
Lois Smethurst & Jenny Ashby

Technology in Education, ideas, links and more. Jenny Ashby and Lois Smethurst are Leading Teachers for ICT in Australian Primary Schools and teach from Prep to Grade 6 children. Jenny and Lois started the RUConnected podcast after attending NECC 09. They work in different parts of Victoria, Australia and have lots to share about integrating ICT into the curriculum.

  • 24 minutes 17 seconds
    RUConnected #80 TOM, Reflective Practice & Digital Leverage
    Lois Smethurst and Jenny Ashby discuss: What’s been happening? You can listen in the player below or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Tournament Of the Minds #TOM Sphero balls and drones in the classroom using the Tickle app to program them and connecting issues at school. Review of S2L 2015 Field of Mars -TV show -Steve Papp Winning Video - AppMazing  Race The rules -Appmazing Race Periscope - Inspire 2 learn sessions S2L 2016 Announced and to be in Cairns with an Environment theme -  July 2nd-3rd 2016 Other Conferences DLTV Fringe Festival - spark sessions  Narissa Leung Playground -pile of sand unused bricks, risk takers. ACER Assessment Conference Dr Rukmini Banerji Future events TeachMeet Bendigo Letting GO!   Seeing others catching on and giving opportunities for others to lead.  Digital leverage.
    30 August 2015, 12:25 am
  • 32 minutes 57 seconds
    RUConnected #79 Holiday Catchup
    Lois and Jenny talk about Mobile2015, school visits, shopping and slide2learn. Jenny went to Mobile 2015 in Tucson, Arizona IPad configuring - redeeming free apps Creating online student TV - crucial factors: knowing the students what are their strengths, ability to work in teams, writing and elaboration, choosing a topic and succinctly but thoroughly presenting the information, performing by being engaging and speaking with authority. Shopping- books, robots, drones and Pendo's Lois Visited Yinnar Primary School - A school so committed to a philosophy about learning and effort rather than compliance and completing a task. Lois's Book Shopping: Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential, by Carol Dweck  Challenging Learning, by James Nottingham Building Learning Power: Helping Young People Become Better Learners, by Guy Claxton Outstanding Formative Assessment: Culture and Practice by Shirley Clark. Growth Mindset Pocketbook by Barry Hymer (came highly recommended too) Jenny is helping to design her new school and has attended Bastow to find out about learning spaces with Ewan MacIntosh - The learning spaces you need to plan for include: watching, secret spaces, performing, collaborative, participation, publishing You can see more extensive notes on the RUConnected Blog
    1 July 2015, 1:52 pm
  • 28 minutes 42 seconds
    RUConnected Ep #78
    Lois and Jenny discuss all things happening lately with their education focus. And the weather of course. Minecraft Camp A Saturday spent at minecraft camp. Top 10 minecraft songs Redstone build designs Crack the Code in Maths Edn week A smorgasbpard of activities- QR code scavenger hunt Letter scamble from visiting the rooms iMovie show and tutorials for parents Minecraft discovery time - student tutorials for parents Blogging cafe - students helping parents comment Cracking the code in scratch- students teach parents some basic scratch to draw a shape. WIM centre news Use of @periscope and BTN - twitter @behindthenews Dominoes fall marble runs Rube Goldberg and domino world records -YOUtube. Domino world record Rube Goldberg machine Lois Prep /1 Literacy extension group Sharing picture books and developing independent strategies for young students to use in their own classrooms Maths Olympiad starting this week on May 20th pyonkee Full scratch for the iPad.
    22 May 2015, 12:42 pm
  • 24 minutes 50 seconds
    RUConnected #77 Reinvention
    At last we are back. Lois and Jenny discuss their new roles and schools in 2015. The Horizon Centre and the WIM Centres are also discussed. Scratch - project with grades from DET Vic and a feature for Education week, Cracking the Code with a Maths theme. MineCraft club - Jenny keeps us informed about how the minecraft club is coming along. BuddyVerse Minecraft Camp May 16th-17th in Bendigo at Epsom PS. 24hr skype PineValley Jenny's school participated in @beverley_ladd class' #pvskype24 in the US NPDL _Jenny outlines the latest Deep Learning Slide2Learn - Hobart Tasmania July 7th & 8th St Virgil's College, register now. Periscope live streaming - allows viewers to interact with video via text and hearts for likes. Many at once. Lois recommended BabbleDabbleDo Web site with lots of ideas for kids to make and create - science, art, design and engineering
    31 March 2015, 9:24 pm
  • 31 minutes 17 seconds
    RUConnected #76 Being Bored
    Lois and Jenny discuss the past, present and future happenings in their schools. PAST Jenny attended Miami Device in Nov at St Stephens episcopal day school -Lead by Felix Jacomino @felixjacomino Daniel Kim from Canada - Boredom at school and an adversity to boredom lead to Pop DanThology. Videos - The psychology of PopDanthology DanVlog -Miami Keynotes- Kevin Honeycutt - don't hide your genius. Tony Vincent - Make it your own....great as usual. Tony also put together a page with all speakers handouts to sessions. Lisa Johnson - SAMR sassy SAMR PRESENT What are you doing for the rest of the year? Hour of Code - We Do Lego Scratch Christmas message. (a lot of fun now that you can embed the projects so easily) Tutorials are excellent on web sites. Generalising with programming and thinking Mindcraft update New BLog Minecrafteps FUTURE New Jobs and New Roles - April 15-16th Slide2Learn in NZ
    15 December 2014, 2:23 pm
  • 55 minutes 1 second
    RUConnected #75 Minecrafting with Tim Wicks
    Lois and Jenny interview Tim Wicks the Minecraft Guru from the Northern Territory Australia. At the momente he is touring Australia with his minecraft camps. The minecraft camps? Article: How can teachers begin? Classroom use? Great site: Students seem to have lot of time on mine craft at home how is it different when you have a minecraft camp. Why would parents send their children along ? Article: How can we get parents onboard? Is it Educational? Article:
    26 October 2014, 6:19 am
  • 35 minutes 10 seconds
    RuConnected #74 Post Slide2Learn
    Special Guest -  Bronwyn McLeod Biggest takeaways Andrew Churches message about teaching in the digital age and student engagement engagement is not entertainment Cathy Hunt’s infographic based on Andrew’s keynote Graham Brown-Martin’s importance of context and tools chosen to make a difference. The same tech doesn't suit everywhere. One size doesn't fit all even the oldest tech can be transforming - its how its used. Using sensory objects and then bringing in tech to add value- share the experience make it it in to more. Eg play dough, Lego real life to digital shared with the world. Adele Brice’s Keynote and workshop - enthusiasm and whole school approach to Challenge Based Learning has had a huge impact. Students are infected by the staff enthusiasm Showbie Wonga Park PS - Challenge Based Learning iBooks Accepting the Challenge Challenge Based Learning - Power Supercharging Stopmotion - Cathy Hunt Art Teacher - refreshingly different perspective - fantastic presenter, very inspiring Handy Tips Technique to encourage children to invest in the process not the product Lego - children spend almost entire session setting up & last 30 secs on stop motion Start really simple quick activities Playdough tower - create, evaluate, move on Create stop motion with one hand behind your back Use a stand - Never move the Camera iPads are hardier than you think - clay washes off Kids are inspired by the materials, create their own, collect, bring in. Boys are less inclined to edit Don’t over procedurise the experience Activities Timelapse Tower Stop Motion Magic - rolling ball Fold green paper in half to create background and foreground Students can create cheat sheets for iMovie and Creating Stop Motion Create a creature appearing from and disappearing into the background Foldify Stopmotion (Green Screen) Lots of creativity and imagination in creating characters and backgrounds Apps iMotion HD Green Screen by Doink Doink Animation and Drawing iMovie [email protected] [email protected] @art_cathyhunt Biggest successes - Lois Workshop where we actually made 2 complete episodes of SLOTS (Slide2Learn Online Television Show) Thanks to Rod Hystead & Slide2Learn team for all their help and thanks to all participants who worked hard to produce the show and entertain their audience. Handy information Copyright slideshare - loaded with information for educators ITunes U Schools can create accounts Create a course, share resources and notes Private or Public New version - discussion Heather Bailie’s Storify about Slide to Learn
    13 July 2014, 2:48 am
  • 25 minutes 10 seconds
    RuConnected #73 Team China and Slide2Learn
    Lois and Jenny discuss the Team China program that Jenny has been involved in this term. Lots of authentic uses of technology with the whole school community and Asian Literacy Development. See also the AEF website for more case studies of schools developing Asian Literacy and the AEF conference website for more information and highlights. The program is part of the 2014 Leading 21st Century schools: Engage with Asia Program The slide2Learn conference is coming up next week so Jenny and Lois discuss their sessions, TV shows and Coding and the keynotes that are coming to slide2learn in Sydney on July 1-2nd.
    22 June 2014, 9:53 am
  • 31 minutes 54 seconds
    RuConnected #72 Post Teachmeet MVP
    TeachMeetMelb NT Katherine MacFarlane PS  New Pedagogies project - Michael Fullen White Paper  1000schools -10clusters of 100 schools. VIc 80 and Tas 20 ICT peer coaching interviews- revisit last term and goals - google doc used, ėpotential results Persuasive text idea- use Pic Collage to create a persuasive text piece. 3 pics why, heading, key words etc. Use as a plan. Using tech at a higher level rather than just the same instead of writing. - visual, audio movies thinking SAMR Healthy a Hearts - Jump Rope for Heart - filming making news reports, persuasive reports. Lego Movie Maker -simple UI. Backgrounds and story. Animate! What does it mean? Why not video? TL21C_2014 -   Free PD for DEECD teachers Mapping OnDemand testing results against the AUSVELS standards - Looking at standards not the end result and making it easy for teachers to gather summative testing results Great resources available on the SLV  - History related - Book/Activities Look- The Art of Australian Picture Books Today
    11 May 2014, 3:58 am
  • 27 minutes 7 seconds
    RUConnected #71 Skype in the Classroom
    Jenny and Lois discuss the use of skype in the classroom.  Jenny recently held the 24 hour skype and makes comments about it.  Lois has used skype for various activities - You can listen in the player below or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes My Place - theme connecting with different schools in Australia to compare and contrast - (Tipperary Station School, Puarumpi School on the Tiwi Islands) - Combined with Google Earth My Place book from Aitken Creek PS Radio Show - Connecting Students and discussing various roles and programs (Mildura West, Epsom PS) Links to Examples Connecting Grade 2 Students exploring My Place Flat Classroom Eracism Debate Skype Debating Skype in the Classroom 24Hour skype wiki
    29 March 2014, 6:16 am
  • 15 minutes
    RUConnected #70 Let's Get Started
    Jenny and Lois have just got back to school after the Summer break. In this episode they discuss getting the school blogs up and running again and the different processes that they go through.  Different Roles on Edublogs Jenny's Quad Blogging Quick Links to Class Blogs at Lois's School - Berwick Lodge Primary School
    22 February 2014, 4:29 am
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