Yoga Radio Sessions - Yogapodden

Yoga Radio Sessions Yogapodden

A pod about life, love and yoga.

  • 55 minutes 37 seconds
    Även hjärnan behöver tränas och tänjas för smidighet och styrka.
    Här träffar vi en renässansmänniska, komiker, galen vetenskapsman och artist i en och samma (?) person.
    En konstnär som utsmyckar Laserdome och en minigolfbana.
    Anordnar gerillabio.
    Har skelett på balkongen.
    Deltar i “seed swapping”.
    Gör reklamfilm och reser till Bali för att introducera det svenska, övernaturligt manliga vattenväsenet Näcken.

    Här berättar han om hur man gör fake-blod. Med mera.
    Kommer denne Halmstadbördige person att bli vuxen? Nej.
    Och tur är det.
    Möt Anders Celin.

    Anders finns på Instagram anderscelin

    PS: Vi pratar vare sig om covid eller om Trump. Unikt!


    Hör av dig med tips och synpunkter.
    [email protected]

    Yoga Radio Sessions produceras av Christian Wigardt, YesYoga
    22 October 2020, 3:57 pm
  • 50 minutes 34 seconds
    Yoga Radio Sessions #55

    Christian Wigardt startade YesYoga för att han tyckte att yogan överlag var stiff, pretentiös och tråkig. Ödmjukheten manifesterade sig i slogans som “YesYoga puts everything in place” eller “Yoga (r)evolution starts here”.

    Sen sjösatte han Yoga DJ Sessions med Curt Lundberg för att ta yogan till en mer euforisk, rytmisk nivå. “Bass is mantra” heter det då och Curt serverar alltid spännande musik - mest från de elektroniska genrerna. Yogan närmar sig dans, men innehåller också element av chi gong, tai-chi och gaga movement language.

    Radarparet Curt och Christian smög också igång Yoga Radio Sessions - Yogapodden, där de har samtalat, tillsammans och var för sig, med människor som de tycker är spännande. Efter en paus i samtalen, med Curts mixar som huvudsakligt innehåll, är de snart tillbaka, tillsammans eller var för sig, med nya spännande avsnitt.

    Detta samtal gick av stapeln på Radio Skanstull 5 juli, det program som Curt har hostat, som det heter på svenska numera, varje fredag och lördag under sommaren. Det finns också i en audiovisuell version:

    YesYoga finns här:

    Yoga DJ Sessions:

    Alla poddar finns på

    Hör av dig med tips och synpunkter.
    [email protected]

    9 August 2020, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    Yoga DJ Sessions @ DOYCE July 5th
    Yoga Radio Sessions #54
    This is how we do it!
    On July 5th we were honoured to be the guests of DOYCE TV.
    And Curt Lundberg delivered this mix.
    How did it look like? Sneak peak here:

    We´re moving into orbit again after being somewhat hold back by something that was in the air..

    • Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.
    • We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on • • All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].
    • Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).
    • One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is
    11 July 2020, 12:08 pm
  • 59 minutes 50 seconds
    Yoga Radio Sessions #53
    Another sweet mix by the master Curt Lundberg, an icon in the field of electronic music. Among the ingredients in this tasteful musical meal: The soundtrack by Philip Glass for Godfrey Reggios "Koyaanisqatsi", the documentary made in 1983 which might just be the film to digest right now.
    But... you see the guy on the photo, glued to his mobile for the latest news about the virus?
    Do yourself a favour and let go of the terrifying news for a moment. Instead, just enjoy the music.
    Yoga on-line can be found on the YesYoga YouTube channel.

    • Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.
    • We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on • • All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].
    • Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).
    • One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is

    1 April 2020, 5:48 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Yoga Radio Sessions #52:
    Another exquisite mix by the master Curt Lundberg, including a recitation by Patti Smith about what life is all about, accompanied by an awesome techno beat.
    A perfect combo with yoga!
    Yoga on-line can be found on the YesYoga YouTube channel.

    • Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.
    • We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on • • All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].
    • Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).
    • One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is
    1 April 2020, 5:33 pm
  • 56 minutes 10 seconds
    Yoga Radio Sessions #51
    Perfect for your yoga.
    There are quite a few classes, tips & tricks if you browse the Facebook and on the YesYoga YouTube channel.
    This music works perfectly as a soundtrack for yoga in your livingroom or garden or whereever.
    Or just tune in to the music.
    DJ: Curt Lundberg, the Yoga DJ Sessions & YesYoga resident DJ. Music for the masses.

    PS: There are also lots of playlists on the Spotify

    • Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.
    • We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on
    • All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].
    • Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).
    • One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is
    30 March 2020, 3:47 pm
  • 59 minutes 45 seconds
    Yogapodden Yoga Radio Sessions #50

    Den bokaktuelle kyrkoherden i Katarina församling, Olle Carlsson, avslöjar i den här podden att han tänker ta språnget och skapa något helt eget, en ny modern andlig rörelse - i samverkan med den svenska kyrka som han i så många år har tvingats ta strid med.

    Varför? Det berättar han om i den här podden där han med sin gamle vapenslagare i olika sammanhang, Christian Wigardt, samtalar om missbruk (som från olika håll varit och är en central del av Olles liv), fåfänga och bekräftelsebehov, sexmissbruk och kärlek. Och så det som Olle kallar “Kristendom för ateister”.

    En bra boktitel. Men vad betyder den?

    På sittande fot beslutar de två också att se tillsammans ska introducera kyrkobesökarna för Yoga DJ Sessions, yoga med elektronisk musik och rökmaskiner.

    Olles sex böcker finns på bibblan eller där böcker säljs.

    Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.

    We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on

    Soundtrack: “Consciousness” by DJ Food

    All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].

    Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).

    One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is - Yoga DJ Sessions every weekend at Downtown Camper Hotel in downtown Stockholm.

    Wonderful yoga mats in cork at
    15 November 2019, 10:32 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Yoga Radio Sessions - Yogapodden #49

    Möt Eva Cállmin, terapeut och yogalärare sedan 30 år, och lär dig allt du behöver veta om holotropisk andning, en terapiform som arbetades fram av Stanislav Grof och hans hustru Christina när Stanislav Grofs forskning med LSD avbröts efter direktiv från myndigheterna.

    • Överallt där LSD beskrivs och debatteras kommer begreppt holotropisk andning upp. Människor som upplevt båda terapiformerna hävdar att holotropisk andning är lika kraftfull - och att vi till skillnad från med LSD kan välja att låta den inre radarn styra upplevelsen.

    • Vad finns det då för mening med att ta LSD? Och hur kan holotropisk andning vara till hjälp i vår ständiga strävan efter klarhet och balans? Eva är inte svaret skyldig. Och hon konstaterar att i nutid är de existentiella frågorna om vilka vi är och var kommer vi ifrån mycket mer vanliga än de var i början av hennes bana.

    • Följ hennes fascinerande väg till terapi- och yogaläraryrket, bl a som elev till paret Grof på det legendariska Esalen Institute i Big Sur.

    • En podd för alla som har gått, och tänkt tanken att gå, i terapi.

    • Du når Eva på [email protected] och hemsidan är

    • Stanislav Grof finns väl representerad på YouTube, t ex föredraget om "Psychology of the Future" (kortare version)

    • En alldeles utmärkt pod med Grof har gjorts av Tim Ferriss, "4500 trips and beyond", och finns här:

    • "How to change your mind - the new era of psychedelics" av Michael Pollan finns nu i svensk utgåva. Pollan skriver också om holotropisk andning. Han kommer till Sverige 14 dec

    • Podvärd: Christian Wigardt, journalist och yogalärare

    • En krönika på som kan vara värd att läsa:

    • (Och ja, det är inte 50:e avsnittet, vilket sägs i början av podden, utan det 49:e)

    Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.

    We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on

    Soundtrack: “Consciousness” by DJ Food

    All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].

    Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).

    One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is - Yoga DJ Sessions every weekend at Downtown Camper Hotel in downtown Stockholm.

    Wonderful yoga mats in cork at
    6 November 2019, 6:31 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Yoga Radio Sessions #48

    "Viva la Vulva!"

    Deborah Sundahl, from Minnesota and with Swedish ancestors, is the leading expert on female ejaculation and the G-spot, and a pioneering teacher in female sexuality since 1983.

    She has taught thousands of men and women how to integrate the G-spot and female ejaculation into their erotic lives. 

    The G-spot is the female prostate, she argues, and you should love your erotic juices. In order to fully appreciate sexuality, and reach full body, lengthy orgasms, not only women but also men have to get to know the power of the prostate.

    In this pod, she generously share some of the most intimate revelations from 35 years of workshops and lectures. Why, for example do most women think that their pussies are damaged?

    Deborah, a feminist since youth, advocates an explorative, honest sexuality where visits to S&M- or swingers clubs could very well be ingredients. And why not try pole dance? Also, she likes vampire novels.

    Among the topics in this pod:

    • why S-L-O-W-I-N-G D-O-W-N is the ultimate advice to men when considering understanding their own and their partners g-spot in particular and sexuality in general
    • why tantra educators need sex education
    • why prostitution should be legal
    • why porn is a threat to sexual fulfillment among youth
    • why we must study what´s going on in Japan - and be fearful about it

    Not always politically correct (thank God!) but always interesting and entertaining - on the pod stage, ladies & gentlemen, Deborah Sundahl!

    Host: Christian Wigardt, journalist & yoga master

    Deborah can be reached on - her book "Female ejaculation and the G-spot" can be ordered from Amazon or Audible.

    Prostate stimulator for men mentioned in the podcast:

    Book mentioned in the podcast:
    “Three women” by Lisa Taddeo

    Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.

    We´re on the web, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on

    Soundtrack: “Consciousness” by DJ Food

    This pod is also a result of us promoting YOUR ideas and suggestions on who we should meet. All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].

    Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).

    One of Stockholms largest yoga communities, where innovative, happy yoga classes are listed (some of them free!) is - Yoga DJ Sessions every weekend at Downtown Camper Hotel in downtown Stockholm.

    Wonderful yoga mats in cork at
    31 October 2019, 10:51 am
  • 2 hours 32 minutes
    Yoga Radio Sessions / Yogapodden #47

    Fagersta i mitten på 60-talet. Den 15-årige ynglingen Curt Lundberg träffar en äldre herre som introducerar honom för jazz, Estremadura och Gauloises.

    Genom att köra packmoppe på fritiden får han pengar till plattor. En scoutresa, Jamboree i USA, får betydelse för den vidare musikaliska färden.

    Och, som det heter, på den vägen är det.

    Curt är en ikon i Stockholms musikliv, ständigt synlig på klubbarna tidiga morgnar, en ytterst kunnig musikkännare som vi nu har den äran att få samtala med, i hans musikstuga, med all hans vinyl samlad på ett ställe.

    Under snart sex år har Curt Lundberg valt och spelat musik på Yoga DJ Sessions, ett hundratal vid det här laget, på festivaler, företag och event, inte minst på Downtown Camper Hotel vid Brunkebergstorg där Yoga DJ Sessions utgör ett stadigt inslag i helgens aktiviteter.

    Och äras den som äras bör; det var Curt som tyckte att vi skulle testa att köra yoga med elektronisk musik och, gärna många, rökmaskiner.

    Bland den musik som Curt väljer till detta poddavsnitt märks Art Ensemble of Chicago, Terry Riley, Frank Zappa, Eric Dolhpy, Carla Bley, Boards of Canada, Werner, Prince of Denmark och mycket annat.

    Det handlar inte bara om musik utan även om hundar, bävrar, Ibiza, klubben mmmmm och om hur man gör en riktig gin och tonic.

    • Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.

    We´re on the web, Instagram and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on

    All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].

    Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on (you have to handle Swedish though).

    Yoga Dj Sessions every weekend at Downtown Camper Hotel, see
    23 October 2019, 6:48 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Yoga Radio Sessions #46

    From the southern suburbs of Stockholm, Christian Schjött-Quist is a torpedo of love, always trying to give to his fellow brethren. He´s also questioning how we do things in this 1984-ish Orwelian world. He wants us to hold ground against negativity and dig deep into our selves to discover the vast possibilities of a life where body, mind and spirit co-exist. And where spirit rules. Taking full responsibillity for one´s life, and actions in it.

    Christian believes in world peace and works as a DJ, hired by some of Europe´s best free-style pro motocross riders as speaker, working also with pro ski/snowboard and Bmx/skateboard/inlines pros as well as other sports competitions, also at events, cinema premieres, parties, happenings.

    He's a citizen of the world and loves traveling it, while trying to embody his very own, unique way of life.

    Aren’t we all? Well yes. But some might be just a little more persistent than others. After a long time of soulsearching, Christian says it´s now time for him to give back.

    And that’s what he does, with a natural born authority, in this podcast.


    Christians favourite book: "The Art of Hearing Heartbeats" by Jan-Philip Sendker
    His favourite movie: "Matrix"

    Yoga Radio Sessions is brought to you by YesYoga - the corporate yoga specialist. Hire us for yoga & meditation at your workplace, festival, event, school or conference.

    Reach us on [email protected]

    We´re on the web, Instagram and Facebook. See you there and on the frequenzies - all pods can be found on

    Soundtrack: “Consciousness” by DJ Food

    All suggestions, opinions and pecan fudge pies can be directed to [email protected].

    Keep track on what´s going on in the yoga world in Sweden on  (you have to handle Swedish though).

    Wonderful eco-friendly yoga mats in cork on

    Join one of the largest yoga communities in Swecden: Stockholm Yoga & Meditation Group on where a lot of awesome yoga classes are listed, among them Yoga DJ Sessions at our favourite hotel Downtown Camper in central Stockholm
    17 October 2019, 8:12 pm
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