The Dentalpreneur Podcast w/ Dr. Mark Costes

Dental Consulting

Become More Profitable, Less Stressed, and More Fulfilled in Your Dental Career

  • 36 minutes 14 seconds
    1976: Extreme Ownership Pt. 2

    On today’s part 2 episode, recorded live at the 2024 Dental Success Summit in San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Mark Costes sits down with Jocko Willink for a riveting discussion on leadership and change management. Jocko elaborates on his experience with instituting new processes within teams, particularly a more effective system of information collection during his military career. He emphasizes the importance of setting realistic expectations and being open to feedback to overcome resistance and enhance operational efficiency.

    Jocko also explores the concept of 'dichotomy of leadership', sharing insights on how leaders can maintain balance and flexibility in their roles to foster a productive work environment. He highlights the need for leaders to recognize their emotional triggers and employ detachment techniques to remain calm and focused during high-pressure situations.

    Furthermore, Jocko touches on the profound personal impacts of his military service, reflecting on the losses he endured and the deep appreciation for life these experiences instilled in him. He ties these reflections back to business and leadership, advocating for a focus on meaningful, people-centered goals rather than mere profit maximization.


    2 May 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 39 minutes 19 seconds
    1975: Extreme Ownership Pt. 1

    On today’s episode, recorded live at the 2024 Dental Success Summit, host Dr. Mark Costes sits down with Jocko Willink, a former U.S. Navy SEAL commander and celebrated author of "Extreme Ownership." The discussion dives deep into the principles of leadership and ownership, particularly how these concepts apply not only in the battlefield but also in professional settings such as dental practices. Jocko shares riveting stories from his military career, emphasizing the critical nature of true ownership and the dangers of micromanagement. The episode features a live Q&A session, offering attendees the unique opportunity to engage directly with Jocko's insights on leadership, resilience, and team management. This session is a must-listen for anyone interested in enhancing their leadership skills and understanding the profound impact of taking ownership at all levels of an organization.


    1 May 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 38 minutes 2 seconds
    1974: Mastering Dental Practice Management

    On today’s episode, we welcome back Dr. Chris Green, a dynamic dentist and entrepreneur who founded Green Dental Care in 2018. Dr. Green shares insights on his journey from starting a practice from scratch to experiencing rapid growth, leading to a strategic partnership in 2023. As a DSI black belt coach and co-founder of the Practice Launch Pad, Dr. Green offers a wealth of knowledge on effective dental practice management.

    During their conversation, Dr. Green discusses his collaboration with Dr. Addison Killeen on a new book aimed at addressing current challenges in the dental workforce exacerbated by COVID-19. The book focuses on optimizing dental assistant training to enhance practice efficiency and patient care. Dr. Green elaborates on the structure of the upcoming manual, which includes comprehensive guides, tests, and digital resources to support both new and transitioning dental assistants.

    Listeners will gain practical advice on creating a robust onboarding process, the importance of systematic training, and the integration of a tiered competence and compensation system. Dr. Green emphasizes the significance of adapting these systems to individual practice needs to foster a supportive and efficient work environment.

    This episode is a must-listen for dental professionals seeking to elevate their practice through strategic staffing and operational excellence.


    30 April 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 16 seconds
    1973: Beyond the Numbers

    On today’s episode, Dr. Mark Costes catches up with Jake Conway, the analytics guru behind Custom Practice Analytics and a foundational figure at DSI. They reminisce about their early days as office mates and discuss the evolving challenges in dentistry post-COVID. As practices face new hurdles, Jake shares insights on the universal struggles dental offices are experiencing nationwide, from staffing to patient management. The conversation pivots to the critical role of effective practice analytics in navigating these changes and the benefits of having a supportive network to avoid isolation in problem-solving. Additionally, they touch on the strategic timing for practice expansion, the impact of patient no-shows, and how to maintain profitability through analytical decision-making. This dialogue not only dives deep into the financial and operational aspects of running a dental practice but also reinforces the importance of community and shared knowledge in the ever-changing landscape of dentistry.


    29 April 2024, 3:18 pm
  • 49 minutes 55 seconds
    1972: From Laboratory to Operatory

    On today’s episode, Mark chats with Michael Lomotan, a co-founder and owner of the Dental Success Network. Michael brings a unique perspective to dentistry with over 20 years in corporate biotech before diving full-time into the dental world. In this episode, he shares his journey from being "the ultimate nerd" in biotech to playing a crucial role in the dental industry. Michael discusses his daily responsibilities, including managing vendor relations and ensuring profitability through strategic supply negotiations. He also reflects on the advantages of being deeply involved in a community like DSN, which leverages collective buying power to secure significant discounts for its members. This insightful conversation covers a range of topics from the nuances of vendor negotiations to the potential future impact of AI in dentistry. Whether you're looking to optimize your dental practice's operations or explore the intersections of technology and dentistry, this episode is packed with valuable insights.


    26 April 2024, 1:16 pm
  • 43 minutes 20 seconds
    1971: Core Drivers of a World-Class Organization Pt. 3

    On today’s episode, we have another segment, in which Mark presents his presentation titled "Core Drivers of a World-Class Organization" at the Dental Success Summit 2024. In the final segment of his presentation, Mark honed in on the essence of leadership as the bedrock for creating a world-class organization. He simplified the concept, arguing that leadership isn't about charisma or grandeur, but about setting clear expectations, holding teams accountable, effective communication, and empathy. He moved on to discuss the 'seasons' of business, emphasizing that success requires periods of intense effort and sacrifice. During such times, he underscored the importance of having open lines of communication with family and significant others to ensure their understanding and support.

    Furthermore, Mark tackled the common tendency to overcomplicate business. He stripped it back to the basics: revenue minus expenses equals profit, reminding attendees that it's not always about driving production but about managing profitability. He also addressed the importance of measuring and improving less tangible aspects of a business, such as leadership and culture, arguing that these can be methodically tracked and enhanced.

    Sharing from personal experience, Mark cautioned against measuring success solely by wealth accumulation. He reflected on his own journey to financial success and the realization that it didn't bring the expected happiness or fulfillment, illustrating the importance of nurturing all aspects of life, not just financial ones.

    Additionally, Mark recognized the value of charisma, the art of conversation, and the ability to build rapport and trust. He shared anecdotes to illustrate these points, including a memorable dinner with author Ryan Holiday and NBA executive R.C. Buford. He concluded by reinforcing the indispensable role of personal accountability in both personal growth and professional development, which would be further explored by guest speaker Jocko Willink. Throughout his talk, Mark's insights painted a picture of the multi-faceted nature of true success and the disciplined path to achieving it.


    25 April 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 35 minutes 58 seconds
    1970: Core Drivers of a World-Class Organization Pt. 2

    On today’s episode, we have another segment, in which Mark presents his presentation titled "Core Drivers of a World-Class Organization" at the Dental Success Summit 2024. In this segment of Mark's presentation at the Dental Success Summit, he encourages attendees to become clear on their goals for the weekend and beyond. Mark urges each person to identify the top three reasons they're at the event, as achieving these goals will mark the weekend as a success. For instance, goals could range from finding a business partner to mastering leadership skills or improving the culture within one’s dental practice.

    Mark emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of one's time, particularly in relation to income goals. He presents a detailed analysis of how to calculate the worth of an hour of work if one's target is a million-dollar annual take-home income. This serves to highlight the need to delegate lower-value tasks and focus on high-impact work.

    The concept of a "time journal" is introduced, which helps participants assess the activities they should continue versus those they should delegate, based on the value they bring to their practice. Mark delves into the Asana Pyramid of Clarity to illustrate how to break down a big goal into actionable steps, ensuring clarity in what needs to be done to reach those objectives over time.

    Mark also discusses grit and talent, referencing Angela Duckworth’s work on the subject. He posits that effort counts twice in the achievement equation, emphasizing that consistent effort can make up for a lack of natural talent.

    Towards the end of the segment, Mark challenges the idea that people have learned all there is to learn and pushes for continuous growth and learning. He describes the high attendance of the most successful individuals at mastermind meetings as a testament to their commitment to continuous improvement, regardless of their current achievements.

    He concludes by encouraging attendees to take advantage of the available resources and learning opportunities, not just to improve their business's financial aspects but also to develop in other areas of life, as represented by the four quadrants of success: mindfulness, meaning, muscle, and money.


    24 April 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 34 minutes 48 seconds
    1969: Core Drivers of a World-Class Organization Pt. 1

    On today’s episode, we have a segment, in which Mark presents his presentation titled "Core Drivers of a World-Class Organization" at the Dental Success Summit 2024, he delves into the essential qualities that distinguish exceptional organizations. With over 5,967 years of collective dental experience in the room, Mark underscores that not all experiences are created equal, emphasizing the value of collaboration and a positive attitude over mere longevity in the field.

    He contrasts the downbeat energy of a larger, less proactive conference with the spirited, abundant mindset found among the attendees of the Dental Success Summit. Reiterating the infectious nature of negativity, he praises the smaller but mightier group before him, capable of enacting real change in the face of dentistry's myriad challenges.

    Mark discusses the importance of an abundance mindset versus scarcity, illustrating how the latter can stifle growth and collaboration. He moves on to the pivotal concept of personal accountability, touching on Jocko Willink's teachings on extreme ownership, which align with the summit's ethos of taking responsibility for one's actions.

    The talk then shifts to prioritized focus, where Mark cites Sam Altman on the power of focusing on the right tasks rather than merely being busy. He redefines the Mastermind Group's battle cry from "Get Shit Done" to "Get the Right Shit Done," stressing the significance of working smart over working hard.

    Wrapping up, Mark presents the stark disparity between the world's wealthiest individuals and the bottom billions, questioning the allocation of their most valuable resource—time. He closes with a powerful reminder that success and problem-solving at a high level are contingent upon effectively managing one's time, encouraging attendees to apply these principles within their practices and personal lives for unparalleled success.


    23 April 2024, 6:17 pm
  • 37 minutes 46 seconds
    1968: Turning Words into Wealth

    On today’s episode, we welcome back Aurora Winter, a repeat guest known for her expertise as a bestselling author, TV producer, media coach, ghostwriter, and serial entrepreneur.

    Aurora discusses her approach to transforming words into wealth, leveraging her background in filmmaking and neuroscience to help individuals from various professions enhance their communication skills and achieve substantial results. Whether it's raising capital for a startup, negotiating a raise, or signing a new client, Aurora’s methods have proven effective across the board.

    In her latest book, "Turn Words Into Wealth," Aurora outlines seven models for generating seven figures through effective communication and book publishing. She shares insights into how prominent figures like Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, and Hillary Clinton have monetized their messages, emphasizing the importance of not just writing a book but also strategically marketing it to maximize revenue streams.

    Mark and Aurora delve into the intricacies of building a personal brand through publishing. They discuss how having a book can significantly elevate one's professional stature and open doors to new opportunities. Aurora gives practical advice on how anyone, especially busy professionals like dentists and small business owners, can efficiently write and publish a book using her spoken author method.


    22 April 2024, 4:21 pm
  • 43 minutes 31 seconds
    1967: KPIs & Strategic Finance

    On today’s episode, we are back, fresh from the Dental Success Summit in San Antonio, Texas, In this episode, we have Dr. Deren Flesher, a panelist from the Summit's discussion on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    Dr. Flesher dives into the significance of KPIs in dental practices, sharing insights on hygiene efficiency and supply management, highlighting the importance of being well-prepared and having efficient systems in place. Drawing from his own extensive experience, Dr. Flesher elaborates on the complexities of personal finance, the impact of investment choices, and the benefits of strategic tax planning.

    With a focus on personal finance and investment, Dr. Flesher discusses his journey through entrepreneurship and his proactive approach to financial stewardship. He emphasizes the crucial nature of starting financial planning at the moment of realization, regardless of career stage. For those feeling behind, he offers encouragement and a strategic perspective, advocating for diversification and the careful balance between managing debt and seizing investment opportunities.

    Listeners seeking personal finance guidance or interested in learning more about Legacy Point can reach out to Dr. Flesher directly. His passion for educating and empowering dental professionals in financial matters shines through as he invites open conversations about money and investment strategies. He reassures listeners that it's never too late to start and that proper planning can lead to financial freedom, enabling more life choices and opportunities outside of the operatory.


    19 April 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 24 minutes 50 seconds
    1966: The Consequences of Team Turnover

    On today’s episode, we have an invigorating discussion led by Dr. Mark Costes at a TPL event, where he navigates the crucial elements of building a robust practice culture and becoming an effective leader. Mark shares his strategic insights on open communication, the financial impact of staff turnover, and the essential roles of a leader in a thriving dental practice. Learn how to turn subjective leadership concepts into actionable strategies with the aim to foster a supportive and efficient workplace.

    • Mark emphasizes the importance of core values, such as open and honest communication, in negotiating HR challenges and maintaining a productive work environment.
    • Insights into the high cost of staff turnover and strategies to mitigate these expenses through cultural improvements and effective leadership.
    • The introduction of a turnover costs formula, revealing the substantial financial savings achievable by retaining employees.
    • Mark delves into the nuances of building a strong practice culture and how it relates to leadership skills and organizational success.
    • Practical advice on confronting and resolving toxic behaviors within the team to protect and nurture the practice as a whole.
    • The concept of "living, breathing organisms" as an analogy for dental practices, highlighting the need for proactive management and the removal of toxicity to maintain health.
    • The roles of a leader are laid out, focusing on defining visions, setting clear expectations, monitoring results, and fostering team member growth.
    • Introduction of the DSI Leadership Assessment as a tool to turn the subjective idea of leadership into objective measures.
    • Strategies for conducting effective meetings, utilizing the PETA (Presence, Intention, Time, Agenda) model to ensure focus and productivity.
    • A look at the weekly growth meeting, where teams align on wildly important goals (WIGs) to ensure everyone is contributing to the practice's direction.
    • Mark stresses the significance of regular performance reviews and setting a positive tone for meetings through recognition and shared objectives.


    18 April 2024, 4:51 pm
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