Podcast - Church of Debra

Debra Wilkerson

After the cancellation of Facts of Life in 1988, Debra Wilkerson spiraled into a deep depression that she would never fully recover from. She found Jesus and eventually founded the Church of Debra. A long journey through the medical system afforded her with a daily regimen of medicines that brought her back to reality. Unfortunately, in 1997, Debra's husband, Harold Wilkerson, died from an obsessive addiction to hot sauce which eventually lead to a perforated peptic ulcer of the small intestines. Debra's mental state declined yet deeper into a full on psychosis even with the medication. Eventually, a balance of new medications, therapy and her devotion to a higher power gave Debra the ability to lead a semi-normal life. Today, Debra spreads the word of Jesus and God at any and every opportunity. She is a committed Southern Baptist Christian lady. But some say she *should* be committed because the remaining tinges of her underlying psychosis asserts itself in the form of an obsession to

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