Social Media Schoolhouse

Jason A. Wheeler

Podcast for people who want to improve their school marketing and social media

  • 14 minutes 44 seconds
    My Brief Thoughts on Clubhouse - Should You Be On

    Clubhouse is the newest social media platform sweeping the world (if you don’t count Dispo), to be embraced by marketers and other business professionals. With currently one million users on the platform, there are several rooms that will probably fit the niche you are looking for.

    I have been on the platform for almost a month, mainly as a listener. In this podcast episode, I thought I would share my thoughts about the app on this episode.

    17 February 2021, 7:22 pm
  • 13 minutes 46 seconds
    Knowing Your Audience: The Best Marketing Advice in the World

    The best advice I can give any marketing client is "Know Your Audience." He more you know the audience, the better your messages and content will become.

    The best thing you can do before you start any campaign is to gather as much information you can about your audience and build an audience persona.

    You goal should be to know what your audience loves and what they hate, and then build content around that.

    Thank you for tuning in. You can learn more about audiences and marketing by visiting my website at

    12 February 2021, 8:44 pm
  • 13 minutes 34 seconds
    How Focusing on Customer Experience Will Transform Your Marketing

    In marketing, your customer is in control. They have so much information at their fingertips, they are making decisions before they see your content. That is why Customer Experience is so very important.

    In this episode of the Social Media Schoolhouse podcast, I talk about the importance of developing an awesome customer experience and how that will transform your school marketing.

    Topics in the podcast include:

    • Brand and Experiences
    • Developing a Customer Focus
    • Defining Your Audience
    • Touchpoint Mapping
    • Word of Mouth Marketing
    • Social Listening

    You can find more of my podcasts and blog posts at my website at

    9 November 2020, 1:56 am
  • 16 minutes 18 seconds
    The Power of Social Listening to Heighten Customer Experience

    Across the internet and on social media, I have seen many school districts and companies wondering how to hide or delete comments from their audiences. Although I advocate deleting any hate speech or derogatory comments, I am not in favor of turning off our audiences' words. 


    The Power of Social Listening


    The power and knowledge comments bring to our district far outweighs any negative brand image it might convey. I believe comments are a powerful tool to tap into our audience's mind and improve customer experience in our district.


    Social listening allows brands to follow and examine conversations about them on social media platforms. In the past, I have said this in many presentations and consultations, knowing your audience is one of the most critical aspects of your companies or school district's marketing efforts. Researching your audience should be one of the first things you do as you start a new marketing campaign. 


    The Benefits of Social Listening


    There are many benefits to comments and social listening; here are five that I feel are vital to improving your customer experience:


    1. Positive Customer Experience

    2. Discover New Opportunities

    3. Heighten Your Marketing

    4. FAQs Experts

    5. Monitoring Competitors


    12 September 2020, 11:58 pm
  • 25 minutes 8 seconds
    14 Social Media Hacks to Engage Generation Z

    Generation Z has more influence over their parent’s decisions than any other generation before them. Their impacts over purchases include car purchases, home purchases, and selecting an educational institution.

    That is why it is so important to engage your students on social media. Your content influences them. Especially on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.

    In this podcast, I will give you and your school district 14 social media hacks to engage your students, and influence them to look at your schools and programs.

    Topics Include:

    • Instagram Hacks
    • TikTok Hacks
    • YouTube Hacks
    • Twitch Hacks
    • Reddit Hacks
    • SnapChat Hacks
    • Spotify Hacks

    See more of my content at

    26 July 2020, 5:19 pm
  • 15 minutes 27 seconds
    Could MySpace Be Brought Back From the Dead

    Before there were Facebook and Instagram, there was MySpace. At the height of its popularity in 2006, Myspace surpassed Google as the most visited website in the United States.

    Despite its fall from grace, could MySpace be resurrected from the dead? In a time where Facebook is considered uncool by the younger generation, could MySpace make a comeback?

    In this podcast, I talk about how a media company could purchase MySpace and flip the platform to become a Generation Z darling.

    You can read my blog post on the subject here:

    11 July 2020, 5:56 pm
  • 13 minutes 7 seconds
    How to Create 11 Pieces of Innovative Content from One Podcast Episode

    Have you recently started a podcast for your company, school district or your personal brand?

    Are you trying to find better ways to promote your podcast? Or are you trying to find ways to expand your audience?

    In this episode, I will how to create 11 additional pieces of innovative content from one podcast episode.


    3 July 2020, 10:52 pm
  • 12 minutes 43 seconds
    How to Create an Awesome College Job Fair Experience

    Are you looking for high quality millennial college graduates to join your company?

    Are you not having much luck at college job fairs?

    Do you need tips for putting together an awesome college job fair marketing plan?

    In this podcast, I give tips on how my company doubled our online job applications using these job fair techniques.

    Recruiting millennials for your company or your school district can be hard. These tips will hopefully make it easier for you to recruit at college job fairs.

    Checkout More About Jason Wheeler Here:

    2 September 2019, 4:10 am
  • 8 minutes 32 seconds
    What Do Millennials Want in a Job? Episode 24

    Are you looking for the best ways to recruit Millennials?

    Is your company or school district having trouble understanding the wants and needs of this generation?

    In this episode, Jason A. Wheeler discusses millennial job seekers, and what is enticing them to choose a company for their first job.

    This is a clip from a longer presentation entitled "Using Strategic Marketing to Recruit Millennial Teachers to Your School District" from NSPRA 2019.

    Checkout More About Jason A. Wheeler Here:

    29 August 2019, 12:15 pm
  • 54 minutes 52 seconds
    Emerging Trends in Social Media That Will Impact Your School District

    The world of social media is changing rapidly. This powerful medium is impacting the way we engage our parents, students and the overall community.

    Emerging trends in social media will influence the way we use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and countless other platforms. Learn how your district can use these trends to be on top of the ever-changing world of marketing and communication. Social media is evolving, and your district needs to be ahead of the game.

    This is the audio from my TSPRA presentation on Emerging Trends in Social Media at their 2019 Conference. Enjoy.

    Make sure to visit my website at for more exciting content.

    22 February 2019, 2:04 pm
  • 33 minutes 22 seconds
    Social Media Basics for Teachers to Drive Parent Engagement

    In this podcast, I give some basic social media advice for teachers to help them engage with their parents. Social media is a very powerful tool.

    Social Media Basics for Teachers

    I do a traveling social media roadshow to all of our campuses in CFBISD to help encourage social media usage among our teachers.

    The purpose of my talks is to speak on the power of storytelling through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I feel most parents care more about their child's school than the district as a whole.

    Teachers, administration and staff must tell the stories to the parents. They need to make the parents feel that made the best decision when it comes to the education of heir child.

    Social Media is an excellent communication tool for teachers as more and more parents want to interact with their child's teacher on a daily basis.

    Make sure to visit for more social media help

    25 January 2019, 5:03 pm
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