Beyond 50


Beyond 50 Radio is a weekly and educational talk show for Baby Boomers for the Pacific Northwest. Based in Portland, Oregon, it has been on-the-air since 2004. Hosted by Daniel Davis, he interviews best-selling authors, celebrities, experts and visionary leaders from all over the Pacific Northwest. You can also hear from our local sponsors who like to educate so that you can be a savvier consumer. For more, visit and sign up for our e-newsletter.

  • 59 minutes 52 seconds
    EPISODE 592 - What the World Needs Now is Love and You Can Make It Happen!
    For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Reverend Violet Young from Yachats in the Oregon Coast. She is back on the show to offer her wisdom about the need for love in small acts towards others in your day-to-day life. We can choose to be and stay aware of when we are in love and when we are out of love. In this way, explains Dr. Young, we can monitor our behavior and mold ourselves back into staying in a place of heart and love - encouraging us to allow love to be our guidance system. Due to the negativity around us, we need to wake up and remember that we are the love that the world needs! It is our personal responsibility to be aware of, and stay in command of, what we take into ourselves. We need to wake up and remember to choose to hear and see examples of the positivity that is happening everywhere.
    30 July 2018, 5:15 pm
  • EPISODE 591 - Newsreal & Fake News
    For Beyond 50's "History" talks, listen to an interview with Tim Ortman. He has worked for thirty-five years as a cameraman and producer for every major U.S. television news network and the Foreign Press Corps. Ortman understand firsthand the television news production process with over three decades of experience. He'll about a "golden era" when "anchormen were more trusted than Presidents." The way information is delivered today, competition has increased and viewers' attention spans have decreased. The value of real, important news delivered by dedicated journalists has diminished. Today, the vastly expanded thousand-channel news environment is rich with opinion. Yet, real reporting was never about and has no room for opining. Fine out why he is a staunch defender of the 4th Estate; how "fake news" is an artificial term created by real demagogues fearful of the truth; why Americans should care about what happens outside of Washington, D.C. and the United States; and more. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    14 June 2018, 12:00 pm
  • EPISODE 590 - My Distant Dad: Healing the Family Father Wound
    For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Jed Diamond. He is a renowned psychotherapist who coined the term, "Irritable Male Syndrome." He'll talk about the father wound, resulting from a father who was physically or emotionally absent. According to him, disconnected males, without a strong sense of inner guidance, can become abusive towards women and destructive towards men. Without the support of their fathers, men become disconnected from their true selves, feeling that others are controlling their lives. They suffer a wounding that creates a hole in their soul. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    11 June 2018, 12:10 pm
  • EPISODE 589 - The Quinoa Chronicles
    For Beyond 50's "Nutrition" talks, listen to an interview with Stephen Gorad. He'll talk about his discovery of Quinoa in 1973 at a Bolivian street market that was the beginnings of his love affair with the grain. A totally disrespected food, known only by poor indigenous peoples in the Andean mountain regions of South America, Quinoa is now appreciated, eaten, and also grown throughout the world. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    10 May 2018, 12:01 pm
  • EPISODE 588 - Christian Science: Finding God, Finding Health
    For Beyond 50's "Religion" talks, listen to an interview with Michelle Nanouche. She is a follower of Christian Science from Paris, France. She'll talk about "Finding God, Finding Health" to explain God as active, present and accessible; that no one is, or can be, cut off from or left out of the divine presence. The unique revelation of God's full nature, as explained by Christian Science, unlocks the potential in us, not just to survive, but to thrive. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    3 May 2018, 11:58 am
  • EPISODE 587 - You Don't Have to Drive an Uber in Retirement
    For Beyond 50's "Finance" talks, listen to an interview with Marc Lichtenfeld, the Oxford Club's Chief Income Strategist and found and Senior Editor of "The Oxford Income Letter." He's back on the program to educate about how generating more income, event in retirement and spend less. He offers real-world tips to help you reach your financial goals. It is possible to increase your income in or as you approach retirement. Find out how to maximize your savings while minimizing the lifestyle impact; unique ways for generating a meaningful amount of income that doesn't require you to get a job; how much you'll need for a comfortable retirement; and new, everyday strategies that can help you bolster your funds. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    19 April 2018, 12:03 pm
  • EPISODE 586 - Raise Capital on Your Own Terms
    For Beyond 50's "Business" talks, listen to an interview with Jenny Kassan. She is an investment expert. She'll talk about better options out there than raising venture capital for investment money in your business. Kassan offers a roadmap to raising funding for a business without selling out the dream. She reveals why its critical for entrepreneurs to design a strong capital raising plan that fits who they are, and provides all the steps for how to do it. Learn how to lay the groundwork for finding investorsthat are mission-driven investors and the best ways to approach them. Kassan will also discuss about how to stick to their non-negotiables and find funders who agree with them. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Talk Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    18 April 2018, 12:03 pm
  • EPISODE 585 - Healing Intergenerational Trauma
    For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Catherine VanWetter and Joe Arnold. They are the co-founders of Gatekeeper Constellations in Corvallis, Oregon. As a culture, we are witnessing the Millennial's, born between 1980 - 1998, facing overwhelming, personal economic stagnation due in part to large college debt and intense career competition. As a result, many Millennials are suffering from depression, anxiety, social isolation, suicide, bullying, internet/social media addiction and entitlement leading to emotional and social dysfunction. The opportunity for healing trauma within the Millennial population. is for the parents to do their work and heal their trauma which the Millennials have inherited. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    29 March 2018, 11:58 am
  • EPISODE 584 - From Anxiety to Love
    For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Corinne Zupko. She's a licensed counselor who had struggled with debilitating anxiety for nearly three decades. She offers a new apprach to healing anxiety from "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM), mindfulness, meditation, and the latest therapeutic approaches. Zupko will explain how she like to go beyond fixing the symptoms of anxiety and focus instead on healing the problem at its root by offering practical strategies designed to help readers shift the fundamental way they perceive the world. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    22 March 2018, 11:07 am
  • EPISODE 583 - Perceptual Intelligence
    For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Dr. Brian Wachler. He'll define Perceptual Intelligence (PI) to help you understand how we interpret and occasionally manipulate our experiences to distinguish fantasy from reality. PI relies heavily on our senses and instincts, but it is frequently influenced and distorted by our emotions and memories. You'll learn about the high cost of self-delusion; why we feel compelled to "return a favor" and how reciprocity hijacks our perceptions; why some athletes and teams are winners and other chronic losers; why celebrities have so much social impact and how their personas manipulate us; and more. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    16 March 2018, 11:03 am
  • EPISODE 582 - Christian Science: Are You Ready to Take the Next Step?
    For Beyond 50's "Religion & Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Enrique Smeke. He is a follower, teacher and guest lecturer of Christian Science. He likes to show many that there is great value in taking a first step towards a solution. When we find outselves in difficult situations, God is there to support and guide us. And as we look to Him for support, we witness how God unfolds the path to the awaited solution. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
    13 March 2018, 11:01 am
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