Community Made

Jayson Gaignard

Self-Made is a myth. The truth is no one ever does it alone. We need other people to lean on and to learn from. The Community Made Podcast is an all access pass to lessons, learnings, and key insights from the world’s most fascinating entrepreneurs including Gary Vaynerchuk, Naveen Jain, Tim Ferris, and Shep Gordon. People who are not only winning in business, but winning in life as well. They say that an entrepreneur is someone who goes from working in their business to on their business. But there’s another level of entrepreneur who goes from working on their business to working on themselves. That’s who this podcast is for. My philosophy is that if I am transparent about my story, you can leverage my wins while at the same time avoiding my losses. Because in the words of Charlie Munger, "everyone learns from experience, but I’d rather learn from the experiences of others."

  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    S2E17 - The Superconnector's Playbook

    “I think anyone can be a great, great superconnector whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert.” - Ryan Paugh Click to Tweet


    In today’s episode I sit down with the Superconnectors themselves, Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh. Scott and Ryan founded the YEC, an invite-only organization for entrepreneurs under 40 back in 2010, which quickly became one of the most elite organizations of its kind. Since then they have partnered on virtually everything they have done from founding a service-based company to The Forbes Leaderships Councils.  


    I had the pleasure to sit down with these two fine gents just before their book, Superconnector: Stop Networking and Start Building Business Relationships that Matter hit the shelves back in February and it has since become and instant hit.


    From understanding your natural style of connection, to forging partnerships capable of standing the test of time, and how to become a Superconnecting rockstar in your your own circles, in this episode of Community Made!


    Reviewer of the week: Nate Lesnik


    Select Links and References


    Never get a real job



    People mentioned in this episode:

    Kyle Kramer

    Steve Sims


    Richard Branson

    Morely Safer

    Penelope Trunk

    Chris Farley

    Gary Vaynerchuck

    JJ Ramberg

    Ryan Holiday

    Tim Ferriss

    Clay Hebert

    Michael Roderick

    Neal Strauss

    David Hassel


    21 May 2018, 1:52 am
  • 32 minutes 27 seconds
    S2E16 - The Six Ways to Invest In Relationships

    “If I could buy people at what they think they're worth, and sell them at their true value, I’d be filthy rich.“ Jayson Gaignard Click to Tweet

    Amazing people become more amazing over time and you just can’t predict who someone will become or what they will go on to accomplish in their life.

    So if you’re looking to build a world class network, if you appreciate the power of proximity and want to build a solid group of peers, then find people who are undervalued, under-appreciated, who show great potential, and double down on them. You’ll be glad you did.

    Practical steps for scouting new and promising talent, how to capture relationship intelligence, my 6 Strategies for investing in relationships so that you can really nurture them for the long haul, and so much more in this episode of Community Made…

    Reviewer of the week: Zvi Band


    Select links and references

    The Tim Ferriss Show

    The 5 Love Languages


    People mentioned

    Ryan Holiday

    Nick Kusmich

    Tim Ferriss

    Richard Branson

    John Paul Dejoria

    Travis Kalanick

    Eric Schmidt

    Bob Chapman

    Burnay Brown

    Dan martell

    Tony Robbins

    John Ruhlin


    17 May 2018, 5:11 am
  • 38 minutes 48 seconds
    S2E15 - Prioritizing Relationships

    “If you want a world class network, you need to invest in world class people.” Jayson Gaignard Click to Tweet


    I’m a firm believer that all problems can be solved with the right peer group. That being said, if you’re looking to build a world class network then you got to go wide in your networking and narrow in your nurturing.


    In this episode I share action-oriented strategies for building an incredibly peer group regardless of whether you’re just starting out or already established as a community catalyst within your circles. You will learn the 5 categories of relationships and the practical steps you can take nurture them each step of the way, why the key to a strong network is subtraction not addition, and how to constantly be re-investing in existing relationships and micro-investing in new ones

    this week on Community Made…


    Reviewer of the week: Sol Orwell


    Select Links and References:

    Warren Buffett’s ‘20 Slot’ Rule: How to Simplify Your Life and Maximize Your Results

    Summit Series

    Fire by Judy Brown


    People Mentioned in this episode

    James Clear

    Warren Buffett

    Robin Dunbar

    John Ive

    Esther Perel

    Tim Ferriss

    Larry Page

    Sergei Brin

    Casey Neistat

    Tai Lopez

    Kevin Kelly

    Judy Brown


    14 May 2018, 5:33 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    S2E14 - Making the Most of Mentorships
    If you want to be great at something, find someone who’s the best at it and learn from them.” -Todd Herman


    Full disclosure: I am a huge Todd Herman fan. I met Todd during one of the darkest times of my life, and my connection to him has had a substantial positive impact.

    This man owns real estate in my mind when it comes to mentorship, and for good reason. His digital book, The Definitive Guide on Finding & Becoming a Mentor is the most underrated piece of literature on the subject I have ever read.

    In this episode of Community Made, the two of us sit down to discuss the many myths of mentorship, Todd's framework for finding a great mentor, his personal playbook on how to be a great mentor, and the many benefits that can be found in mentoring other people...


    Reviewer of the Week: Christy Burch


    Select Links and References

    The Definitive Guide on Finding & Becoming a Mentor

    Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin

    Contagious by Jonah Berger

    Give and Take by Adam Grant

    Luxy Hair

    Coaching the Mental Game by Harvey Dorfman

    22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

    How to Get a Meeting with Anyone

    The 90 Day Year

    10 May 2018, 5:08 am
  • 38 minutes 28 seconds
    S2E13 - How to Learn from Mentors Instead of Mistakes

    “The best mentors know this: Instead of giving answers, they ask better questions. Instead of speaking in absolutes, they offer points of view. Instead of giving direct advice, they share their first hand experience.” Jayson Gaignard Click to Tweet


    Looking backwards on my career, I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be where I am without the guidance of a few great mentors that took me under their wing. I have learned that you’re never too old to have a mentor, you’ll need different mentors at different stages in your life and career, and no one person will take you from good to great and excellent to exceptional, so approach it with the goal of creating a network of mentors instead of looking for the whole package.

    Why the wisest investment is wisdom, how to make the most of a mentoring relationship regardless of which side of the equation you might fall, myths of mentorship that we tend to take as truths, and the 4 stages of mentoring, and so much more in this episode of Community Made!


    Reviewer of the week: Na Ka


    Select Links and References


    7 May 2018, 2:50 am
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    S2E12 - Building Communities That Scale

    ”I was feeling a little bit isolated in my entrepreneurial journey and I just wanted to build a circle of people.” Alexis Dean Click to Tweet

    In this episode of Community Made I sit down with two uber-catalysts, Giovanni Marsico and Alexis Dean. Giovanni is the founder of Archangel Summit, Archangel Academy and Archangel Masters, a trifecta designed to support mission-driven entrepreneurs, help socially oriented startups fund their dreams, and connect global leaders in cause-driven enterprise through annual gatherings. Alexis is the founder of Dovetail Summit, a curated global community of high performing female founders who gather at invitation-only, all-inclusive summit weekends.  

    The three of us discuss how to build communities at scale, finding your tribe, the complexities of hosting small intimate gatherings vs. huge summit style events, best practices for vetting potential members and attendees and so much more!

    Reviewer of the week: Ernest Khan

    Select Links and References:ArchAngel Masters

    Archangel Summit

    Dovetail Team Building

    To apply for an invitation to the Dovetail Summer Summit (August 9th - 12th, 2018) visit: Dovetail Summit

    People mentioned in this episode:

    Joe Polish

    Chris Guillebeau

    Dan Martell

    Sol Orwell

    A.J. Jacobs

    James Altucher

    Naveen Jain

    Tony Gareri

    Clay Hebert

    1 May 2018, 12:11 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    S2E11 - Hosting New York’s Top Influencers

    Today I sit down with publicity powerhouses Selena Soo and Chris Winfield to discuss how their “divide and conquer” mentality has enabled them to host dinners for some of NYC’s top media influencers.

    Reviewer of the week: Mary Dooley


    Select Links and References

    Elite Retreat

    Impacting Millions

    Unfair Advantage


    People mentioned in this episode:

    Derek Halpern

    Dan Martell

    Todd Herman

    John Corcoran

    Clay Hebert

    Neil Patell

    Jeffrey Zurofsky

    Michael Fishman

    Ramit Sethi

    Steve Jobs

    Danny Meyer

    Pat Flynn

    John Lee Dumas

    Chris Ducker

    Kimra Luna

    Suzy Moore

    Ryan Lee

    Sol Orwell

    Victor Chung

    David Olk

    Neil Strauss

    Nick Onken

    Jonathon Fields

    Ryan Lee

    30 April 2018, 3:41 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    S2E10 - The Business of Relationships

    “If you’re not acting consistently, then any strategy you try to implement will be useless” - Zvi Band Click to Tweet


    How do you successfully implement a relationship strategy that nurtures key connections and takes them to the next level?

    In this episode of the Community Made Podcast, Derek Coburn and Zvi Band about best practices for building a killer network from scratch. Derek founded Cadre, which is a relationship-oriented, invitation-only community of successful business owners. And Zvi Band is the CEO of Contactually, which is essentially a relationship-based CRM system. I use the software myself, and it’s had such a positive impact on my relationships… all of this to say, they’re the real deal when it comes to building networks.

    Get ready to hear how to create a network of incredible people from scratch on this episode of Community Made...


    Reviewer of the week: Michelle Talbert


    Select Links and References



    Networking is Not Working

    Your Network is Your Net Worth by Porter Gale

    Book in a Box



    747 dinners



    People mentioned in this episode:

    Daniel Pink

    Joey Coleman

    Glenn Hellman

    Anton Zolotov

    Tucker Max

    Chris Brogan

    James Altucher

    Ryan Holiday

    Neils Parker

    Clay Hebert

    Steve Jobs

    Warren Buffett

    Gary Vaynerchuck

    Tim Ferriss

    Chris Shembrauf

    Eddie Vedder

    Richard Branson

    Michael Port

    Jay Papasan

    Scott Stratten

    John Hall

    Sol Orwell

    Cal Newport


    25 April 2018, 6:04 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    S2E9 - Breaking Bread and Building Relationships with Dan Martell & Sol Orwell

    “I do dinners selfishly because I’m fascinated… I just have an addiction to being around people who are passionate about what they’re creating in the world. Period.” - Dan Martell


    In this episode of Community Made I sit down with my dear friends Sol Orwell and Dan Martell to talk about their signature styles of hosting catalyst dinners in their own communities. The three of us discuss everything you need to consider to become an excellent host. From best practices for invitations, to seating assignments, venue selection, tips for facilitating great dinner conversations and so much more….


    Select Links and References

    Sol Orwell

    Dan Martell

    Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferazzi


    People mentioned in this episode:

    • Clay Hebert
    • Michael Litt
    • Tim Ferriss
    • Keith Ferrazzi
    • Jeff Walker
    • Lewis Howes
    • Ryan Holiday
    • Shaa Wasmund
    • Joey Coleman
    • Chris Plough
    • Chris Ashenden
    • Mark Cuban
    • Derek Coburn
    • Richard Branson
    • Dave McClure
    • Ryan Holmes
    • Michael Lind
    • Rick Perreault
    • Nicholas Kusmich
    • Trivinia Barber
    • Jack Canfield
    • Steve Hanselman
    • Frank Bouchard
    • Matt Bertulli
    • Neil Patel
    • Jim Estill
    • Darryl Hicks
    23 April 2018, 5:46 am
  • 1 hour 31 seconds
    S2E8 - Becoming a Catalyst: How to Host Dinners & Unique Live Experiences

    I’m a firm believer that all problems can be solved with the right peer group. Hosting dinners and unique live experiences is my favourite way to seed new relationships and re-invest in existing ones. To date I’ve done hundreds of dinners in cities all over North America but in full transparency, I was a complete wreck while planning my first dinner so many years ago.

    In this episode of Community Made I’m going to share some of the key takeaways from my book Mastermind Dinners: Build Lifelong Relationships by Connecting Experts, Influencers, and Linchpins and provide an in-depth play by play of what went into the planning of one of my most recent dinners, giving you the playbook on how to become a super-connecting catalyst in your own community. Enjoy!


    Reviewer of the week: Mark Fujiwara


    Links and references

    Mastermind Dinners: Build Lifelong Relationships by Connecting Experts, Influencers, and Linchpins

    The Art of Charm Podcast

    People mentioned in this episode

    • Seth Godin
    • Neil Strauss
    • Jordan Harbinger
    • David Buss
    • Tim Ferriss
    • Mark Ecko
    • Dave Asprey
    • Ryan Holiday
    • Travis Kalanick
    • Eric Schmidt
    • BJ Fogg
    • Simon Sinek

    Simon Bowen

    Robert Cialdini

    19 April 2018, 2:35 pm
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    S2E7 - An Intimate Q&A with the Legendary Shep Gordon

    “It wasn’t about being a great musician. It was about irritating the parents as much as we could”  Shep Gordon Click to Tweet

    This is a very special conversation for me. Leveraging many of the principles shared in the previous "reaching the unreachable" episode, I connected (and ultimately fostered a great relationship) with the legendary Shep Gordon. A man who's name is synonymous with Film, Music, and the Culinary Arts. He's known by GQ magazine as the unfamous man who made everyone famous, and in this episode you'll discover why.

    Be prepared for one of the best storytellers you’ll ever hear on this week’s episode of Community Made...

    Reviewer of the Week: Kirsten Reeder

    Select Links and References

    SuperMench Documentary - Supermench: The Legend of Shep Gordon

    They Call Me Supermench: A Backstage Pass to the Amazing Worlds of Film, Food, and Rock 'n' Roll

    Song: Wake Up Everybody by Harold Melvin

    Chitlin’ Circuit

    Earth, Wind, and Fire

    BBC Documentary of Teddy

    Kiss of the Spiderwoman

    Whales of August

    Stop Making Sense

    Cannes Film Festival

    EMI Records

    16 April 2018, 12:36 pm
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