You aren’t being borne along the current of an inevitable thing, you are able to steer from what brings you down, make alliances with what supports you. Personal empowerment means deconditioning from values of the society, putting your own values in place. Realize you must shoot for Extra-environmentalism. When people say they feel like a creature from outer space, that’s not such a bad way to feel, it means you see the game, you don’t buy in, they can’t buy you with a Mercedes, business trips to Paris. It’s a controlled alienation, where you cultivate extra-environmentalism. You are at home everywhere, you are always comfortable, you don’t have to be with people of your class, culture, or earning capacity to feel alright. Terrence the poet, said, I am a human being therefore nothing human is alien to me. That’s the thing, you accept the human, but be comfortable to acclimate to any cultural styles. It’s a magical thing, you’re a performer, you move through these things knowing this is
After years of stagnant growth in conventional oil extraction rates, ignorance of Hubbert's Curve has peaked. Now that the mainstream can't dismiss the issue, public conversations proclaim an exuberant belief in marginal reserves as our savior. Claims of American energy independence have fueled a dialogue that threatens to drive the US economy towards a fiscal and energy cliff. Can we look toward renewables to meet our energy needs for the future? Is it possible to start telling a new story about our energy future?
In Extraenvironmentalist #47 we discuss the global energy picture with Chris Nelder as he describes the energy stories we tell ourselves and explains exactly how many natural gas wells it will take for the United States to gain energy independence. We ask Chris about the complexity of our international energy markets and why we shouldn't give up on renewable energy even if it doesn't fit the power grid of today. Then, we speak with Gregor MacDonald about the recent blackout in India that cut electricity to 10% of Earth's population. Gregor tells us about the process of normal accidents and why the risk we've offloaded might be trickling back into our energy infrastructure. Last of all, we speculate about the future of capitalism as growth ends. Will we look back on these years of corporate rule as the golden age before serfdom?
// Music (in order of appearance)
Deerhoof - The Trouble With Candyhands via Tiny Mixtapes
Fleetwood Mac - That's All For Everyone (Tame Impala Cover) via Stereogum
F*ck you Pepco via Youtube
Marlena Shaw - California Soul (Diplo Remix) via Soundcloud
Nico - These Days (Shinichi Osawa Edit) via Daily Beatz
Elton John - Good Morning to the Night (PNAU Remix) via Tracasseur
// Extended Clips (in order of appearance)
[1st Break] - 36m
America's Infrastructure is Failing
Heat Adds Misery to Atlantic Power Outage
Congress Ignores Nations Infrastructure
Gail Tverberg on Peak Oil at the Montreal Degrowth Conference
// Production Credits
Josh B.
Kevin M. via Sustainable Guidance Youtube Channel
The post [ Episode #47 // Power Transition ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
Success for the environmental movement has meant many of its members adopted mainstream values in attempts to sustain the unsustainable. Is sustainability a farce when associated with a way of life that is out of touch with reality? Global droughts, weather catastrophes and heatwaves are demonstrating the rapidly increasing impact of atmospheric greenhouse gases. With decades of inaction on climate change, are we all climate denialists? Could there be an environmental movement that works to exit the collapsing global system?
In Extraenvironmentalist #46 we speak first with Paul Kingsnorth on why he's withdrawn from the mainstream environmental movement and its discussions of sustainability. Paul tells us about developing the Dark Mountain Project to help us tell creative stories that embody the new narrative evolving from the end of industrial society. Then, Michael M'Gonigle [55m] joins us to talk about the importance of creating an exit-environmentalism that allows us to leave a global system which is falling apart. Michael describes why liberal environmentalism is no longer useful in creating laws to protect our environment in the extended version of an interview that originally aired on Radio Ecoshock. Finally, John Michael Greer [1h 56m] takes root in a new recurring and irregular segment to talk about denial and his take on the environmental movement. All that and more as our latest episode proves there aren't limits to growth for XE podcast episode runtimes.
// Music (in order of appearance)
GRiZ - The Future is Now via Fist in the Air
Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Blackbird Blackbird Rework) via Sound Is Style
Jeremy Fisher - Built to Last via Ride the Tempo
Elle Goulding - Hanging On (Syvable & PRFFTT Bootleg) via Earmilk
Marvin Gaye - Real Thing (Pillow Talk Rework) via Ecosalon
Stevie Wonder - Superstition (Monolith Remix) via The Music Ninja
// Extended Clips (in order of appearance)
[1st Break] - 28'27"
Shaking Spain - Expect Violence
Marc Faber - Markets to Crash in 12 Months
Euro-Doomsday Scenario
How close are we to a new great depression
[2nd Break] - 83'27"
Record Drought Has Cascading Consequences
Heat Wave
Americans Scramble to Safety
George Will: "It's Just Summer, Get Over It"
Alan Watts - Man in Nature
// Production Credits
Production Assistance by Kevin via Sustainable Guidance Youtube Channel
The post [ Episode #46 // Recovering Environmentalists ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
By failing to question our money system, we've accepted an understanding of finance and fiat that's showing its flaws greater than ever. This globalized currency system draws money out of localities and into the hands of corrupt financial institutions. Can we start recapturing these flows of money to build resilient communities? If the Federal Reserve can print money, why can't we?
In Extraenvironmentalist #45 we speak to Michael Linton, developer of LETS and the Community Way currency system about how to open up our money to emphasize positive aspects of human nature . Michael describes how local currencies can help to overcome the feeling of scarcity imposed by a centralized national currency. We ask Michael if our federal dollars should be replaced or if we should be looking to compliment them through local money. Then, we speak with Jordan Bober who is launching the Seedstock in Vancouver, BC based on Michael's Community Way model.
// Music (in order of appearance)
Chick Bullock - Are You Making Any Money? via Youtube
Gold Diggers of 1933 - We're in the Money via Youtube
Matt and Kim - Let's Go via Consequence of Sound
The Beatles x Carlos Santana x Griz x Gramatik – Don’t Let Me Change (Ego Mashup) via The Music Ninja
// Extended Clips (in order of appearance)
FT - Libor scandal rocks banking
Max Keiser - How Tom Cruise Stole Libor
Michael Hudson - Summit MMT in Italy
Michael Hudson - Summit MMT in Italy
// Production Credits
Production Assistance | Kevin at the Sustainable Guidance Youtube Channel
The post [ Episode #45 // Opening Money ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
Roughly 90% of the world's economics professionals failed to see the current economic crisis forming on the horizon of the early 21st century. Many of them are now striving for stability through policies of refinancing and quantitative easing. While this class of economic thinkers have driven the planet's policies for decades, their faulty logic is being exposed by structurally high unemployment and failing banks. Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi are using central bank policies to prop up a system that's imploding due to heavy debt burdens by using national deficits for attempts to accelerate private debt accumulation once again. Could one of the few economists that predicted the current financial crash outline a path forward for educating the next round of economists while providing an alternative to austerity?
In Extraenvironmentalist #39 we speak with Steve Keen about how neoclassical economics controls the ways our governments think. Steve draws on themes from the second edition of his book that exposes neoclassical economics and its faulty logic, Debunking Economics. In the first half of the interview, we draw on a technical understanding of where neoclassical economics has gone wrong and where the economies of the Eurozone are headed through following the path of austerity. In the second half, we talk about modern debt jubilees and retooling economics education. After which, Jennifer Baichwal joins us at the 95' mark to talk about her newest film, Payback, based on Margaret Atwood's book about debt and debtor relationships. Last of all, Seth and I recall our recent gig at Jackson Hole.
// Music (in order of appearance)
Vacationer - Good as New via The Swill Merchants
Niia - Mad World via The Music Ninja
Mark Foster, Kimbra, A-Trak - Warrior via Hard Candy
Dragonette - Let It Go (The Knocks Remix) via KickKickSnare
Ibrahim Ferrer - Ay Candela (Henry Krinkle Remix) via International Beat Forum
// Extended Clips (in order of appearance)
[First Break] - 35'40"
Austerity Suicides
Greeks in Despair
This is War: Italy Burns Paintings to Protest Austerity
Greek Town Develops Alternative Currency
[Second Break] - 67'40"
Bernanke Impresses Students at GWU
Steve Keen on Ponzi Schemes
Krugman Knocked Out of Neoclassical Orbit by Steve Keen
Michael Hudson - INET Talk on the Politics and Economics of Restructuring
The post [ Episode #39 // Debunking Economics ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
Energy drives our civilization: onward towards the limits of human imagination, ever closer to the grave consequences of oil depletion. Technology is often viewed as a mythical force, seemingly bestowing its gifts on an often misguided species in a neutral manner; though what if the best technologies don't always win? Are all the energy solutions we're banking on to continue a capitalist consumer lifestyle just an innovation away from mass deployment? Could social choices of technologies be far from rational? What if the most important electric loads were the ones invented by utility companies? Why does America consume so much energy and believe so heavily in the transcendent role of technology?
In Extraenvironmentalist #16 we speak with Alexis Madrigal about his book, Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology which discusses the precarious path our species has followed towards a more perfect power. Alexis is a senior editor at The Atlantic where he writes about technology and media while tweeting prolifically from @alexismadrigal. Alexis explains how many of the green technologies, now touted as shiny new innovations, have existed for the greater part of the last century and have been stifled through a combination of poor policies and irrational developments. We wonder about the role of innovation in the future, do we have all the technology we really need or are we on the verge of a renewable energy breakthrough that can revolutionize our world?
At the end of this episode, Dennis McKenna joins us once again (at the 1h37m mark) for an apology to Matthew Watkins who was incorrectly lambasted in the previous episode for his critiques to the Timewave theory.
// Music (in order of appearance)
Metric - Twilight Galaxy (Gladkill Remix) via Ohh So Famous
Milagres - Glowing Mouth viaThe Music Ninja
The Dictator's Speech with Inception's music by Hans Zimmer via Youtube
Foster the People - Houdini (Valida's Step Out Mix) via Earplugs Not Included
Blue Sky Black Death - Sleeping Children Are Still Flying viaPotholes In My Blog
Purity Ring - Lofticries via Gorilla vs. Bear
The post [ Episode #16 // Powering the Dream ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
In the course of an extraordinary life, one might become the kind of person who, without intending it, is a source of marvelous accidents. Two young men set out from Colorado to the rainforest of South America as they hunt down an elusive chemical with the potential to reveal new dimensions of human nature. During this quest, they find something much greater, as their encounter with an enigmatic other sets their lives on a path too wild to predict.
In Extraenvironmentalist #15 we speak with Dennis McKenna about his Kickstarter project, Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss which, with your support, will become a book detailing his life with philosopher and visionary Terence McKenna. Dennis is co-author of The Invisible Landscape and a professor of ethnobotany at the University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality & Healing with an extensive career researching how plants and humans can create a productive partnership. We spoke with Dennis about the ways he and Terence would develop ideas, how Dennis made the trip to the Amazon with Terence, how events at La Chorrera changed him. Though we don't stop there, Dennis also shares with us many of his ideas on life, the universe and everything and weighs in on whether he coined the term extraenvironmentalist originally.
Please support Dennis' Kickstarter project
Note: This is Part II of II.
// Music (in order of appearance)
Youth Lagoon - Cannons via KLUBB ACE
Peter, Bjorn & John - Second Chance (RAC Remix) via Dealer of People Emotions
The post [ Episode #15.2 // Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss // Part II ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
In the course of an extraordinary life, one might become the kind of person who, without intending it, is a source of marvelous accidents. Two young men set out from Colorado to the rainforest of South America as they hunt down an elusive chemical with the potential to reveal new dimensions of human nature. During this quest, they find something much greater, as their encounter with an enigmatic other sets their lives on a path too wild to predict.
In Extraenvironmentalist #15 we speak with Dennis McKenna about his Kickstarter project, Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss which, with your support, will become a book detailing his life with philosopher and visionary Terence McKenna. Dennis is co-author of The Invisible Landscape and a professor of ethnobotany at the University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality & Healing with an extensive career researching how plants and humans can create a productive partnership. We spoke with Dennis about the ways he and Terence would develop ideas, how Dennis made the trip to the Amazon with Terence, how events at La Chorrera changed him. Though we don't stop there, Dennis also shares with us many of his ideas on life, the universe and everything and weighs in on whether he coined the term extraenvironmentalist originally.
Please support Dennis' Kickstarter project
Note: This is Part I of II.
// Music (in order of appearance)
Cults - Go Outside (2 Bears Remix) via The Bang Pop
MillionYoung - Calrissian via I Guess I'm Floating
How to Be Alone via Vimeo
James Vincent McMorrow - We Don't Eat (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix) via SoundCloud
Doug Hoyer - Oh, The Wind Will Blow (ft. Jessica Jalbert) via New Music Collaborative
Washed Out - Eyes Be Closed via KLUBB ACE
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Though we call it dirt, the soil beneath is the skin of our planet and the breadbasket of our species. Is there a connection between the lifespan of a civilization and the rate at which its topsoil erodes? The agricultural practices of past societies can serve as a stern warning against highly erosive farming and point the way towards a revolution in the way we produce the sustenance needed for survival and prosperity. What does it mean that rapidly increasing food prices are causing riots around the world while a dump-truck load of soil enters the Mississippi Delta every second?
In Extraenvironmentalist #14 we speak with Dave Montgomery, author of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations. In his book, Dr. Montgomery covers historical evidence from Rome, Greece, China and other societies to trace a link between population dynamics and erosion. Even though the land of North America has only experienced heavy agricultural erosion for a much shorter span, we've already mined the fertility of the U.S. Southeast to churn out tobacco, driving populations towards the Pacific in search of more productive land. We discuss some key historical examples and talk about how modern trends point to serious concerns for the present as soil productivity declines at a rapid rate. Can a crisis in global agriculture be avoided when our society is heavily dependent on the temporary agricultural output boosted by petroleum dependent chemicals?
// Music (in order of appearance)
Conner Youngblood - Summer Song via The Music Ninja
Bibio - K is for Kelson via Et Musique Pour Tous
Mount Moriah - Lament via The New Music Collaborative
Daughter - Landfill via Earplugs Not Included
Daughter - Candles via Earplugs Not Included
The post [ Episode #14 // Discovering Dirt ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
How has access to artificial light allowed us to transform our human lives? Did it give us access to new reaches of the day or has it disconnected us from nature? The development of inexpensive and accessible light has brought about social change with its many forms: from animal fat candles to whale blubber, oil to electrified carbon filaments. Each varying source brings with it not only light but the dark side of fuel consumption.
In Extraenvironmentalist #10 we speak with Jane Brox, author of many books including most recently Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light which Time magazine rated as one of the best non-fiction books of last year, Seth and I concur. Brilliant speaks not only to the technology behind artificial light but also to the class structures which filtered the technology down to the masses along with the consequences and the advantages of having a more luminous world.
Justin accidentally leaves his microphone on in the background so you get to hear an exclusive behind the scenes exploration into what exactly occurs as an interview takes place. Fortunately it is not too distracting as he behaved himself quite well and Seth did a great job dampening the impact. However the problem caused by the behavior of the mute button in Skype is solved and it won't happen again, we are only ten episodes in after all.
Even though it has been a while since you've last seen The Extraenvironmentalist, in this episode we return to kick off a stellar year of examining humanity in 2011 with interviews and more. Thanks for listening!
// Music (in order of appearance)
Star Slinger - Elizabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins Rework) via The Music Ninja
Palpitation - In Five Years (Niva Remix) via Klubb Ace
Braids - Lemonade (Green Go Remix) via The DaDaDa
Diamond Messages - Liquid Summer via The Music Ninja
Marina and the Diamonds - Me and the Moon (Clock Opera Remix) via Et Musique Pour Tous
Paddling Song via WFMU's Beware of the Blog
The post [ Episode #10 // Brilliant ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
Converging crises of the environment, energy and our personal psychology threaten to destabilize the economic systems we depend on for subsistence. Globalization has provided tremendous financial benefits and convenience for specific groups but has degraded communities while spreading the emotional and spiritual depravity of materialism. By developing a local resilient economy can we counteract the shadow of globalization while addressing the predicaments of energy depletion, resource scarcity and desolate communities?
In Extraenvironmentalist #9 we speak with Helena Norberg-Hodge, director of The Economics of Happiness, a documentary film about the worldwide movement for local economic development. Our discussion covers Helena's experiences in the Ladakh region of India which inspired her to recognize the problems with the standard model for economic development, inspiring her book and film Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh. We also spoke with Helena about the numerous benefits of decentralized local economies in addressing our converging crises and the specifics of the psychological impacts of advertising and media on society in its push for expanded economic activity.
We're also thinking of starting an Extraenvironmentalist book club. Are you interested in perhaps doing a monthly group call to discuss a book on Extraenvironmentalist topics? If so, let us know through voicemail or email and we'll choose a book, set a timeline and record a discussion.
//Supplemental Links
Website | Economics of Happiness
Facebook | Facebook Page for Economics of Happiness
// Music (in order of appearance)
Pepper Rabbit - Older Brother via The Music Ninja
The Kopecky Family Band - Our Remedy via The Music Slut
Mr. Little Jeans - Rescue Song (RAC Remix) via Et Musique Pour Tous
Sunday Girl - Time to Pretend (MGMT Cover) via AudioPorn Central
The post [ Episode #9 // Economics of Happiness ] appeared first on Extraenvironmentalist.
With the Holidays upon us, we were able to secure a last minute interview with Santa Claus! That fell through so we were passed off to Nick jr. who gave us an in-depth view of life at the north pole. Though our elfin magic connection through various HAM radio repeater stations was a little hazy, […]
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