Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast

Core IM Team

  • 33 minutes 36 seconds
    #172 Microplastics and Macro CV Health Problems: Beyond Journal Club on APACHe Study with NEJM Group

    What is the impact of microplastics on human health? How can we use observational data to support the argument that microplastics may lead to poor health outcomes?

    Join us as we tackle these questions and discuss the APAChE study on microplastics and cardiovascular disease on this episode of Beyond Journal Club, a series brought to you by Core IM in collaboration with NEJM Group.

    🔹 Transcript and Show Notes

    🔹 Behind The Scenes YouTube Video

    This episode is also sponsored by Factor! Get fresh, ready-made meals delivered to your door. Use the code factorpodcast for a special discount at


    (02:24) | Introduction to Plastic's Key Players

    (07:59) | Bradhill/Observational Work

    (10:33) | APAChE Study Deep Dive

    (18:03) | Discussion

    📢 Special Thanks:

    🎙️ Audio Editing: Jerome Reyes

    📊 Graphics: Dr. Jimin Hwang


    CoreIM, Environmental Health, Medical Education, IMCore, Public Health, Clinical Pearls, Physician, Medical Student, Nurse Practitioner, Epidemiology

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    5 March 2025, 6:00 am
  • 20 minutes 51 seconds
    #171 Hospice Music Therapy: Bonus Episode

    What is the last sense to go? How can music create connection, ease anxiety, and help process emotions at the end of life? Join Dr. Jafar Al-Mondhiry, Dr. Harry Han, and music therapist Bryanna Tobin as they explore the power of music therapy in hospice care, sharing moving stories and clinical insights.

    🔹 This episode is also sponsored by Factor! Get fresh, ready-made meals delivered to your door. Use the code factorpodcast for a special discount at

    🔹 Transcript and Show Notes


    (00: 39) | 1st: What is Music Therapy in Hospice?

    (07:59) | 2nd: A Powerful Story

    (14:19) | 3rd: Challenges in the Field of Music Therapy

    Tags:  IMCore, CoreIM, primary care, palliative care, end-of-life, oncology nurse practitioner, pharmacist, physician assistant

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    27 February 2025, 6:00 am
  • 34 minutes 59 seconds
    #170 ILD and High-Risk Medication Prescribing: Gray Matters Segment

    Incidental fibrosis on CT —what now? What does prone imaging tell you? Is it fibrosis, aspiration, or atelectasis? And once you diagnose ILD, does the “alphabet soup” really matter for treatment? Antifibrotics vs. immunosuppression?

    Plus, how do we bridge the gap when social barriers make care unsafe?

    🔹 This episode is also sponsored by Factor! Get fresh, ready-made meals delivered to your door. Use the code factorpodcast for a special discount at

    Transcript and Show Notes


    (01:26) | Deep Dive 1

    (06:38) | Deep Dive 2

    (12:37) | Deep Dive 3

    (21:13) | Deep Dive 4

    (28:06) | Deep Dive 5

    Tags: CoreIM, Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, Clinical Pearls, Medical Education, IMCore, Radiology, Hospitalist, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Student, interstitial lung disease

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    5 February 2025, 6:00 am
  • 52 minutes 23 seconds
    #169 MGUS to Multiple Myeloma Diagnostics and Counseling: 5 Pearls Segment

    SPEP vs. UPEP? What does it tell you and not tell you? What is the role for immunofixation and free light chains in diagnosis? Learn about paraneoplastic antibodies with MGCS and its renal, neurologic, and dermatologic manifestations!

    SponsorFreed is an AI scribe that listens and writes your note in < 30 seconds. Freed learns your style over time and is HIPAA compliant! 

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    🔹 This episode is also sponsored by Factor! Get fresh, ready-made meals delivered to your door. Use the code factorpodcast for a special discount at

    Behind The Scenes Youtube Interview with Dr. Vincent Rajkumar

    Transcript and Show Notes


    (01:26) | Pearl 1: What is a monoclonal gammopathy? What is our expected clinical presentation?

    (10:12) | Pearl 2: What is our initial workup? Understanding SPEP, Immunofixation, and Free Light Chains

    (24:13) | Pearl 3: Do we need urine testing? When urine testing is necessary and when it is not.

    (26:26) | Pearl 4: How should we differentiate monoclonal gammopathies? The continuum of MGUS, SMM, and MM.

    (41:35) | Pearl 5: Demystifying Monoclonal gammopathy of clinical significance (MGCS)

    Tags: CoreIM, Internal Medicine, ClinicalPearls, Medical Education, IMCore, hospitalist, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, medical student, internal medicine

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    22 January 2025, 10:00 am
  • 42 minutes 39 seconds
    #168 Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Adverse Events 2.0: 5 Pearls Segment

    How do you differentiate immune checkpoint inhibitor-related adverse events aka IrAEs from other conditions like infection? Join as we go through pneumonitis, colitis, dermatitis and endocrinopathies due to immune checkpoint inhibitor toxicity!

    Transcript and Show Notes

    ICIs & IrAEs 101 Episode

    Behind The Scenes video


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    (03:14) | Pearl 1

    (13:34) | Pearl 2

    (24:42) | Pearl 3

    (30:34) | Pearl 4

    (35:21) | Pearl 5

    Tags: CoreIM, Internal Medicine, ClinicalPearls, Skin Toxicity, Medical Education, IMCore, oncology, hospitalist, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, medical student

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    8 January 2025, 6:00 am
  • 11 minutes 29 seconds
    #167 Best of YouTube 2024: Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis, Inhaler Use, Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy

    YouTube Videos

    1. Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis:
    2. Inhaler Delivery Systems:
    3. Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy

    Subscribe to Core IM’s YouTube Channel for more behind the scenes, whiteboard animations and more!


    01:27 | Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis (Dr. Nick Villano)

    02:52 | Inhaler Delivery Systems (Dr. Allie Sheridan)

    04:44 | IDA in Pregnancy (Dr. Michael Auerbach)

    Tags:IMCore, Medical Education, IDA, hospitalist medicine, hospitalist, primary care, nurse practitioner, chalktalks, hematology, asthma, COPD, pregnancy care, Medical Podcast, Clinical Teaching

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    30 December 2024, 9:15 am
  • 32 minutes 16 seconds
    #166 Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU and REVISE Trial: Beyond Journal Club with NEJM Group

    What’s the evidence been for the use of PPIs in mechanically ventilated patients? What do more recent studies reveal about PPIs and possible harmful side effects of aspiration pneumonia and C. difficile colitis? To find out, tune into the second season of Beyond Journal Club, a series brought to you by Core IM in collaboration with NEJM Group.

    SponsorFreed is an AI scribe that listens and writes your note in < 30 seconds. Freed learns your style over time and is HIPAA compliant! 

    Use the code CORE50 to get 50% off your first month with Freed

    Subscribe to Core IM’s YouTube Channel for more behind the scenes, whiteboard animations and more!


    (02:13) | Define the problem / Clinically important bleeding Outcome/Risk benefit /Risk factors]

    (05:58) | Hx and H2 antagonists

    (10:42) | SUP-ICU

    (15:12) | PEPTIC

    (19:30) | REVISE trial

    (27:28) | Deprescribing

    (29:06) | Outstanding questions

    Transcript and Show Notes

    Tags: CoreIM, InternalMedicine, CriticalCare, Proton Pump Inhibitors, GIbleeding, ICU, ICU bleeding, Clinical Trials, Evidence Based Medicine, Patient Centered Outcomes, Deprescribing

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    11 December 2024, 6:00 am
  • 44 minutes 9 seconds
    #165 Peripheral Arterial Disease: 5 Pearls Segment

    Why are we missing peripheral arterial disease (PAD)? How is it diagnosed using the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)? What treatments improve symptoms and reduce cardiovascular risks? When should revascularization be considered?

    Transcript and Show notes

    Behind The Scenes YouTube Interview

    Subscribe to Core IM’s YouTube Channel for more behind the scenes, whiteboard animations and more!


    (02:23) | PEARL 1: When to suspect PAD? Risk factors?

    (07:34) | PEARL 2: How to work up PAD?

    (16:26) | PEARL 3: Improving symptoms and quality of life 

    (25:38) | PEARL 4: Approach to therapy: Preventing CV mortality 

    (33:53) | PEARL 5: Deeper Dive into Antithrombotic Therapy and Anticoagulation 

    (39:09) | PEARL 6: Who needs revascularization? 

    Tags: CoreIM, PAD, Peripheral Arterial Disease, ABI, claudication, vascular medicine, revascularization, internal medicine, smoking cessation, lipid management, primary care, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, cilostazol. supervised exercise therapy

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    27 November 2024, 6:00 am
  • 29 minutes 31 seconds
    #164 TPN/PPN Parenteral Nutrition: 5 Pearls Segment

    How is TPN and PPN similar and how is it different? When should each be used? How does bacterial overgrowth lead to complications? Does TPN cause diarrhea?

    Transcript and Show notes

    Behind the Scenes Youtube Interview

    Subscribe to Core IM’s YouTube Channel for more behind the scenes, whiteboard animations and more!


    (01:35) | PEARL 1: Basics of PN: What makes up parenteral nutrition?

    (06:54) | PEARL 2: Indications and Contraindications for TPN and PPN: When should I order parenteral nutrition?

    (13:40) | PEARL 3: Complications of parenteral nutrition: What are the common adverse effects of parenteral nutrition?

    (19:41) | PEARL 4: Parenteral nutrition myths: What should patients know before they start TPN?

    (23:56) | PEARL 5: Recap on Tube Feeds: How do we determine the amount of free water to give out patients on tube feeds?

    Tags: IMCore, CoreIM, parenteral nutrition, TPN, PPN, clinical nutrition, nutritional support, complications, patient safety, gastrointestinal disorders, critical care, internal medicine, fluid management, ICU, Crit Care, GI, gastroenterology

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    14 November 2024, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 47 seconds
    #163 Urine Drug Screening Nuances: 5 Pearls Segment

    Limitations to urine drug screening (UDS) in primary care? What are common false positives and false negatives with the urine drug screen test?

    Transcript and Show notes

    Behind The Scenes YouTube Interviews

    Subscribe to Core IM’s YouTube Channel for more behind the scenes, whiteboard animations and more!


    (03:01) | PEARL 1: Basics to Urine Drug Screen (UDS)

    (08:03) | PEARL 2: Types of urine drug tests, and what are immunoassays (IA)?

    (18:44) | PEARL 3: What are gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)-based tests?

    (26:51) | PEARL 4: How do you address unexpected test results on a UDS?

    (30:29) | PEARL 5: Throwback to “5 Pearls on Stigma in Opioid Use Disorder” episode

    Tags: IMCore, CoreIM, primary care, urine drug screening, opioid use disorder, substance use, harm reduction, addiction medicine, clinical toxicology, patient safety, compassionate care

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    30 October 2024, 5:00 am
  • 38 minutes 22 seconds
    #162 Hospice 102: Practical Tips and Nuances

    What if a patient can't afford hospice? Which medications do you deprescribe when on hospice? What happens when patients who are on hospice return to the hospital or ED?

    Sponsor: Imagine leveraging A.I to do pre-charting before seeing a patient. Reach out to [email protected] to integrate Glass A.I into your EMR! For more on Glass or Glass Pro, Use the promo code: CoreIM

    Behind the Scenes Youtube Interview

    Show notes & Transcript

    Hospice 101 Episode 1

    Subscribe to Core IM’s YouTube Channel for more behind the scenes, whiteboard animations and more!


    A hospitalized patient elects to enroll in hospice, now what?

    What treatments are typically covered  by hospice?

    What medications to continue and discontinue?

    Code status in hospice

    Approaching the hospice patient coming back to the hospital

    Hospice enrollment and re-enrollment is voluntary.

    Tags: IMCore, CoreIM, primary care, palliative care, end-of-life, oncology nurse practitioner, pharmacist, physician assistant

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    16 October 2024, 5:00 am
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