Doctor Who: Zeus Plug

Doctor Who: Zeus Plug

Zeus Plug - a Doctor Who podcast series discussing each new episode of Doctor Who as it broadcasts, as well as special one-off episodes in between series.

  • 33 minutes 28 seconds
    ZEUS PLUG - The 2017 End Of Year Special
    The end of the year is upon us, and so Zeus Plug returns for a look back at an eventful year where the Doctor changed gender, the show changed runner and the Watcher changed employment status. Joining Jono to discuss this and the recent Christmas coda are The Doctor Who Show's Rob Irwin, and Beyond the Sofa's Peter Adamson. Featuring the return of the Omnirumour, Damaris Hayman & how Chris Chibnall is like Barack Obama.
    31 December 2017, 2:16 am
  • 11 minutes
    ZEUS PLUG - The 13th Doctor
    Welcome Number 13! Thanks to a clinical Roger Federer, the new Doctor has already been announced! Joining Jono Park on this special mini-episode to discuss the Thirteenth and the ensuing reaction is Neil Perryman.
    16 July 2017, 5:32 pm
  • 43 minutes 13 seconds
    ZEUS PLUG - The Series 10 Review
    It's the end... and the puddle has been prepared for... Series 10 is wrapped, and it's time to set it amongst its peers and see how it stands on its own two cyber-rocket feet. Joining Jono Park to run through the fields of the latest season are Radio Free Skaro's Steven Schapansky, and Wife in Space's Neil Perryman. Featuring the official new Doctor predictions, the golden age of telly and the Sound of Ummms.
    8 July 2017, 3:08 am
  • 40 minutes 34 seconds
    ZEUS PLUG - World Enough And Time
    We’re back with the episode that’s either 41 minutes or 187 years long, depending on your location. Joining Jono Park to head down the lifts towards World Enough & Time are Flight Through Entirety’s Brendon Jones & that comic guy Paul Scoones. Featuring a depreciating DVD collection, an epic David Ronayne theory and what your father-in-law thinks of Doctor Who monsters (hint: Batman, outer space haka morons & phallic gremlins)
    28 June 2017, 12:15 pm
  • 28 minutes 39 seconds
    ZEUS PLUG - Empress Of Mars
    Deserters, Ice Man Fridays, scrunched-up soldiers... All are welcome to this week's episode, where Jono Park is joined by Beyond the Sofa's Peter Adamson & Dave Ronayne to nut out if Empress impressed. Featuring no windows for Barbara, no mandate for May and no easy questions for the Regeneration Game (sorry Dave).
    12 June 2017, 11:32 am
  • 21 minutes 41 seconds
    Instead of discussing The Lie of the Land and the clickbait 'regeneration' this week , we're taking a detour to sit down for a chat with Sergeant Benton himself, John Levene who was recently in New Zealand at the Armageddon Expo. Features Pertwee's coupe, Delgado's nails and a rare prop rescued from a BBC dustbin.
    6 June 2017, 10:31 am
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