Simple Life Habits

Jonathan Milligan

Need more time? Want to get more stuff done? Join us as we talk about productivity, time management, and developing simple life habits in your life.

  • 11 minutes 2 seconds
    Why Billionaires Don't Use To Do Lists
    Kevin Kruse interviewed several Billionaires for his latest book on time management and he found an interesting trend. Not one billionaire operated their work for a to do list. Instead they focused on 3 primary things. Listen to this episode to discover what he found out. Links Mentioned:
    13 November 2015, 5:00 am
  • 6 minutes 45 seconds
    How ONE Decision Can Solve 1,000 Problems
    Since most of us live and work in urgency, we never take the time to step back and see the bigger issues. Instead we put out the same fires over and over again. It’s like choosing to keep blowing out those trick candles instead of dunking them into a glass of water. How many trick candles are you messing with daily? Links Mentioned:
    22 October 2015, 4:00 am
  • 10 minutes 22 seconds
    How to Read One Book a Week for a Year
    Want to become the most resourceful person you know? Then my encouragement to you would be to learn how to become well read. Reading good books and being able to recall the wisdom you learned is an essential skill to becoming resourceful. Links mentioned:
    10 September 2015, 4:00 am
  • 21 minutes 52 seconds
    The 5 Gears - How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time
    Do you feel as if you are trying to keep all of the plates spinning? Work, family, friends, and life can be difficult to juggle at times. Today, I interview Jeremie Kubicek on his new book The 5 Gears. This teaching has revolutionized the way I work and live - it's that powerful. Learn more here:
    2 September 2015, 4:00 am
  • 12 minutes 4 seconds
    Why You Should Write Out a Daily Agenda Regardless of What Task Manager You Use
    When we say yes to everything, we fail to see what is important. Ask ten people what they use to track their to dos and you'll get ten different answers. In today's episode, I'm going to give you at least 5 reasons you should write out your daily agenda regardless of what task management system you use. Links Mentioned:
    5 August 2015, 4:00 am
  • 7 minutes 23 seconds
    How our Fear Controls, Guides, and Directs Our Lives and What to do About it
    Ninety-Five percent of the state of Idaho’s water supply comes from underground. The Big Lost River, Snake River and other rivers begin in the Rocky Mountains and collect in the Snake River Aquifer. It’s an amazing 400-mile underground water supply. You don’t see it on the surface, but it’s there. Fear reigns in most of our hearts. It controls, guides, and directs us like an underground aquifer. Here are 3 strategies you can use today to rid fear. Links mentioned:
    29 July 2015, 4:00 am
  • 7 minutes 43 seconds
    Your 90 Day Game Plan to Crushing Your Goals This Quarter
    Are you happy with your current level of productivity? If not, I want to deliver over to you a life-changing, business-altering plan you can begin to use starting today. The one single factor that has contributed the most to my productivity is the 90-day goal setting process. If you are not accomplishing everything you'd hope to, it comes down to two reasons: clarity and focus. In today's episode, you'll learn my 3 step strategy to 90 day goal setting. Links Mentioned:
    8 July 2015, 4:00 am
  • 11 minutes 45 seconds
    5 Principles for Working Less and Living More
    Is there a danger in loving your work too much? It wasn’t unusual for Thomas Edison to work 20 continuous hours during a 24 hour period. Many times, his 4 hours of rest came in the form of a nap on a couch where he worked. There’s even one recorded time period in which Edison worked for 72 straight hours without rest. Today, I want to share with you 5 principles for working less and living more. Links mentioned:
    24 June 2015, 4:00 am
  • 6 minutes 40 seconds
    Why You Need Both Discipline and Freedom to Do Great Work
    If I told you discipline and freedom go together nicely, would you believe me? If not, get ready for a mindset shift today. The truth is if you want to do great work, you are going to need both discipline and freedom. here's at least 3 practical tips you can start using today to be more productive. Links Mentioned:
    17 June 2015, 4:00 am
  • 7 minutes 59 seconds
    The Hidden Danger That Just Might Destroy Your Dreams
    What if I told you there was a hidden danger that has the potential to destroy your dreams? It’s a subtle danger. It’s not the type of danger you anticipate when watching movies (which my son calls the “jump scare”). In this episode, I'll share with you what that danger is and 3 ways you can watch out for it. Links Mentioned:
    10 June 2015, 4:00 am
  • 11 minutes 26 seconds
    The Top 7 Ways I Use Evernote Everyday
    Have Evernote but never use it? Here are 7 practical ways I use Evernote daily. You'll learn how to stress less and get more done after this episode. Links mentioned:
    14 May 2015, 4:00 am
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