David Hall's Podcast

David Hall

Politics / Interviews / Mixs

  • 3 minutes 30 seconds
    Episode 10: Informed Consent - it's you're right - COVID Vax
    In Canada, informed consent to medical interventions – including vaccines – is the law. The same is true in the US, UK, EU, Australia, and New Zealand. But these governments, along with corrupt drug regulators, are now running roughshod over what were once sacrosanct laws prohibiting misleading and coercive medical procedures, and instead have unleashed a multibillion dollar media campaign of fear and mass-panic designed to pave-over the right to informed consent. In reality, claims of “95% efficacy” are wildly exaggerated, as pharmaceutical firms and governments have cleverly used the highly misleading “Relative Risk Reduction” numbers – while omitting the true “Absolute Risk Reduction” number which is actually less than 1%. Therein lies the heart of the vaccine deception. This is explained in the video presentation below. Reference: 1. Supreme Court Judgment – Cuthbertson v. Rasouli https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/13290/index.do 2. “The patient’s consent must be given voluntarily and must be informed.” The Ontario Health Care Consent Act https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/9… 3. Elements of Consent CDC Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death By Age Group https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-… https://21stcenturywire.com/2021/08/23/video-everything-you-need-to-know-about-informed-consent-its-your-right/
    10 January 2022, 3:56 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Doctor Joel D Wallach Dead doctors don't lie
    The audio is a collection of the best of Joel Wallach's dead doctors don't lie. Joel argues that MD's / GP's know very little about longevity and nutrition. He even studied the obitchuaries of doctors and found there average life expectancy to be 58, less than the average couch potato. Hear Joel strongly challenge 'Modern Medicine's' advice that your body can get everything it needs from the 4 food groups. Dr Wallach is passionate about Longevity, he named his company Youngevity. www.youngevity.com Human's being have the genetic potential to live to 150, if you avoid the land mines / toxins and provide your body with the 90 essential vitamins, minerals and trace minerals that it needs. Before you accept or dismiss the above, listen to Dr Wallach's story.
    15 January 2012, 7:35 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    David Williams: The art of self determination
    Meet a real life Neo, exercise the right to exhile, the universal right to self determination, gain diplomatic immunity, govern yourself or be govern. David Williams from Matrix Solutions tells his story of the last 13 years. Through circumstance he read and studied international law, etymology & Phonetics. He shares his findings. Law equals contracts, the primary meaning of words stands first. David site is a resource for anyone will the volition to practise the art of self determination. He identifies 13 rabbit holes. therightofselfdetermination.com en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymology en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetics remedyradio.podomatic.com Books referenced in the interview for further reading- The occult technology of power, Silent weapons for quiet wars & The way of the peaceful warrior
    3 December 2011, 12:59 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    An introduction to the TRIVIUM by Jan Irvin
    Jan Irvin from Gnostic Media is interviewed by Laurette Lynn aka the Unplugged Mum about the Trivium. The first three of the seven liberal arts, the Trivium, focus on the use of language and thought- the world of the mind. General Grammar, Aristotelian Logic, and Classical Rhetoric comprise the first three rules-based subjects of the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences. As these disciplines are learned and practiced together, they form the overarching, symbiotic system for establishing clarity and consistency of personal thought called the Trivium. 1) General Grammar Answers the question of the Who, What, Where, and the When of a subject. Discovering and ordering facts of reality comprises basic, systematic Knowledge 2] Formal Logic Answers the Why of a subject. Developing the faculty of reason in establishing valid [i.e., non-contradictory relationships among facts, systematic Understanding 3] Classical Rhetoric Provides the How of a subject.Applying knowledge and understanding expressively comprises Wisdom or, in other words, it is systematically useable knowledge and understanding www.triviumeducation.com
    13 November 2011, 8:37 pm
  • 2 hours 4 minutes
    Logical Fallacies / Mental Self Defense
    Michael Labossiere breaks down the most common logical fallacies. Jan Irvin of Gnostic Media hosts the session. The art of mental self-defense, become more conscious in disguising logical fallacies, dismiss the arbitrary and gain a systematic approach to critical thinking that will save you time. Time is the enemy. www.gnosticmedia.com/dr-michael-labossiere-interview-logical-fallacies-the-critical-thinking-meme-part-1-062/ Also check out the gnostic media youtube channel, especially the pop-up fallacies www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2TIpz2lClg www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AMjtsY9i_M
    5 October 2011, 9:30 pm
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    G Edward Griffin: The Collective Conspiracy
    Listen to G Edward Griffin discuss the fact that the far right is almost identical to the far left. The common underlying theme is Collectivism. On important issues like Foreign policy, government bailouts, too big to fail or privately owned central banking the left and right do not debate because they are in agreement. "The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea, acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election, without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy… " Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton's Mentor)
    27 September 2011, 9:24 pm
  • 24 minutes 29 seconds
    Psychological Trauma, Emotional Fear & Understanding Denial
    Listen to psychologists break down peoples feelings and responses, to hearing and seeing information that conflicts with their world view. 9/11 Challenges the beliefs that our government protects us and keeps us safe and that America is good. When beliefs are challenged, fear and anxiety are created. In response to the emotion of fear our psychological defenses kick in and protect us from these emotions. Denial is probably the most primitive psychological defense and is the most likely to kick in when our beliefs are challenged. It's easier to deny when we hear or see evidence that challenges our most fundamental beliefs of the world. Denial protects people from the being ostracised, confused and having our lives inconvenienced because people would have to change their lives. Being afraid of psychological deterioration, afraid that they wont be able to handle the feelings that come. Afraid of being shunned, feeling helpless and alienated. This audio has solutions and ends with a classic Bill Hick sketch. This was taken from Peace Revolution episode 039: 9-11 Backdraft / Examining the Evidence Ten Years Later. http://peacerevolution.podomatic.com/player/web/2011-09-11T17_07_08-07_00
    25 September 2011, 9:19 pm
  • 4 minutes 55 seconds
    9/11 conspiracy in less than 5 mins by James Corbett
    Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes by James Corbett. http://www.corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/
    12 September 2011, 10:05 pm
  • 1 minute 42 seconds
    False Flag Terror / 9/11 Whistle Blowers
    What do you do when you're for peace and people attack you? Then you have to defend yourself. That's why there have always been armies. What do you do when an enemy doesn't attack but you want to expand your borders? You attack yourself and blame it on your enemy. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book and it's called 'false flag Terror.' The Romans used it, the Japanese, the Nazi's, the Soviets, the Americans and the British. It is taught in British and US army manuals leaked by wikileaks and are public. The Pentagon admits they are real and wants to arrest who ever released them. But false flags don't exist, where are all the whistle blowers? They're everywhere, if you look. The 9/11 whistle blowers below were fired, threatened or killed. Coleen Fowler - FBI agent John O'neil - FBI Agent David Graham - Poisoned, found a wanted 9/11 Hijacker after 9/11 David Schippers - Chief Investigative Counsel for the House Judiciary Anthony Shaffer - US Army/Able Danger Program Sibel Edmons - FBI Translator/Contract terminated Indira Singh - JP Morgan Contractor/Darpa/Ptech Col. Donn de Grand-Pre - US Army Andreas Von Buelow - Former German Defense Minister Stanley Hilton - Attorney Michael Meacher - BBC World Service/Tony Blair's Environment Minister Robert Wright - FBI Agent David MacMichael - CIA analyst Alan Hart - BBC/ITN John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hitman Doctor Steve Pieczenik - Top Intelligence Insider/held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents 1,518 verified architectural and engineering professionals - www.ae911truth.org http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcRAxnsay58 www.prisonplanet.com/Pages/230904_whistleblowers.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZx9QhMWpYE&feature=autoplay&list=FLUibPcEyYS6w&index=2&playnext=1
    11 July 2011, 7:04 pm
  • 13 minutes 8 seconds
    European Union / Nigel Farage
    Historian John Laughland questions the staying power of the European Union, he is currently serving as the Director of Studies at the institute of democracy & cooperation in Paris. Then listen to 3 of my favourite Nigel Farage rants, at the European Union. Nigel is the leader of the UK Independence Party, aka the Raging Bull. 1) Last week on the Irish crisis. 2) April 2010, Nigel describes Herman Van Rompuy as having the charisma of a damp rag & the appearance of a low grade bank clerk! 3) Listen to Nigel's 2006 rant: The who's, who in the EU Commission All on youtube:
    29 November 2010, 2:15 pm
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