Phoenix Helix: Autoimmune Health

Eileen Laird

Phoenix Helix: Autoimmune Health

  • The Final Episode of the Phoenix Helix Podcast
    Ten years ago in 2014, I recorded the very first episode of this podcast. Today is the last episode. In this final conversation, I celebrate the past 10 years and share what's coming next.
    12 January 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Episode 230: Healing Stories 11
    If you’re a regular listener of my podcast, you know that I start every year with a Healing Stories episode. It features back-to-back interviews with autoimmune warriors just like you! I ask them to share their journey from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. In this episode, we talk about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn’s disease, narcolepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, and also autoimmunity in general. Everyone’s story is unique, but we also have so much in common. Whatever your diagnosis, I hope these stories resonate and inspire.
    5 January 2024, 11:00 am
  • 8 minutes 17 seconds
    Mindset Minisode – Positive Visualization
    Our imagination is powerful, because our brain responds to imaginary experiences very similarly to real-life experiences. If we're spinning worst case scenarios in our mind, that triggers a very real stress response in our body. Positive visualizations do the opposite. Not only do they interrupt the stress response, but research shows they can help reduce anxiety, improve performance, increase mobility, and manage pain. In this 8 minute episode, I share a simple technique for using positive visualization to soothe autoimmune symptoms.
    22 December 2023, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Episode 229: Best Of – Resilience with Dr. Cynthia Li
    This is one of the most popular podcast episodes - for good reason! The topic is Resilience, that ability to bounce back from life’s hardships. With autoimmune disease, we get lots of practice. Sometimes we feel strong and capable of overcoming suffering. Other times we feel beaten down and frightened by our body’s unpredictability. The good news is that resilience isn't something you either have or you don’t. Resilience is a trait we can nurture. My guest is Dr. Cynthia Li, a functional medicine physician who has autoimmune disease herself. The intensity of her own health challenges ended up being a masterclass in resilience, and also changed the way she practiced medicine.
    8 December 2023, 11:00 am
  • 6 minutes 41 seconds
    Mindset Minisode – Learning To Say No
    Many of us love to help others and also love to please others, which can make it hard to say no. The trouble is that there are limited hours in the day, and we can't do everything. When we have autoimmune disease, learning to set limits is essential to our health. Sometimes we forget that when we say yes to everyone else, we're saying no to ourselves. Eventually, our body might say no for us in the form of an autoimmune flare. None of us wants that. In today's mindset minisode, I'm going to share some beginner tips for saying no. I'll also share a technique that can help you identify your priorities so that you say yes to what matters most, and say no to the things that keep you from those priorities.
    24 November 2023, 11:00 am
  • 57 minutes 36 seconds
    Episode 228: Digestion Troubleshooting with Dr. Sruti Lam-Fletcher
    The connection between gut health and autoimmune disease is very strong. 70% of our immune system lives in our gut. If we have inflammation in our digestive system, that’s going to cause inflammation in our immune system. This connection also goes both ways. If there’s inflammation and autoimmune activity in your body, that impacts digestion as well. Today, we’re going to troubleshoot some of the most common digestive issues, with the goal of supporting our health bodywide. My guest is Dr. Sruti Lam-Fletcher, a naturopath who specializes in digestive health. She’s also an autoimmune warrior herself so understands today’s topic both personally and professionally.
    10 November 2023, 11:00 am
  • 6 minutes 1 second
    Mindset Minisode – Identity & Autoimmune Disease
    The onset of autoimmune disease is a before and after moment for many of us. We feel like a completely different person, not just in our bodies but in our lives. Jobs and interests that were big parts of our identity might no longer be available to us. The roles we play in our families may change. It can feel like we've lost who we used to be and we don't recognize ourselves anymore. In this 6 minute podcast, I talk about the stages of this type of identity crisis, along with a technique to help you through it.
    27 October 2023, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Episode 227: Autoimmune Q&A with Terry, Sarah, and Eileen
    This is a very special episode featuring two of my colleagues and friends: Dr. Terry Wahls & Dr. Sarah Ballantyne! I’ve known these wonderful women for over a decade now. They’re both powerful leaders in the autoimmune community. They are also autoimmune warriors themselves. Today, we’re doing an Autoimmune Q&A: I’ll be asking us all a series of questions about our personal experiences with autoimmune disease, and our best tips for all of you!
    13 October 2023, 10:00 am
  • 7 minutes 47 seconds
    Mindset Minisode – Being Perfectly Imperfect
    With autoimmune disease, we sometimes strive to live "perfectly" as a way to improve our health. What if this is backfiring? In this 7 minute podcast, I share the science behind the health consequences of perfectionism and teach a technique to start shifting to healthy striving instead.
    29 September 2023, 10:00 am
  • 56 minutes 22 seconds
    Episode 226: Transgender Autoimmune Health
    My goal with the Phoenix Helix Podcast is to help people with autoimmune disease thrive. Today’s episode is dedicated to our transgender listeners and the healthcare practitioners who serve them. We’ll be talking about the medical complexities that might arise from the intersection of gender-affirming treatment and autoimmune treatment. We’ll discuss the challenges transgender patients face when seeking medical help and not knowing if you will face medical discrimination. We’ll share tips for creating safe spaces within healthcare practices. We’re also going to talk about the stress-autoimmune connection and the special challenges facing transgender people, with advice for self-care and self-advocacy. I’m honored to have a panel of guests with me today. Mitch Hankins is a transgender man living with autoimmune disease and will be sharing his experience and advice with us. Dr. Aly Cohen is an integrative rheumatologist who will be sharing the medical perspective. And Dr. Shainna Ali is a mental health counselor, educator, and advocate. She’ll be sharing the psychological perspective.
    15 September 2023, 10:00 am
  • 6 minutes 28 seconds
    Mindset Minisode – Kindness
    If you're feeling sad, insecure, or anxious today, kindness is a powerful mood boost and stress reliever. In this 6 minute episode, I share some inspiration for including kindness in your day today. It's a way to give a gift to yourself and someone else at the same time!
    1 September 2023, 10:00 am
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