Ask The Gluten Free Chef

The Gluten Free Chef

Podcast where questions pertaining to gluten free living, gluten free eating, and celiac disease are discussed, dissected, and laid bare.

  • 48 minutes 55 seconds
    Season II Episode VIII| Celiac Strong w/ Sabrina DeVos
    And we made it. The last episode of #seasonII. I wasn't sure how I would end this season or if this episode would even happen. But it feels right to call it a wrap for this season. Getting linked in with Sabrina took awhile as she just started her freshman year in college last fall. We were finally able to sync our schedules and re-record this pod since our first recording was lost in space via technical difficulties. I'm elated this share Sabrina's story with you all. She is an amazing young woman doing something amazing work for young folks with celiac disease through her Celiac Strong Summer Camp. I won't ruin your listening session but today is special because it marks the first day of registration for the 2016 camp which will run July 24-27, 2016. Like, love, share, listen and be sure to visit to learn more about the camp and how you can be a part of Sabrina's amazing celiac journey. As always keep tuned into to our blog for a recap and reflection of this season and more details on Season III. You won't want to miss out. Be well. Be Celiac Strong. Send your celiac or gluten free questions to [email protected] Music:
    2 February 2016, 1:48 am
  • 54 minutes 27 seconds
    Season II| Episode VII From Scratch Fast w/co - host Nicki Sizemore
    I apologize for the delay in getting episode VII to you. Between writing, blogging, teaching, and dodging the flu virus January has been crazier than I planned. Fortunately for you, this episode is so worth the wait. I sat down with Nicki Sizemore food writer, blogger, chef, and author a few weeks ago during the release week of her first cookbook: The Food Processor Family Cookbook. It took quite a bit of finagling to coordinate our busy schedules but when we finally got together the interview and episode is simply one for the record. Nicki and I dish on her journey to gluten free living and how a gluten sensitivity diagnosis led to her taking back her life and her kitchen. In-between, I gush over her new book, how awesome it is, how much I love it, and how everyone else needs to go out and get it like NOW! To learn more about Nicki's book for yourself visit her website: We only have two episodes left of this season so keep it locked to learn more and visit Send your celiac or gluten free questions to [email protected] Music:
    25 January 2016, 10:40 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Season II:Episode VI |What Is The Paleo Diet w/Co-Host Alicia Alvarez
    Hello and Welcome to episode VI; the very first episode of 2016. This week I chat once again with the lovely Alicia Alvarez featured writer and guest co-host of the podcast. We recorded this episode last fall but thought it would be most appropriate to air it at the top of the New Year. Every one seems eager to add a new healthy resolution to repertoire but many don't really know what they are subscribing to when they hear the word paleo. We hear so much about gluten free and even more about paleo that we thought it would be good to broach the subject officially on the podcast. Alicia takes the lead in this episode as she once strictly subscribed to the paleo lifestyle thereby adding to her expertise and insight on the subject. We have a very lively and information rich discussion. We also debut a new "bits and pieces" hot topics like segment that at the time spoke to the most pressing current events revolving around celiac and gluten free living. Be sure to keep up to date on the latest news and updates on the gluten free chef blog and take a look at the newly redesigned site Send your celiac and gluten free questions and comments to [email protected] we would love to know what you think about our new look. Music:
    8 January 2016, 5:41 am
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