Men's Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast

Nick Hutchings

Every episode of the MF podcast is packed with expert exercise and nutrition advice, previews of what's in our upcoming issues and reviews of new training techniques and gear.

  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 8: 29/11/11

    In this month’s podcast we’re discussing the obesity gene, personal trainer no-nos and how strawberries can help you recover from your workouts.

    We’re also challenging MF staff writer Ben Ince to perform as many sprawls as he can in a minute, running a boxing- and UFC-themed quiz, and MF features editor Joel Snape is going to sing his special lunchtime gym crime jingle – exciting and ear-splitting in equal measure!

    Get listening.


    29 November 2011, 1:26 pm
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 7: 05/10/11

    In this month’s podcast we’re revealing why fruit juice is bad for you, challenging staff writer Sam Rider to perform as many clap press-ups as he can and getting Mike Causer, top PT and director of Causer Conditioning, to explain the secrets of effective abs training.

    We’re also uncovering a noisy lunchtime gym crime and offering you the chance to win a huge tub of CNP protein. Get involved!

    5 October 2011, 9:24 am
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 6: 01/08/11

    In this month’s podcast we’re looking at why the US Army have banned Vibram FiveFingers, discussing how chairs are killing us, challenging Features Editor Joel Snape to perform as many kettlebell goblet squats as he can in a minute and speaking to Zoran Dubaic, director of Strength Performance, about some of common strength training mistakes people make.

    We’re also uncovering another rage-inducing lunchtime gym crime and offering you the chance to win a huge tub of CNP protein. Get involved!

    1 August 2011, 10:11 am
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 5: 02/06/11

    In this month’s podcast we’re looking at why computer games might be stopping the nation’s youth from learning the valuable skill of tree climbing, discussing claims that the moon can make you thinner and challenging features editor Joel Snape to wall sit for as long as he can.

    We’re also asking UFC bantamweight fighter Brad Pickett to answer some of the MMA-based fitness questions you’ve been posting on the MF Facebook page, uncovering another troublesome lunchtime gym crime and offering you the chance to win a huge tub of CNP protein.

    2 June 2011, 8:22 am
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 4: 02/05/11

    In this month’s podcast we’re discussing the Government’s fitness policies, uncovering why you need to wrap your hands around some FAT GRIPZ, and challenging MF editor Jon Lipsey to perform as many burpees as he can in a minute (see if you can beat his score). We’re also answering your MF Facebook page fitness questions, exposing another infuriating lunchtime gym crime and offering you the chance to win another big tub of CNP protein.

    3 May 2011, 8:55 am
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 3: 21/03/11

    In this month’s podcast we’re discussing the nonagenarian who’s breaking fitness records, explaining why German Volume Training will make you much stronger and challenging deputy editor Joe Warner to perform as many sit-ups as he can in a minute (expect painful groaning). We’re also answering your MF Facebook page fitness questions, uncovering another shocking lunchtime gym crime and offering you the chance to win a massive tub of protein.

    21 March 2011, 5:31 pm
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 2: 19/02/11


    In this month’s podcast we’re discussing the role throwing has played in human evolution and why you don’t need to do lots of long runs to finish a marathon. We’re also answering your MF Facebook page fitness questions, uncovering another shocking lunchtime gym crime, taking on the dreaded one-minute press-up challenge and offering you the chance to win a massive tub of protein.

    Get listening!

    21 February 2011, 4:39 pm
  • Men’s Fitness Magazine (UK) Podcast 1: 01/02/11


    We’ve just recorded our first podcast. In it we discuss a controversial magazine story that claims exercise won’t help you lose weight, explain what happened when we went to a innovative Gym Jones seminar, uncover why you shouldn’t go for the A-Team look in the gym and get sports scientist Nick Morgan to answer your fitness and nutrition questions. You can download it here.

    3 February 2011, 10:58 am
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