciousness, or awareness, in fact underlies everything, still is not acknowledged by materialist scientists, even today! You likely find it hard to believe that maximally educated people who do physics for a living have not yet caught up to someone like Roberta Grimes, who never got beyond high school Algebra II. But so it still is. Let’s hear a few stellar quotations from Dr. Max Planck himself. In 1931 Max Planck said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” And he said in 1944, “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” So today, Craig and Roberta very enjoyably talk about how their study of afterlife science has helped them to understand how consciousness underlies all of reality.
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Back in the early 1990s, Michael Newton published two remarkable books called Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls which were about the technique that he had developed to channel people to their life between lives for therapeutic purposes. He founded the Newton Institute to further his work, and he began to certify therapists, including Regan Forston, who is our guest today. Regan is one of the more than two hundred therapists that the Newton Institute has certified, who are continuing Michael Newton’s research, since Michael himself transitioned in 2016. Regan has found that the use of Michael Newton’s techniques has been remarkably efficient in finding the causes of present problems in prior lives, and the stories he has to tell about those successes are pretty amazing. Regan’s website is, and he offers a free book there entitled Reincarnation is Real.
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Our guest today is Douglas Grunther, whose deep spiritual seeking has been sparked with humor and informed by his love of philosophy and his deep study of psychology. Douglas is the creator and host of the Woodstock Roundtable, which is billed as a rollicking and multi award-winning-radio talk show spiced with the visionaries of our time. Douglas Grunther graduated from Columbia University, where he was a Rhodes Scholarship finalist. He has been a featured speaker for national audiences, and he is a dreamwork facilitator certified by Dr. Jeremy Taylor, who is Co-Founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Douglas tells that the term “synchronicity” was created by Carl Jung, who described it as two or more events which clearly didn’t cause one another, but are too meaningfully connected to be a mere coincidence. And his more poetic description of synchronicity is “a falling together in time.” He says, as we will see, that Jung collaborated with one of the most brilliant quantum physicists in the world; and together, they were convinced that synchronicities occur not just at the individual level, but at the deeper and more expansive level of a collective unconscious, one they are shared by all of humanity.
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Apple PodcastsAndroidRSSHe says in the preface to his book, The Quantum & The Dream: Visionary Consciousness, AI, and the New Renaissance that he will show us how this synchronicity generated two parallel, fascinating descents: one into the dark, creative center of the unconscious mind; the other into the dark, creative center of the sub-atomic quantum realm. And so, he says, “I invite you on a journey, Human Intelligence, Computer Intelligence, and the most influential of the three, Nature’s Intelligence—are creating evolutionary change. Which will be A NEW RENAISSANCE” Douglas’s website is douglasgrunthe.rcom.
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Brian Smith is with us for the second time. He grew up in the Pentecostal religious tradition, later became part of an evangelical community, and after that became a Christian Universalist, after which he went on to study Buddhism and various mystical traditions. As a young man, Brian says that he was pretty deeply scarred by toxic religion, which, among other things, instilled in him an intense fear of death, and that made him enter a lifelong spiritual quest. As a result of even more reading, he eventually found much of what he had been seeking. So then, he was living a beautiful life with his wonderful wife of now nearly thirty years, and his two young daughters. But then in June of 2015, his younger daughter, Shayna, unexpectedly transitioned in her sleep. She was only 15-½ years old. After Shayna’s transition, Brian’s spiritual quest intensified, prompted by the extraordinary visions and messages that he was receiving from his daughter. As a result of those experiences, he immersed himself in researching the afterlife, taking a scientific as well as a spiritual and philosophical approach to it. He says that now he felt that he really needed to know, not just believe, what was true! And he learned so much that he ended up writing a book. His book is entitled, Grief 2 Growth; Planted. Not Buried. He now shares all that he has learned as a teacher and grief counselor with the wonderful organization, Helping Parents Heal. Brian’s website is
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Clive Siegner has been an Instrumental Transcommunication Researcher for almost a decade. He has recorded conversations with the Spirits of more than a hundred deceased people, and more than forty sleeping people. And even one documented extraterrestrial being!
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Apple PodcastsAndroidRSSHe believes that the work he has done I believe the work I have done with sleeping people will help to prove to the skeptics that we are all simply Spirits having a Human experience.
Clive’s Books, Audio supplements, and Videos are freely available from his website, which is “”.
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Father Nathan Castle is a Dominican priest who lives and works in a community of Dominican men and women serving the University of Arizona in Tucson. He is a lovely, gentle, and very spiritual man, and something like thirty years ago, he was recruited by elevated beings not in bodies to do spirit rescue work with them. As Roberta has only lately come to accept, to her horror, and to yours too, almost twenty-five percent of people will go off-track for a time when they die, and they generally do that by their own choice. And our wonderful friend Father Nathan is one of those who is trusted to help to rescue some of those people, whenever they feel ready to be rescued.
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Apple PodcastsAndroidRSSRoberta says that she never would have dreamed that the Catholic Church would sanction something like spirit rescue work! Then in 2019, she read Father Nathan’s terrific first book, which was called Afterlife, Interrupted – Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over. And everything in it was completely consistent with what she had learned during all her decades of doing afterlife research. And that book was followed by Father Nathan’s books two and three, with similar titles. She says that all Father Nathan’s books are terrific, and he has become a regular on Seek Reality. This is his tenth visit with us! His website is
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