Mastering Your Law Practice: law practice management, law firm marketing, rainmaking, attorney lifestyle

Attorney Thom Goolsby: law practice management, law firm marketing, rainmaking, attorney lifestyle

Mastering the Business of Practicing Law: Practic…

  • 24 minutes 54 seconds
    Texting Secrets: Train Your Clients to Save Time & Make You Money
    Here are the secrets for utilizing text messaging to help you bring in cases, communicate with clients, share information, make money and save you time and energy, all while making your clients happy. Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    10 November 2020, 9:18 pm
  • 5 minutes 38 seconds
    How to Handle Angry Clients (When You Screw Up)
    How do you deal with angry clients? It's not what you might think. The latest studies show, it's not about an apology. It's about generating solutions to the problem you (or your staff) created. The more focused you are on problem solving, the happier the client will be. Most surprising, coming up with the best solution ranks number two to brainstorming skills. It may be time to retrain your staff and rethink the way you handle irate clients in the future. Make your office into an endless money machine! We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    8 January 2018, 2:30 am
  • 19 minutes 24 seconds
    Magic of Perseverance
    Attorney Thom Goolsby shares more wisdom from his 25 years in the trenches. Learn how to use a few spare minutes during your day to chart your course and plan business and personal growth to achieve extraordinary results. As with all of his podcasts, Thom gives clear, easy to follow directions and hacks to help his fellow attorneys make the most of their practices. Listen, learn, apply and succeed! Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    4 November 2016, 7:59 pm
  • 22 minutes 58 seconds
    Why You Need to Train Your Clients & How to Do It
    You must train your clients from the first meeting what to expect with their case. Not only should you "Under-promise and over-deliver," but you must set reasonable expectations for all aspects of the case: potential results, communication and workload. This podcast is full of great tips to save time and energy when communicating with clients, plus several methods for keeping the clients busy and off your back. Enjoy! Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    2 August 2016, 7:46 pm
  • 23 minutes 33 seconds
    Your Law Firm's Success Starts & Ends with One Word: WHY?
    The foundation of success for your law firm is built upon the answer to one word: Why? This podcast explores the mistakes many attorneys make by focusing on what their firm does and how to attract clients, rather than addressing a more basic question. Most marketing stumbles occur when law firms attempt to manipulate potential clients into hiring them, rather than inspiring people who need help. Attorneys must dispense with appeals to price, novelty, peer pressure and fear. Once you understand how to create prestige, you will find it breeds loyalty as well as premium fees. This podcast will help you address the answer to "Why?" and, ultimately, find your firm's passion. When you have established your solid foundation, success will build upon success. Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    29 June 2016, 7:48 pm
  • 37 minutes 48 seconds
    Getting Retained: The Fine Art of Being in High Demand
    Learn to bring together your entire marketing mix as a "combined arms" approach to establishing yourself as a "high demand" attorney where clients hope you will take their case (and not the other way around). We pull together lots of information from other shows and help you see how all of your efforts will work in combination to make you the preeminent marketing machine you always hoped to be! Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    17 June 2016, 8:06 pm
  • 29 minutes 26 seconds
    Testimonials & Reputation Management for Attorneys
    The best way to protect your online reputation is to have a bank of strong testimonials from happy, satisfied clients. This podcast will give you great tips for not only protecting your reputation, but will teach you how to garner the best possible testimonials at the most opportune times. We give you an outline for creating powerful, killer testimonials every time and show you how to fight harmful online slams. Don't miss this one! Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    27 May 2016, 3:07 am
  • 25 minutes 7 seconds
    Why You Should Be a Trial Lawyer
    How can you differentiate yourself from the rest of the legal community? Become a Trial Attorney. There is no greater skill a lawyer can have than being comfortable in the courtroom. This podcast gives great advice on how to learn the necessary skills for the courtroom, as well as how to locate cases to try. Join Trial Attorney Thom Goolsby for this valuable, thought-provoking program. Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    18 May 2016, 7:56 pm
  • 24 minutes 45 seconds
    Dealing Effectively with Difficult Clients
    How do you handle difficult clients? This podcast gives you the tools and hacks you need to set up each client for success. With totally unreasonable clients, you may be forced to fire them. However, before you get to that point, you should exhaust all reasonable measures. It starts during the intake process and continues until your representation is complete. Follow our instructions and you will have your best chance to make things work! Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    8 May 2016, 9:18 pm
  • 43 minutes 8 seconds
    Maximize Referrals to Your Law Firm
    Referrals by other attorneys can be the least expensive and most prestigious method of obtaining new clients. When another attorney recommends you to a friend, acquaintance, family member or client, you have a potential customer who is primed to hire you. This episode is packed with easy to apply advice and a system to maximize the referral of business to you from fellow lawyers. Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    20 April 2016, 12:50 pm
  • 21 minutes 12 seconds
    Law Firm Web Design: Top Tips
    Learn to build a website to make your potential legal clients MOTIVATED, ENTHUSED and TRUSTING of you. Get away for the minutia of web design. First, focus on the big picture and what potential clients want and need. We take you through the thought process that will lead you to a killer and profitable web design. Need to train your staff and make your office into an endless money machine? We can help with personalized evaluation and training. Text Thom Goolsby at 910-262-7401.
    4 April 2016, 6:18 pm
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