Making the Maven

Michelle McGlade: Female Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, Author

Making the Maven Podcast is dedicated to helping health and wellness entrepreneurs become business mavens. Michelle reaches globally to bring you entrepreneurial stories of challenge and triumph from industry leaders, business experts and wellness biz owners. Tune in weekly to learn personal habits for success, proven business building strategies and action steps to launch and grow your online wellness business. End the overwhelm, let go of the fear and join the revolution because we are Making YOU the Maven.

  • 3 minutes 57 seconds
    I'm Launching a New Podcast and You're Invited with Michelle McGlade
    17 February 2020, 9:33 pm
  • 17 minutes 31 seconds
    The Last Goodbye | MTM135

    Hello my beautiful Mavens! Today I am sharing with you the final and last episode of the podcast. After three years of podcasting and 205 episodes later, I can say from the bottom of my heart, thank you! On the podcast, I share with you some of the amazing things I’ve learned from you over the years and why having a rockstar mindset is so, so important to your success. Remember, you are great and you are enough! Now, go out there and serve your passion and help those who so, so desperately need you. 


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *I have a huge, huge announcement for you! 

    *I started this podcast back in August of 2015 and 205 episodes later, here we are! 

    *Thank you for tuning in and being such a big supporter of the show!

    *Let’s reflect on what I’ve learned in my three years of podcasting. 

    *First of all, podcasts are a lot of work! 

    *Why is this the final episode? 

    *It just feels right. It feels like it’s the right time to transform and grow. 

    *What have I learned from you, my dear and faithful listener?!

    *Have a really, really strong mindset. This will prepare you for success. 

    *Get yourself out of your own way. Don’t let your self-doubt clog your success. 

    *Wherever you are at in your journey, you are enough! 

    *You’ve got to build the business of your dreams. 

    *What’s next for my business?

    *I’m not disappearing! In fact, feel free to connect with me on Facebook/Twitter and send me a message!

    *AGAIN! Thank you for tuning in week after week. 


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Michelle on Twitter

    Michelle on Facebook


    14 May 2018, 7:00 am
  • 46 minutes 12 seconds
    Don’t Be Afraid to Look at Your Options! | Holly Bertone | MTM134

    Holly Bertone has an amazing and beautiful story to share. First of all, she is both a breast cancer and Hashimoto’s survivor. She is Founder of Pink Fortitude and the Author of Thriving in the Workforce with Autoimmune Disease, which is also an Amazon Bestseller. Holly has been through so much and had to drastically shift the way she works because of her illnesses. As someone with an autoimmune disease, she is all too familiar with what it was like dealing with coworkers and bosses who simply did not believe you’re sick. Find out more about Holly and her journey on today’s episode.


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *People with autoimmune disease, especially in the workplace, are silently suffering from this.

    *Holly started her blog as a side hobby while she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

    *How did Holly first get started along this path?

    *Holly was 39 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and then she was also diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease.

    *Holly really could not do it all. She had to take a step back from her job in order to recover properly.

    *The universe gives you signs.

    *What is Holly up to now?

    *Holly transitioned to a different job and they were not supportive at all over her Hashimoto’s ‘flare ups.’

    *Holly felt like a failure. She had to give up on her life’s work and she felt like she let herself and her family down.

    *When Holly was going through this, she found out there were very few resources for people who have autoimmune disease in the workplace.

    *How many people are silently suffering everyday just because people don’t believe their illness is real?

    *What has the response been like as the result of the work, and the book, Holly has done?

    *If you’re having health challenges, put a financial/career/life plan together. Really think hard to come up with a game plan and work with what you got.

    *Don’t be afraid to look at your options. There’s a lot more out there than you think.

    *What advice does Holly have for those just starting out?

    *Holly had to completely shift how she worked on a daily basis after she was diagnosed with cancer. She couldn’t ‘charge’ at the problems anymore with the energy that she had.


    Mentioned in This Episode:


    7 May 2018, 7:00 am
  • 46 minutes 11 seconds
    Everything Looked Good… on Paper. | Kate Swoboda | MTM133

    Kate Swoboda is the Author of The Courage Habit and she is an expert on habit-formation and building psychological courage. Fear-based behaviors can become habitual, but this means that you can also develop courageous-based behaviors too! Fear will always come up in your life, whether you’re launching a new product, book, or service, fear will be there. The good news is, you can change the way you feel about fear so that it benefits you. Find out more from the very wise Kate on this week’s episode!


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *Everybody struggles with fear… and that’s okay! Kate dives into why you have to face your fears today.

    *How did Kate get started?

    *You will never be able to fully get rid of fear but what you can do is get present and not let the fear control you.

    *If fear-based behaviors can become habitual, then that means courageous-based behaviors can too.

    *At least half of our behavior every day is habitual. We are very predictable and that’s not always a bad thing. However, it’s bad when we let habits go on autopilot.

    *The good news is you can break the habit!

    *What is your fear routine?

    *What finally got Kate to face her fears and create change in her life?

    *Kate thought she was making all the right decisions. How was it that she wasn’t happy when she made them so consciously and deliberately?

    *What was Kate’s biggest struggle when she first got started working for herself?

    *Making six figures in six weeks is a lottery ticket. For most entrepreneurs, it’s a grind and it takes time to see success.

    *Don’t compare other people’s success to where you are. Everybody starts at a different point in their entrepreneurial journey.


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    5 Steps to a Waitlist Wellness Practice


    30 April 2018, 7:00 am
  • 47 minutes 49 seconds
    This is How You Manifest Your Desires | Jen Mavros | MTM131

    Jen Mavros is a modern-day Spiritual Messenger, the host of The Jen Mavros Show, and the creator of The Mavros Method of Manifestation. Her work has helped 5900+ of purpose-driven entrepreneurs discover and live the life they truly desire. On the show, Jen shares how she went from a hot mess to someone with a thriving career, soulmate, and living life with impactful and meaningful purpose. She also shares steps you can take to manifest your desires and make your dreams finally come true. Do not miss out!


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *Hey! I would love for you to leave a review for the show!

    *How did Jen first get started in her career?

    *Prior to learning about manifestation, Jen’s life was a hot mess.

    *For most of us, we don’t change until we absolutely have to.

    *Life really began to change when Jen discovered the teachings of Louise Hay.

    *When did Jen turn her intuitive powers into a career? What was that transition like?

    *When you’re out of aliment, life has a really beautiful way of supporting you and course correcting.

    *Jen was able to change her life and find her soulmate just by manifesting and being positive. Things were finally working for her

    *Jen shares the defining moment that made her decide to change her career and take a leap of faith.

    *What does Jen’s soulmate think about all of this ‘woo-woo’ stuff?

    *Jen discusses the mindset you need to have when going from employee to entrepreneur.

    *Jen shares advice on steps you can take to manifest an amazing life.

    *What’s the most important to you right now?

    *How do you define success?


    Mentioned in This Episode:


    16 April 2018, 7:00 am
  • 42 minutes 59 seconds
    Healing Happens Within | Razi Berry | MTM130

    Razi Berry is the Co-Founder of Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR) and Founder of NaturalPath. At 25 years old, Razi was sick and going from doctor to doctor trying to find out why. No one could help and it got so bad that she decided it was time to fire all of them and start fresh… and that’s how she found homeopathy. Razi started NDNR 14 years ago when she was fed up that there wasn’t an official journal showing case studies of how, and why, homeopathy works. On today’s show, Razi discusses the difference between a community and a movement, where she sees the wellness industry going, and why healing happens within yourself.


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *Thank you, Jessica, for your awesome review!

    *Razi starts her morning every day by hugging a tree in her yard.

    *Razi used to look at her phone every morning instead and it really set a bad tone for her.

    *Tree hugging isn’t some ‘woowoo’ thing. There’s actually real science behind this.

    *Was Razi always like this as a child? How did she get started as a homeopath?

    *Where does healing really come from? It doesn’t come from the doctor.

    *Healing happens within.

    *Why did Razi decide to start NDNR?

    *With so much information out there, people are very distrustful (and with good reason). It’s more critical than ever to understand what motivates someone into taking action.

    *Razi is not just creating a community, she’s creating a movement. What’s the difference between creating a community vs. creating a movement?

    *What’s Razi’s movement about?

    *Razi discusses some of her fears about Western medicine overtaking traditional/natural medicine.

    *Razi has a gift for you!! Stay until the end to hear what that is.


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    5 Steps to a Waitlist Wellness Practice


    9 April 2018, 7:00 am
  • 45 minutes 43 seconds
    Do What Feels Right — Don’t Suppress Your Inner Self | Amanda Gates | MTM129

    Amanda Gates always felt like a weird kid when she was growing up. Her mother was a full-on hippy who made her own clothes, soaps, etc. All Amanda wanted to be when she was growing up was ‘normal.’ However, when she built her first dream home, she was unhappy. Nothing felt right in her house, and that’s how she found herself getting into Feng Shui and slowly becoming a closeted (and then out in the open!) hippy. Find out more about Amanda’s journey on this week’s show!


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *How did Amanda become a woo-woo hippy?

    *What was Amanda doing before she became an interior designer/Feng Shui hippy?

    *Amanda explains what it was like wearing her mother’s home-made clothes.

    *Amanda realizes that her husband, David, is an absolute saint for putting up with all her ‘hippy sh*t’!

    *Amanda was such a closeted hippy for so long that when she was finally free to express herself, it was time to focus on her legacy and how she can serve others to the best of her ability.

    *As women, we tend to push down our gut reactions. We want to ‘fit in.’

    *When you start getting haters, that’s when you know you’re doing something right. You are living your authentic self unapologetically.

    *What is Feng Shui?

    *Amanda has been doing this for 20 years; she can see everything from financial issues to affairs just by looking at your floor plans. You bring your energy with you no matter how many times you move.

    *On Amanda’s podcast and website, she shows you how you can read your own floor plan.


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Annmarie Gianni products

    Women who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes


    2 April 2018, 7:00 am
  • 52 minutes 32 seconds
    Step Into Your Authentic Self | JP Sears | MTM128

    JP Sears is a popular YouTuber, emotional healing coach, and student of life. JP’s YouTube videos have often gone viral, reaching over millions of views. On this episode, JP discusses fear, authenticity, and why you should take your own medicine when it comes to helping others. Help yourself, heal yourself, and if something doesn’t feel right, go towards the path that does.


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *If you like this show, please leave a review!

    *JP explains his ‘inner mother’ about the monkeys in Costa Rica.

    *JP is very authentic and in touch with himself. How did it all start for him?

    *When JP had been attending college for all of 3 months, he dropped out.

    *Don’t stay blind to the help that you, too, might need as you try to help others.

    *The real learning begins after you think you’re done learning.

    *If we stop becomes of our fears, we also stop the work. You have to keep going through the fear.

    *How has JP’s relationship with fear changed over the years?

    *When was the last time JP said no?

    *Why did JP decide to start the YouTube channel?

    *When you honor your authenticity, you win every time!

    *What’s JP’s next 60ft cliff that he needs to jump off of?

    *JP asks me what my 60ft cliff is!


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    JP on YouTube


    26 March 2018, 7:00 am
  • 37 minutes 54 seconds
    Become a Super Connector and Help More People | Scott Gerber | MTM127

    Scott Gerber is the CEO of The Community Company, an organization that builds and manages community-driven programs for media companies and global brands. Scott is also the co-author of Super Connector, which is what today’s show is all about! How can you be a super connector if you’re an introvert? What’s the difference between a connector vs. a networker? All these questions answered and more on today’s episode! 


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *You will want to have a pen and paper for this episode!

    *By the way! Thank you for leaving me reviews on iTunes. It really helps out the show.

    *What’s Scott’s background and why did he get into networking?

    *You don’t necessarily see an immediate return when you’re talking about building and creating long lasting relationships. 

    *Our society is so, so focused on the ‘now’ and how ‘instant’ things are. Relationships just don’t work that way. 

    *You can’t cheat in real time. 

    *Introverts actually end up being way better connectors.

    *Leverage your strengths. If one-on-one conversations work for you, do that. 

    *Do a simple audit of yourself. Scott explains how.

    *What’s the difference between a connector vs. a networker? 

    *How do you ‘convert’ a good relationship into a business relationship?

    *If you have a bad gut feeling about someone, then it’s best that you trust it. 


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Scott on LinkedIn

    Scott on Twitter

    Super Connector by Scott Gerber


    19 March 2018, 7:00 am
  • 46 minutes
    You’re Not Crazy, You’re Passionate | Keith Norris | MTM126

    Keith Norris is the Founder and Owner of the Paleo F(x), a conference that not only focuses on the Paleo diet, but also on your physical health as well. The conference has been running consecutively for 8 years and it has grown substantially since its first event. On the show, Keith discusses the importance of setting a vision and being okay with the fact that it will change, and how he and his wife were able to prevail through hardship and achieve their dreams when it was so easy to make the excuse not to.


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *Check out Keith’s event, Paleo F(x), which will be going down April 27-29th!

    *How did Keith get started in this space?

    *Keith and his wife both left corporate around the same time and they set clear intentions for what they wanted their life to look like in the future.

    *There were so many things happening around Keith and his wife’s life where they could have easily made an excuse not to pursue their passion but they stuck with it and kept pushing forward.

    *How did Keith find the strength to keep going on when his daughter passed away?

    *Keith knew he wasn’t crazy. He was passionate.

    *You can’t surf on a flat sea.

    *It’s important to have vision but keep in mind that your vision is going to change over time, too.

    *There are no easy decisions in entrepreneurship.

    *How much of a role does gratitude play in Keith's life?

    *Did Keith experience any bumps along the way when he launched Paleo F(x)?

    *What kind of topics does the Paleo F(x) conference cover?


    Mentioned in This Episode:


    12 March 2018, 7:00 am
  • 31 minutes 24 seconds
    What It Takes to Get to the Next Level | MTM125

    While I was on vacation, some fears were coming up inside me that I simply could not ignore. What’s the next step for me and my business? I kind of have an idea, but at the same time, I’m not 100% sure. I believe fear has really been the root cause as to what’s been holding me back to get to the next level. Having fears is extremely normal and it happens at all business levels, so what can you do about it?


    Key Insights & Aha Moments:

    *This episode is all about fear. It’s been on my mind a lot lately.

    *I just got back from my vacation in Costa Rica!

    *Kevin Breeding wrote a post and it really stuck with me while I was on vacation.

    *Do you fear you’re going to be a failure?

    *Do you fear you’re going to be successful?

    *Are you not fully committed to your practice?

    *I am struggling with all three of these things.

    *What’s the next step for me? I don’t really know.

    *What’s holding me back from getting to the next level?

    *These fears will not go away. You’re not alone.

    *What’s really holding you back is what’s inside of you, not what’s happening on the outside.

    *So, what do you do about this?

    *I see that you’re not fully committed to your dream. What needs to happen here is you need to begin to change your mindset.


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Annmarie Gianni products

    “Building the Entrepreneur’s Mindset Up | Kevin Breeding | MTM089”

    “Re-Enroll in Your Dream | Gloria Banks | MTM123”


    5 March 2018, 8:00 am
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