IMreasoning - Clinical reasoning for Doctors and Students

Drs. Art Nahill & Nic Szecket

  • 55 minutes 11 seconds
    Our final episode

    We cannot put this off any longer.  IMreasoning has reached the end of its road.  We had a great 5 years.  We both learned so much, about medicine, about cognition, about the art of teaching, about each other, and about ourselves.

    Thank you once again to all of you, our listeners, for sticking with us.  Thank you especially to those who got in touch, and gave us encouragement to continue this project over the past 5 years.

    Thank you as well to all of you who appeared and participated in the podcast, to present stump the chumps cases, or to share your expertise in conversation with us.

    A special thank you to Steve and Madi who navigated the tech and the socials for us in the final leg of this adventure.  We couldn't have done this without you.

    31 March 2021, 7:55 am
  • 56 minutes 11 seconds
    69: STC with Alec Rezigh

    Join us for another instalment of Stump the Chumps. This time our case comes from Baylor University presented by Alec Rezigh, a friend of the podcast. Enjoy!

    3 February 2021, 1:25 am
  • 1 minute 18 seconds
    Epilette January 2021

    Just a quick inbetweenisode to let you all know we will be back with another instalment of STC in early February.  Enjoy a Southern Hemisphere summer, wherever you are.

    11 January 2021, 8:15 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    68: STC with Ramey Bajwa

    Join us for another installation of STC (technically international) with Ramey Bajwa.  Play along and see if you can guess the diagnosis any earlier than we did (or did not).

    29 November 2020, 12:09 am
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    67: MAID with Stefanie Green

    Join us for our conversation with Stefanie Green, the director of CAMAP (Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers) where we hear about the lessons learned from the Canadian experience over the past four years since it has been legal for doctors to provide medical assistance in dying.

    28 October 2020, 6:56 pm
  • 46 minutes 55 seconds
    66: STC with Human Dx and reverse STC

    Join us for another instalment of STC (Stump the Chumps) where we tackle another case from HumanDx Global Morning Report.

    But first, try your hand at solving a case that Art brought along from his recent ward round.  Good luck!

    12 October 2020, 8:12 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    65: STC at the Royal Adelaide with Josh and Toby

    Join us for another instalment of STC, presented at grand rounds at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Unfortunately we had to stay at home in Auckland and do it over Zoom... (because COVID). Josh Inglis and Toby Gilbert gave us a real challenge.

    13 September 2020, 9:15 am
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    64: Memory - Daniel Kilov

    Join us for a fascinating conversation with Daniel Kilov, philosopher and memory athlete, about memory.  Find out about techniques that we can each learn to help us to memorise...anything.

    Click on Daniel Kilov TedX talk to here more

    And if you're interested here is the link to Joshua Foer Ted Talk, author of "Moonwalking with Einstein":


    5 August 2020, 12:41 am
  • 47 minutes 16 seconds
    63: STC with Human Dx

    We are thrilled to launch our 1st collaboration with HumanDx.

    "a worldwide effort, created with and led by the global medical community, to build an open intelligence system that maps the steps to help any patient"

    There is a key image associated with the case which you should inspect before starting.  Go to our website

    You can try to solve thousands of interesting cases at HumanDx in an interactive, engaging platform, and can add your own cases too.

    8 July 2020, 6:17 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    62: The Chang, and musings on Artificial Intelligence

    Chang is back people.  Hope you enjoy our conversation over a pint at Galbraith's in Auckland.  Chang helps us understand what machine learning actually means.  It's all about matrices apparently.  Easy...

    25 June 2020, 8:22 am
  • 49 minutes 46 seconds
    61: Cognitive Autopsy

    Once again we dissect a diagnosis-gone-wrong from the records of the Health and Disability Commissioner.  Can we learn something to take away and avoid making the same mistake ourselves?

    31 May 2020, 4:15 am
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