The Mindfulness Meditation Podcast with Danny Ford

Danny Ford

  • 29 minutes 41 seconds
    Guided meditation: Meditating with gentleness and care

    Live recording of a guided meditation led on Zoom in April 2020. More episodes are on the way.

    May we all live and practice with care. Care for ourselves and care for others.

    #stayhome #alonetogether #mindfulness

    24 April 2020, 1:08 am
  • 31 minutes 4 seconds
    30 minute guided meditation (led on Zoom)

    A guided meditation I led for a group on Zoom. Recorded 8th April 2020. To get early access to upcoming episodes of the podcast sign up at

    17 April 2020, 1:08 am
  • 18 minutes 31 seconds
    Guided Meditation: Welcoming Awareness

    A guided meditation led by mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist, Danny Ford.

    21 February 2019, 6:52 pm
  • 13 minutes 45 seconds
    Guided Meditation on Sound

    A guided mindfulness meditation on sound.

    15 April 2018, 12:08 pm
  • 12 minutes 14 seconds
    Guided Meditation: Introduction to Mindfulness

    A guided meditation exploring the practice of mindfulness of breathing. The meditation includes helpful reminders relating to the wandering mind.

    The meditation is led by Danny Ford, an Integrative Psychotherapist and Mindfulness Teacher. Recorded at a live class.

    16 March 2018, 1:08 pm
  • 10 minutes
    Guided Meditation: A Safe Environment

    In this episode of the MIndfulness Meditation Podcast with Danny Ford, we offer a trauma-informed mindfulness practice to support a sense of presence and safety in the face of fear.

    The meditation is led by psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher, Danny Ford.

    Danny specialises in supporting people with complex or relational trauma, including sexualised trauma and emotional neglect.

    24 November 2017, 1:08 pm
  • 22 minutes 30 seconds
    Guided Meditation: Feeling breathing and resting in being

    Gently inviting attention to settle into your body and feel breathing at the level of sensation. Resting in being. Meeting yourself with sincere, simple, caring presence.

    A guided meditation led by psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher, Danny Ford.

    18 November 2017, 1:08 pm
  • 28 minutes 17 seconds
    Guided meditation on mindful breathing (from the archive)

    This episode of the Mindfulness Meditation Podcast with Danny Ford comes from our archive of guided meditations.

    Settling into a comfortable posture and asking yourself: How do I know I have a body?

    This open question is a way of mindfully enquiring into your experience.

    Knowing your body from the inside, moment to moment. Softening tension. Tuning to the breath, wherever it is most clearly known in your body.

    Recorded in 2012 at a mindfulness meditation class in Leeds.

    16 September 2017, 12:08 pm
  • 9 minutes 8 seconds
    Meditation talk: Loving ourselves authentically

    In this episode of the Mindfulness Meditation Podcast, we offer a short reflection on learning to love ourselves deeply is a gift to others as well as to ourselves.

    This short talk was recorded at a mindfulness class in Leeds, called Mindfulness: Embodied Attention and Wholehearted Living.

    Danny Ford is a psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher in Leeds.  

    11 August 2017, 12:08 pm
  • 32 minutes 19 seconds
    30 minute Guided Meditation on Embodied Presence and Love

    In this episode of the Mindfulness Meditation Podcast with Danny Ford, we offer a trauma-informed guided meditation.

    We begin with receptive listening, before gently shifting to mindfulness of breathing. We spend the last few minutes practicing metta or loving-kindness. 

    The meditation is led by Danny Ford, a mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist in Leeds. Danny specialises in helping people living with symptoms of complex or relational trauma, including sexualised trauma or emotional neglect.

    5 August 2017, 12:08 pm
  • 25 minutes 55 seconds
    Guided Meditation: Embodied Listening

    Using sound as an anchor to ground attention. Sensing your body from the inside. Cultivating presence. Recorded at a meditation class in Leeds.

    22 July 2017, 12:08 pm
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