Healing Insights - Ancestral Medicine Women

[email protected] (Healing Insights - Ancestral Medicine Women)

Podcast - Access the channeled healing insights and knowledge of hundreds of medicine women. The Ancestral Medicine Women are channeled, to share knowledge, for consultations and training in healing and transformation.

  • 8 minutes 47 seconds
    Our Message for 2023: Courage

    Transcript to come. Key points: Courage to look forward, to the sides, to the past, acknowledge your part in all that and how to move forward Courage to hold your space for your thoughts, needs and desires Courage to hold the space for others where possible whilst holding your own Holding your space creates an […]

    The post Our Message for 2023: Courage appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    14 January 2023, 10:41 pm
  • 11 minutes 57 seconds
    Message for the Year 2022 – Kindness – a STRONG balanced self journey

    (Transcription) Welcome. We are The Ancestral Medicine Women and we would like to welcome you to this year – 2.0.22. Now every year we bring out a message of a way forward for the year, something to perhaps aspire to, something to bring into your life, something to explore, something to adopt, something to share […]

    The post Message for the Year 2022 – Kindness – a STRONG balanced self journey appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    12 January 2022, 11:19 am
  • 15 minutes 8 seconds
    Resilience Adaptability and Sovereignty

    Resilience Adaptability and Sovereignty Image thanks – Simon Matzinger, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons (transcript) So welcome, we are The Ancestral Medicine Women and have a few things that we can talk about that are very related to the current situation that human beings, not just in this place, but all around the world […]

    The post Resilience Adaptability and Sovereignty appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    27 November 2021, 3:41 am
  • 13 minutes 25 seconds
    Shattering Expectations – Your own journey: Water, movement, adapting and resilience

    Transcription to come. Shattering Expectations is your own unique journey. Sometimes you’ll need this malleability, where you create and flow, where others can’t hold onto you. Others lose their grip, and you start to flow and adapt in new ways according to what is meaningful to you. Be resilient and adapt.

    The post Shattering Expectations – Your own journey: Water, movement, adapting and resilience appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    2 June 2021, 12:46 am
  • 12 minutes 54 seconds
    Modernise yourself | Shattering Expectations Series – Theme 2021

    (lightly edited transcript) Welcome we are the Ancestral medicine Women and this is the continuation of our talks about our theme for this year “Shattering Expectations”. If you have listened to any of our other talks, when we are talking about Shattering Of Expectations we are talking about the personal development and creation perhaps, of […]

    The post Modernise yourself | Shattering Expectations Series – Theme 2021 appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    28 March 2021, 11:23 am
  • 13 minutes 43 seconds
    Courage to shatter expectations – series 2021

    (Transcription) —- Welcome, we are the Ancestral Medicine Women. We thank you so much for listening to us. We have a ‘Theme Of The Year’: of ‘Shattering Expectations’ and we are doing talks every now and then on different aspects of this theme, so that you can bring this idea into your life. So today […]

    The post Courage to shatter expectations – series 2021 appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    24 March 2021, 3:35 am
  • 9 minutes 8 seconds
    Jan 2021 – How and where is the human group going?

    Beyond COVID-19, but not diminishing it in anyway. Points include: We should see shift in where people look for leadership and uplifting events Change in a shift of leadership Recalibration of the human group towards self-leadership that may well indeed take generations Knowing when to let go of leadership Fluidity of followership Much trauma has […]

    The post Jan 2021 – How and where is the human group going? appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    18 January 2021, 10:59 am
  • 12 minutes 48 seconds
    Shattering Expections Explained- Series -Our Message and Project for 2021

    Our message for 2021 is about this idea of shattering expectations, ones that aren’t your own, we are talking about familial, societal, and generational expectations. Who are you without those expectations? Imagine how much you could jump without all that? Our message for 2021 where this was initially discussed: Our message for 2021 – Shattering […]

    The post Shattering Expections Explained- Series -Our Message and Project for 2021 appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    18 January 2021, 8:53 am
  • 9 minutes 14 seconds
    Our message for 2021 – Shattering Expectations

    This is The Ancestral Medicine Women and we would like to welcome everybody to the year twenty, twenty one. The year of 2020 has been significant and an interesting year for everybody on this planet. The year of 2021 has that potential as well. Every year we have sort of a theme, how we want […]

    The post Our message for 2021 – Shattering Expectations appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    11 January 2021, 7:12 am
  • 1 minute 45 seconds
    The role of an elder

    Audio only.

    The post The role of an elder appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    1 June 2020, 10:41 am
  • 12 minutes 14 seconds
    COVID-19 Medicine Circle – April 26 – “Journey intention: Heart”

    From last Sunday’s Circle. * * * Welcome this is Mother Sha-Riah. Every week now we are having on-line Medicine Circle and we choose a different theme or concept or energy, perhaps is the better word to journey on in an effort to create an energy force, if you like, of a positive energy force […]

    The post COVID-19 Medicine Circle – April 26 – “Journey intention: Heart” appeared first on Ancestral Medicine Women.

    26 April 2020, 7:41 am
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