Pea In The Podcast

Guiding You Through Your Pregnancy

Pea in the Podcast is a podcast program dedicated to guiding and nurturing you through each stage of your pregnancy. Join other moms-to-be and the experts including doctors, midwives, doulas and authors as we guide you through each week of your pregnancy. In addition, we have gone in-depth on a range of pregnancy topics to bring you the latest news and information to make sure you make the most of this incredible journey to motherhood!

  • 25 minutes 19 seconds
    Baby Boot Camp
    We'll hear from several moms who have made through the first 3 months of parenthood and lived to tell about it, and an expert in helping new moms take care of themselves, she'll give you some advice. And we'll go in-depth with an expert in post-partum depression. It's Baby Boot camp Taking Care of You, in this Pea in the Podcast. We spend some time talking about SIDS, and the latest recommendations about how to decrease the risk to your baby. There's a lot you need to know, and we have it all for you here.
    22 May 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 51 seconds
    Caring For Your Newborn
    Believe it or not, they let you leave the hospital with your baby without a manual, so we've put together one for you. In this Pea in the Podcast, Bonnie Petrie speaks with a noted pediatrician about what to expect from the moment your baby exits your body. She talks about the unexpected way your baby may look in the first few moments of life, she talks about nursing and jaundice and circumcision and diapers and colic and the caring for the cord stump and much more. She also spends some time talking about SIDS, and the latest recommendations about how to decrease the risk to your baby. There's a lot you need to know, and we have it all for you here.
    24 April 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 21 seconds
    Naming Your Baby
    What's in a name? A LOT! Your baby's name will, in many ways, define them, and you don't want to choose it lightly. Bonnie Petrie speaks with a baby naming expert who has many ideas about how to choose a name your baby will be proud of, and how to avoid the pitfalls that have led lesser parents to name their kids things like ESPN. No, really. ESPN. Jennifer Moss at is our expert in this Pea in the Podcast.
    20 March 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 31 seconds
    Looking & Feeling Good
    We may be pregnant, but we still want to be pretty, right? Bonnie Petrie talks with the owner of a wellness spa just for pregnant women about how to keep your hair and skin gorgeous when hormones are trying to destroy you! She also talks with a prenatal yoga instructor and massage therapist about how to feel good as your body changes to accommodate another human being.
    11 March 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 57 seconds
    Is It Safe?
    Can you clean the litter box? Can you have sushi? Can you fly? Should you exercise? Can you take a hot bath? How ?bout your coffee habit? Do you need to break it? Bonnie Petrie spoke with the author of the book The Panic Free Pregnancy to ease your fears about what you can and what you should not do when a little one is on the way.
    4 March 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 25 minutes 21 seconds
    You're not the only person having a baby. In most cases, there's a Dad involved in the process, too. How is he feeling? Does he really think you're beautiful? Does he really, really, really want to be in the delivery room with you? Well, Bonnie Petrie asked one, and she also talked to the owner of a website geared toward expectant dads about what they may be experiencing during this dramatic time of transition in both of your lives.
    24 February 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 49 seconds
    Trouble Getting Pregnant?
    You and your partner have decided that you want a baby, and you have been trying for months, but so far no success. Dr. Robin Burks is a clinical psychologist and author and she says this can be a tough time for a couple.
    1 February 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 30 seconds
    Baby's Oral Health
    The Centers for Disease Control states tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood. Dental cavities in baby teeth are a chronic infection that can turn into a bigger problem. Yet tooth decay is almost always completely preventable! It's never too early to think about caring for your newborn's gums and developing teeth. Listen in as we interview a pediatric dentist, a pediatrician and real moms who talk about what works when it comes to a baby's healthy smile.
    7 December 2009, 7:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 28 seconds
    Getting Pregnant
    Dr. Ronald Young is the Director of the division of Gynecology at Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Young specializes in Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Welcome to your Pea in the Podcast, I'm Bonnie Petrie with everything you need to know about your body, your baby and the big changes ahead in your life in your journey to becoming a mommy. This week, maybe you've joined us because you want a baby and you haven't gotten pregnant yet, or you have a friend who wants to be as happy as you are.
    5 October 2009, 7:00 pm
  • 18 minutes
    Emotional Health
    So you know you want a baby, maybe you've even been trying. But now as you look at that second line on the pregnancy test your heart is seized with fear, and then shame.For women there is a lot of expectations surrounding the role of motherhood and then a woman feels any ambivalence or I'm not quite sure if this is what I really wanted, then guilt can come in and have her second guess herself.
    2 September 2009, 7:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 47 seconds
    Getting the Swine Flu Vaccine While Pregnant
    Pregnant women are among the first in line to receive the Swine Flu vaccine, when it becomes available, because not only does the flu -- any kind of flu -- usually hit pregnant women harder than other people, but this strain appears to be particularly nasty for moms-to-be. Pregnant women are more likely to end up in the hospital with this flu. Pregnant women are more likely to face complications associated with this flu that can lead to death.
    30 August 2009, 7:00 pm
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