Brokenwings Halo Podcasts


A podcast show for Halo 3 fans. We talk about many things in halo such as: how to beat the game, unlockables, glitches, characters, walkthroughs, and how to get the achievements

  • Hello everyone I'm so sorry I haven't posted any new podcasts in a while
    To my fellow fans I am so sorry I have not posted any new podcasts in a long time. Things have been kinda hecktic. I've had many threats about my podcast show being hacked. Not only that I've had alot on my mind with me working on my GED and all. Yes I dropped out of high school. Anyways I will be taking the test on May 26 and 27th and right now I am currently very tired, but I will be making many more podcasts soon. I know everyone has been very patiant with me.

    Also as you have noticed I was supposed to come out with a theme song for my podcast show and well it never happened. You can blame Jake from Stuck on 7 for that one. He lied to me about making the podcast only to get more fans.

    I could really use some help on this. I will make a banner and if there are any listeners still out there could you please post this on a site you are signed up to. I could really use the help for getting my name out.

    Also I've been kinda busy with me having a girlfriend and all. Yes I finally found one and I just recently proposed to her. She is my everything and I'd do anything for her.

    Also if anyone can help me out with a little problem I'm having I'd really appreciate it. I can't seem to post any new podcasts up on itunes. I don't know why they just don't seem to be working. If anyone would like to help me out e-mail me at [email protected]

    Thanks so much for sticking around and have a wonderful night.
    3 May 2008, 4:01 am
  • Episode 2 is now available
    Thanks to all for listening. We have a new episode up available for download now called Skulls and Terminals. Subscribe to us on itunes to download it.
    20 February 2008, 9:13 am
    WELCOME TO THE PREMIER EPISODE OF BROKEN WINGS HALO PODCASTSThe episode is called Vehicles. It is a total of 10 minutes and 47 seconds. I spent alot of time working on it. actually I spent over 9 hours on it, but that's besides the point.Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.From: Brokenwings
    18 February 2008, 6:56 pm
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