Buddhist Guided Meditations
Today we start a four-part series on the Satipattha, or Four Foundations of Mindfulness. We’ll investigate the teachings on establishing mindfulness of the breath, and why this teaching is important in our practice.
Sitting Group: https://oneminddharma.com/group
Individual Mindfulness Sessions: https://themindfulcounselor.me
6 Week Course in January: https://oneminddharma.com/6
Satipatthana Book: http://amzn.to/2gI1YBV
Satipatthana Sutta: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/soma/wayof.html
Wildmind Article on Dynamic Process: https://www.wildmind.org/blogs/on-practice/the-four-foundations-of-mindfulness-as-a-dynamic-process
One Mind Dharma article: https://oneminddharma.com/four-foundations-mindfulness/
Culavadella Sutta: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.044.than.html
Today’s talk is about the qualities of happiness and joy. We discuss the difference between these two qualities and how to cultivate both of them.
6 Week Online Class : oneminddharma.com/6
Individual Coaching: oneminddharma.com/coach
Sitting Group: oneminddharma.com/group
Rick Hanson on Welcoming Joy: https://rickhanson.com/welcome-joy
Mentioned Books: https://oneminddharma.com/buddhist-books/
Joy vs Happiness: https://stephanienoble.com/2024/02/16/joy-isnt-the-same-as-happiness/
Paper on Genetics of Joy: https://jcdr.net/article_fulltext.asp?issn=0973-709x&year=2020&volume=14&issue=10&page=VE01&issn=0973-709x&id=14092
Mentioned Sutta: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an05/an05.028.than.html
Today we talk about the Eight Worldly Winds, or Eight Worldly Conditions. These are eight conditions we’re all subject to, and an important investigation of equanimity.
Eight Worldly Winds Post: https://oneminddharma.com/eight-worldly-winds/
Lokavipatti Sutta: https://accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an08/an08.006.than.html
Equanimity Post: https://www.themindfulcounselor.me/blog/how-to-practice-equanimity
Impermanence in Buddhism: https://oneminddharma.com/impermanence-in-buddhism/
Equanimity Podcast: https://oneminddharma.com/talk-equanimity/
Five Hindrances Podcast: https://oneminddharma.com/the-five-hindrances/
MEDITATION GROUP: https://OneMindDharma.com/group
INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: https://themindfulcounselor.me
Today we have a short sit looking at the five hindrances in concentration practice. This is offered just as a brief introduction to observing the five hindrances in your sitting practice.
Five Hindrances Podcast: https://oneminddharma.com/the-five-hindrances/
Today’s talk is on the five hindrances. There will be a concentration meditation early next week when I am feeling better to go along with this talk.
Satipatthana Sutta (section 4.1 for the Hindrances): https://suttacentral.net/mn10/en/sujato?lang=en
Individual Sessions: https://themindfulcounselor.me
Sitting Group: https://oneminddharma.com/group/
Today’s talk is on the teaching of karma. Leaving behind a bunch of teachings about karma and rebirth, we discuss how we can use the teachings of karma pragmatically in our daily lives.
One-on-One Sessions: www.TheMindfulCounselor.me
Somatic Exercises for Anxiety: https://www.threeriverstherapies.com/blog/somatic-exercises-anxiety
Dhammapada: https://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/scrndhamma.pdf
Sivaka Sutta: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn36/sn36.021.than.html
This talk is recorded from our Deep Dharma group. In this first session, we dive into the First Noble Truth, what it means to experience dukkha, and how we can use this teaching as a practice. Visit https://OneMindDharma.com for more podcasts, guided meditations, and information.
This is a recorded talk in which we talk about learning to respond to experience rather than reacting to it, and what practices may help with this process.
This is a short talk recorded at our Tuesday evening group with Sonoma Insight in Petaluma, California in which Matthew talks about noticing sensations in the body as a tool for bringing awareness to our moments of mindlessness.
This is a recorded talk about forgiveness practice. Visit http://OneMindDharma.com/forgiveness-exercises to learn more about forgiveness and find further practices. Check out our post 5 Ways to Forgive Yourself and Move Forward.
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