
Cheryl Merkowski

The disgusting yet deliciously funny musings of 25 year old Cheryl Steryl Merkowski, a beautiful, tan woman, smoker, and owner of 3/4ths of a lung. She has her very own website ( and iTurds feed honaye! Work that iTurds!

  • Cheryl Sings: Countin’ Skin Tags on my LYUPS

    click to download!Download MP3

    LENGTH: 2:36


    The first post in almost 4 YURS is a wonderful song for all my listenturds! This is my version of the Statler Brothers “Flowers On The Wall”. Lyrics and album ark by the amazing LIN FERNO. *Sing Along With Rylch! Lyrics of All Songs Included in the mp3 FOILE!*

    31 March 2017, 3:15 am
  • Music Video & Song: Walls Fall Out

    click to download!

    The original amazing vid (aidsbove) was REMOVED from youtube!!! Good thing I also had a krispy version on Vimeo:

    The AMAZING Gladys Freak wrote, directed, and PROLEduced this lapse INDUCING song and even more amazing MUSIC VIDEO! Learn about Cheryl’isms, walls falling outk, and so much more. Music video featuring cameos by Beach Rylch, a variety of LIL RYLCHes, Tan MOM™®© and tan daughtee™®© Rylch, my sister SYLVIA, ROSA DUCK™®©, Madge Weinstein, and so much more. Plus you get a chance to see my ‘lapse. Who could AXE for ennything moar? #NYEA. Want to download a high quality mp3 version of the song? WELL CHERYL HAS YOU COVEE-d.

    Want More Rylch? Many of you new  fans have been writing in demanding “MORE CHERYL!” In addition to the AMAZING CONTENT at WHOREHOLE.ORG, theres weeks and months worth of Rylch audio recordings for you to listen to at . I have been doing a live podcast with my gal Madge Weinstein for years and they are all there for your enjoyment. We make lots of rude phone calls to pro-life abortion hot lines, have story time about poopin’ panties, and much moar!

    Enjoyed the music video and song? Show some appreciation by sending MAIDS an amazon dot COM gift cerk to cheryl atk WHOREHOLE d0t OOURRRGG. WEWEUWE

    UPDATEk: My SISTEE™®© Sylvia Browne died 11/20/13 as PSYCHICALLY predickturd by Gladys Freak at the end of this video! o WUEWEUWEU very upsetting. Sing Along With RYLCH: LYRICS

    honey I say naids or naideen which ever one I use the same thing   bus I say BPH the black person holder that transportates   doctor I say doctee or docturd whether it’s a tee or a turd it’s the same word   abortion I say borty boty a fun thing to do when you’re feeling sporty   lips I say lyups or chlyups the flesh trapdoors in between my hips   trapdoors what’s that doorway for   something special let me tell you more ===CHORUS lips pout the walls fall out red rose grows as the walls unfold my lapse prolapse   jizz trap spreads my gap red meat flaps as the walls unwrap my lapse prolapse === fish I say feesh feesh a yeasty dish that’s so delish   chicken I say cheeukun nigga but too much dark meat can ruin your fig-ire   black I say blaque blaque aunt teresa in heaven eaten’ on fat-back   pro-gram I say grim grum when me and Madge Weinstein have some fun   panties I say panni panni wraps around my waist and hugs my fanny   fanny what’s your fanny for something special let me show you whore

    30 October 2013, 1:40 am
  • Cheryl Sings: How Deep Is My LAPSE?

    click to download!


    Album Ark by Lin Ferno. Lapse HERE to view the DIRTY DIRTY uncensored version! WEUWE

    Album Ark by Lin Ferno. Lapse HERE to view the DIRTY DIRTY uncensored version! WEUWE

    LENGTH: 4:07


    Cheryl sings her version of the BEE GEEz’s How Big Is YER Love. Lyrics and album ark by my grrrl LIN FERNO. *Sing Along With Rylch! Lyrics of All Songs Included: Look in iTurdz!*

    7 June 2013, 4:38 pm
  • WH-MiniGRUM: As Seen on TV SkeenTag MESH Lint Vac

    click to download!wh-cvr-2013

    LENGTH: 14:29
    Anothee minigrum™®© featuring a call to AS SEEN ON TEEVEE to axe the HORD questions about produks like SKINTAG REMOVER, MagicMesh,LINT Lizard and the WAXvak!

    4 March 2013, 4:18 am
  • WH-MiniGRUM Yuma(az)loight

    click to download!

    Rylch using the UMAloight. ARK by Lin Ferno

    Rylch using the UMAloight. ARK by Lin Ferno

    LENGTH: 11:31
    NYEA a minigrum™®© fer ya featurding a caull to the wonderful YUMAloight to axe them some questions about their PRODUK. WEUWEU

    INSPIRATION infomercialmercial:

    Looks pretty normal to maids! Anyone want turd make me a rylchy pic with maids wearing the YUMAloight™®©? weuwe. Maybe on the bph? WERK IT OUTK!

    3 February 2013, 4:01 am
  • WH-MiniGRUM Post XMas

    click to download!
    LENGTH: 4:09
    A post-XMAS minigrum for my GRRLS, including a short story about WALGREEN tunaFEESH seasoning my new CASTIRONpanpan.

    26 December 2012, 3:40 pm
  • Cheryl Sings: Edge of Borty

    click to download!

    Amazing Cover Art by CheekyTrousers!

    LENGTH: 4:23


    Cheryl sings her version of LADY KAKA’s Edge of Glore-aids. Crowd Sourced™®© Lyrics by @Patriekgud and Jaime Shade. *Sing Along With Rylch! Lyrics of All Songs Included: Look in iTunes!* Leave Rill Some Love by calling 206-666-LYPS.

    Alternative Album ARK by Justin:

    10 July 2011, 3:56 am
  • WH-MiniGRUM 4-2-11

    click to download!

    Album Ark by James

    LENGTH: 28:21
    NYEA a random imprompTURD minigrum with intro in bafroom and phone chak with MADGE WEINSTEIN. WEU. eat mai.



    2 April 2011, 5:19 pm
  • VIDEO: Pain A Prolapse

    click to download!


    LENGTH: 3:07
    This is an amazing video and song by xdope featuring SYLVIA BROWNEbrown answering Cheryl’s question on her WEBINAR about Cheryl’s HORRIBLE medical condition: A PROLAPSE. Also features a RAP response by animated CHERYL & Cameo by Ragan Fox.

    Click here to view on Vimeo
    15 October 2010, 2:10 am
  • WH94: Catheters 4 Sylvia Epic Grum

    click to download!

    wh94ark.jpgAlbum Ark by James
    LENGTH: 1:31:35
    Cheryl calls about getting some catheters, daybuts xdope song, Sylvia mess, minigrum highlights, bradlaids clyups, many A+ random clyups, and so much moar! Call Rylch @ 206-666-LYPS!


    11 October 2010, 4:36 am
  • WH93: Incinerating Returned Depends & Riding TEH CTAids

    click to download!

    wh93ark.jpgAlbum Ark by James
    LENGTH: 54:21
    GUESTS: Why don’t CHA listen to teh grum? HOW HEAVY IS THAT?!
    Cheryl calls about a new HOT toilet, follows up with teh DEPENDS folks, & calls CTA Lost & Found and to lodge a complaint. Plus lots of clyups, a song by XDOPE, Bradlaids, & MOAR! Call Rylch @ 206-666-LYPS


    2 April 2010, 2:04 am
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