Wednesday Night Game

GM Colin

We play table top role playing games on Wednesday Night. We switch what system we're playing after a little while so we can keep things fresh.

  • That’s all folks!

    We had a great run with the podcast! It was 5-ish years of production and another 3-ish years of keeping the site alive past production days. We had a lot of fun and we hope you all had a great time listening to our antics! However, The Wednesday Night Game Podcast has ended its hosting agreements with the sites that hold all of its content, so you can expect the feed to be empty going forward (unless there’s something that goes wrong that causes the content to stay up, but that’s not our fault, and not supported by us).

    That’s really all there is to say in this update. Just wanted to ensure that there was a public announcement to refer to if anyone wondered what happened to the feed.

    From all of us here at the Wednesday Night Crew,
    Have fun!

    11 October 2023, 11:29 am
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 08 – Side B

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 08 Side B of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    This is our final episode.

    Way back in February or March of 2020, we recorded this episode the week before the pandemic began and we stopped meeting up in person (for obvious reasons). We, like everyone else, figured we could “wait out” the Covid conditions so we started playing a pickup game online to tide us over.

    Now it’s more than a year later, we’ve played a few games since that little pick-up we started in March 2020, we completely exhausted our backlog for the podcast, we’re still not sure when we can get back to recording the way we like to, and we’ve all sortof moved on from this game series in our hearts and minds. In spite of how hilarious and wonderful it was to play.

    We discussed our options as a group and the Wednesday Night Crew has decided that we’re going to put the podcast on hiatus.

    The delay until new episodes will last until we can get back on track with recording and develop a few episodes of backlog.

    Thank you all so much for coming along on our hobby journey with us! It’s been a pretty awesome few years letting you guys have a peak into our gaming lives.

    Without further adieu, here’s this week’s episode in which we finish up the second round of combat and the players end up getting back into the hot water right at the end of the session.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    5 May 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 08 – Side A

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 08 Side A of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In today’s episode we get through round 1 of our first combat session of Genesys RPG, Realms of D&D.

    Hal attempts subterfuge to get his way, the rest of the NPCs and Krask take the brute force route, and the casters attempt, with varying levels of success, to do some magic! Meanwhile, the players crack some pretty good jokes.

    This is our penultimate episode.

    We’ll make a full announcement about what that means and what the plan is for the future next week during the episode.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    28 April 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 07 – Side B

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 07 Side B of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In today’s episode, we discover more about the small slice of the Chasm that the party has designated as theirs. Including meeting with some of the new neighbors who are less than thrilled by the party’s entrance into their territory.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    21 April 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 07 – Side A

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 07 Side A of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In today’s episode, it’s move in day! Trials and tribulations abound. They meet some neighbors and have some discussions about what their next steps should be in Neverwinter.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    14 April 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 06 – Side B

    This week is Session 06 Side B of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that

    In this week’s episode shopping continues! The party bought pastries including a magnificent cake. Hal bought a large portion of meat, reportedly as owlbear food, and a cart to drag it around in. He also bought a live chicken for Krask. Rwrarp freaked out a haberdasher when he had Greg retrieve his shiny new wizard hat. And they convinced a snake to show them to a place to stay.

    A good time RPing was had by all.

    Finally getting some puns back into the rotation!

    Please, enjoy the show!

    Actual ending of the episode is at 31:30. For some reason there’s about 23 minutes of silence that compiled at the end of this episode. Please ignore this technical difficulty.
    7 April 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 06 – Side A

    Hello Listeners!

    Thank you all for helping to support our friends, Team Sawyer, in their Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Student of the Year Pittsburgh Fundraiser drive! With your donations and by spreading the word to others, Team Sawyer was able to raise over $100,800! Thank you again for your individual contributions to battling Leukemia and Lymphoma.

    Now, onto the podcast information.

    This week is Session 06 Side A of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In this week’s episode, Rwrarp, lost in Neverwinter, finds a hat shop and the most beautiful hat he’s ever seen. Krask and Hal go buy a gauntlet and attempt to remain unremarkable. Uitzash performs a scrying ritual fueled by nightmares!

    A very successful shopping trip.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    31 March 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 05 – Side B

    Please support our friends Team Sawyer for their Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Student of the Year Pittsburgh Fundraiser drive!

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 05 Side B of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In this week’s episode the characters investigated the Zephyros’ tower more and discovered a very cute surprise! Also, we finally arrived at Neverwinter! So we said our goodbyes to Zephyros, descended the cloud stairs, and then everything went to hell before we even got to the gates.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    24 March 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 05 – Side A

    Please support our friends Team Sawyer starting at 7pm ET on March 26 for their Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Student of the Year Pittsburgh Fundraiser drive!

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 05 Side A of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In this week’s episode, the characters talk about Hal’s plan to have Firbolgs ascend the Ordning and become the supreme race of giant-kin. Rwrarp decides that it’s time to do some potion experimentation! And, the Goblins reveal that they wrestle to settle disputes sometimes.

    Please, enjoy the show!

    17 March 2021, 10:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 04 – Side B

    Please support our friends Team Sawyer starting at 7pm ET on March 26 for their Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Student of the Year Pittsburgh Fundraiser drive!

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 04 Side A of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In this week’s episode we do a quick flashback to learn how well Krask and Hal trained the Goblins to perform their play and then we see how well their first play performance was! Zephyros had notes. Afterwards we learn some backstory about Hal and then we learn some secrets about Giants!

    Still sitting at 1 on the Pun-O-Meter, but we were on fire this night with the other jokes!

    Please, enjoy the show!

    10 March 2021, 11:00 pm
  • The Phour Phandeleers – Session 04 – Side A

    Please support our friends Team Sawyer starting at 7pm ET on March 26 for their Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Student of the Year Pittsburgh Fundraiser drive!

    Hello Listeners!

    This week is Session 04 Side A of The Phour Phandeleers, a continuation of our Lost Mines of Phandelver Campaign with some special tweaks. We’re using the Storm Kings Thunder adventure module from Wizards of the Coast with heavy modifications as our campaign framework and using is a slightly modified version of Realms of Terrinoth, a version of the Genesys Roleplaying System by Fantasy Flight Games.

    In this series, you’ll hear Alex play Hal, a Firbolg Bard. Kaetlyn plays Uitzash, a Warlock in service to Dendar. Kolton plays Krask, a Lizardfolk Paladin. Matt plays Rwrarp (pronounced like the frog sound), a Grung Necromancer. And Colin was running this chaos… I mean game. All of the characters had been given 150 xp to spend which may have been roughly equivalent to a 2nd tier adventurer in D&D. Since this was a conversion, we were willing to be wrong about that.

    In this week’s episode, you’ll hear about the inside of a Cloud Giant’s Wizard Tower, listen as Krask and Hal train the Goblins how to do a performance, and Uitzash and Rwrarp read a journal and discover secrets!

    Please, enjoy the show!

    3 March 2021, 11:00 pm
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