Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast: Agile storytelling from the trenches

Vasco Duarte, Agile Coach, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Product Owner

An Agile and Scrum podcast to help you master the art of being a Scrum Master

  • 36 minutes 17 seconds
    BONUS: The Art of Slicing Work | Anton Skornyakov
    BONUS: The Art of Slicing Work with Anton Skornyakov

    This episode features Anton Skornyakov, an expert in Agile methodologies and the author of "The Art of Slicing Work: How to Navigate Unpredictable Projects." Let's unpack the concept of slicing work and explore how it can revolutionize productivity and project management.

    Inspiration Behind The Book

    "Focusing on 'what's the result we want from this discussion' shifts our mindset towards more practical, outcome-oriented conversations."

    Anton shares what drove him to write his book. In his coaching practice, he noticed that many organizational discussions were mired in theory rather than focusing on actionable outcomes. By centering the conversation on "the next step" and the desired results for the upcoming two weeks, teams can move from abstract planning to concrete, actionable steps.

    Understanding Slicing Work

    "Think of work like a large dinner; slicing it into dishes rather than tasks offers flexibility and maintains the connection between different work elements."

    In his book, Anton introduces the concept of Slicing Work using the metaphor of preparing a large dinner. He explains that traditional task division (horizontal slicing) often leads to a loss of flexibility and a disconnection between different parts of a project. Instead, he advocates for vertical slicing, where each slice represents a complete unit of value, enhancing coherence and team productivity.

    Common Barriers to Slicing Work

    "Old habits and upfront software design practices prevent effective work slicing; adopting Test-Driven Development (TDD) can help overcome these barriers."

    Anton discusses the habitual and educational barriers that prevent effective slicing of work. Many professionals are trained to focus on their specific expertise and to plan extensively before starting actual development, practices which can impede the flexible and iterative nature of Agile methodologies.

    In this segment, we refer to Extreme Programming and the pattern of the tracer bullet.

    The Slicing Work Mindset

    "Empowering teams to feel they can reshape their work structure is crucial for successful implementation of work slicing techniques."

    Implementing work slicing techniques can be straightforward technically, but the real challenge often lies in changing the organizational mindset. Anton points out that teams may understand the concept intellectually but often struggle with feeling empowered to change existing processes.

    Addressing Leadership Skepticism

    "Instead of promoting slicing, I discuss potential risks with leaders to help them see the value in breaking down projects to manage risks effectively."

    When faced with leadership skepticism, Anton shifts the conversation from slicing work per se to managing project risks. By identifying what could go wrong and finding ways to address these risks incrementally, leaders can see the practical benefits of adopting slicing work techniques.

    The Future of Work with Full Adoption

    "By turning Agile up to 11, micromanagement becomes obsolete, and teams are empowered to focus on transparent, result-driven discussions."

    Anton envisions a future where complete adoption of slicing work principles leads to a significant transformation in how teams and stakeholders interact. With a focus on frequent, tangible results and pragmatic discussions, organizations can achieve greater transparency and reduce the need for micromanagement.

    About Anton Skornyakov

    Anton Skornyakov is the co-founder and managing director of Agile.Coach. He has coached nearly a hundred organizations and thousands of people in the art of slicing work. His insights are distilled in his latest book, "The Art of Slicing Work," which encapsulates a wealth of stories, lessons, and principles from his extensive experience. For more information, visit

    You can link with Anton Skornyakov on LinkedIn.

    4 May 2024, 10:05 am
  • 13 minutes 41 seconds
    Leading with Trust, The Product Owner’s Guide | Mike Richards
    Mike Richards: Leading with Trust, The Product Owner’s Guide

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    The Great Product Owner: Leading with Trust, The Product Owner’s Guide

    Discover some of the essential qualities of an effective Product Owner through Mike’s experiences and stories. How does leading with trust transform team dynamics and project outcomes? This episode highlights the benefits of a trusting relationship between the team and the Product Owner, emphasizing the importance of trust in fostering a productive and collaborative environment.

    The Bad Product Owner: The Dangers of Over-Engagement, And How It Affects Scrum Teams

    What happens when a Product Owner is too involved in the day-to-day operations of a project? Mike Richards discusses the fine line between engagement and micromanagement. Learn about the anti-patterns of Product Owner behavior that can disrupt team efficiency and how to address them through understanding and empathy.


    [IMAGE HERE] Are you having trouble helping the team work well with their Product Owner? We’ve put together a course to help you work on the collaboration team-product owner. You can find it at 18 modules, 8+ hours of modules with tools and techniques that you can use to help teams and PO’s collaborate.


    About Mike Richards

    Mike Richards, with over a decade in tech, goes beyond managing projects. He's passionate about transforming organizations, coaching on cloud migration, leading digital shifts, and empowering agile teams. More than a consultant, Mike is a catalyst for growth and change.

    You can link with Mike Richards on LinkedIn here.

    3 May 2024, 10:05 am
  • 12 minutes 48 seconds
    The Scrum Master Feedback Loop, Measuring What Really Matters For Scrum Masters | Mike Richards
    Mike Richards: The Scrum Master Feedback Loop, Measuring What Really Matters For Scrum Masters

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    In this segment, Mike shares his approach to measuring success through key performance indicators and anonymous feedback. How can scrum masters create a safe space for team feedback and foster a learning environment within their teams? Discover the significance of emotional security and predictability in achieving sprint goals and maintaining effective team dynamics.

    Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: The Cat Memes Retrospective

    Explore a unique retrospective format with Mike as he shares how using cat memes can inject humor and openness into team discussions. How does this light-hearted approach help teams express emotions and enhance engagement during retrospectives? Learn tips on varying retrospective formats to maintain team engagement and foster candid discussions about challenges and successes.


    [IMAGE HERE] Retrospectives, planning sessions, vision workshops, we are continuously helping teams learn about how to collaborate in practice! In this Actionable Agile Tools book, Jeff Campbell shares some of the tools he’s learned over a decade of coaching Agile Teams. The pragmatic coaching book you need, right now! Buy Actionable Agile Tools on Amazon, or directly from the author, and supercharge your facilitation toolbox! 


    About Mike Richards

    Mike Richards, with over a decade in tech, goes beyond managing projects. He's passionate about transforming organizations, coaching on cloud migration, leading digital shifts, and empowering agile teams. More than a consultant, Mike is a catalyst for growth and change.

    You can link with Mike Richards on LinkedIn here.

    2 May 2024, 10:05 am
  • 12 minutes 51 seconds
    Managing Agile Teams Under Tight Deadlines, The Remote Team Edition | Mike Richards
    Mike Richards: Managing Agile Teams Under Tight Deadlines, The Remote Team Edition

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    In this episode, Mike shares his professional journey of facilitating agile transformations and fostering change within diverse teams. How does establishing clear communication and understanding story points contribute to project success, especially under tight deadlines? Gain valuable insights into the use of work agreements and the importance of early and iterative discussions in distributed teams.


    [IMAGE HERE] As Scrum Master we work with change continuously! Do you have your own change framework that provides the guidance, and queues you need when working with change? The Lean Change Management framework is a fully defined, lean-startup inspired change framework that can be used as the backbone of any change process! You can buy Lean Change Management the book at Amazon. Also available in French, Spanish, German and Portuguese.


    About Mike Richards

    Mike Richards, with over a decade in tech, goes beyond managing projects. He's passionate about transforming organizations, coaching on cloud migration, leading digital shifts, and empowering agile teams. More than a consultant, Mike is a catalyst for growth and change.

    You can link with Mike Richards on LinkedIn here.

    1 May 2024, 10:05 am
  • 11 minutes 58 seconds
    Beyond Lip Service, True Stories of Agile Transformation | Mike Richards
    Mike Richards: Beyond Lip Service, True Stories of Agile Transformation

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    In this episode, Mike recounts his experiences with a scrum team that struggled to fully embrace the agile mindset. We also talk about the pitfalls of "lip service" to scrum practices, and how teams can genuinely adopt continuous improvement. Discover how data-driven insights and a shift in team culture can catalyze meaningful change and enhance team performance.

    Featured Book of the Week: Radical Candor by Kim Scott

    Immerse yourself in the insights Mike got from the book Radical Candor by Kim Scott as Mike explores the transformative power of honest feedback within agile teams. How can fostering a culture of candid feedback impact team dynamics and project success? Learn practical tips for giving and receiving feedback that fosters growth and enhances team collaboration.


    [IMAGE HERE] Do you wish you had decades of experience? Learn from the Best Scrum Masters In The World, Today! The Tips from the Trenches - Scrum Master edition audiobook includes hours of audio interviews with SM’s that have decades of experience: from Mike Cohn to Linda Rising, Christopher Avery, and many more. Super-experienced Scrum Masters share their hard-earned lessons with you. Learn those today, make your teams awesome!  


    About Mike Richards

    Mike Richards, with over a decade in tech, goes beyond managing projects. He's passionate about transforming organizations, coaching on cloud migration, leading digital shifts, and empowering agile teams. More than a consultant, Mike is a catalyst for growth and change.

    You can link with Mike Richards on LinkedIn here.

    30 April 2024, 10:05 am
  • 15 minutes 53 seconds
    Rethinking Project Priorities As a Way to Overcome The Project Iron Triangle | Mike Richards
    Mike Richards: Rethinking Project Priorities As a Way to Overcome The Project Iron Triangle

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    Mike describes a story of managing a challenging project within the constraints of the iron triangle of project management. How did a shift in focus help his team avoid the pitfalls of gold plating and get back on track? Mike shares practical tips on asking the right questions, presenting data effectively, and the importance of prioritizing mandatory functionality over bells and whistles wishes and features. Discover how to tackle project deadlines with minimum viable solutions and the value of communicating issues promptly to prevent the need for miracles.


    [IMAGE HERE] Recovering from failure, or difficult moments is a critical skill for Scrum Masters. Not only because of us, but also because the teams, and stakeholders we work with will also face these moments! We need inspiring stories to help them, and ourselves! The Bungsu Story, is an inspiring story by Marcus Hammarberg which shows how a Coach can help organizations recover even from the most disastrous situations! Learn how Marcus helped The Bungsu, a hospital in Indonesia, recover from near-bankruptcy, twice! Using Lean and Agile methods to rebuild an organization and a team! An inspiring story you need to know about! Buy the book on Amazon: The Bungsu Story - How Lean and Kanban Saved a Small Hospital in Indonesia. Twice. and Can Help You Reshape Work in Your Company.


    About Mike Richards

    Mike Richards, with over a decade in tech, goes beyond managing projects. He's passionate about transforming organizations, coaching on cloud migration, leading digital shifts, and empowering agile teams. More than a consultant, Mike is a catalyst for growth and change.

    You can link with Mike Richards on LinkedIn here.

    29 April 2024, 10:05 am
  • 14 minutes 56 seconds
    The Enthusiastic Product Owner, and How it Affects Agile Team Performance | Paul Jarvis
    Paul Jarvis: The Enthusiastic Product Owner, and How it Affects Agile Team Performance

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    The Great Product Owner: The Enthusiastic Product Owner, and How it Affects Agile Team Performance

    Celebrating a Product Owner who embodies enthusiasm for the product and excellent team collaboration, Paul outlines the essential qualities of an outstanding PO. This episode provides insights into building mutual trust between the team and the PO, emphasizing the PO's role as a part of the team and the importance of collective effort in refining and executing product vision.

    The Bad Product Owner: The Isolated Product Owner Anti-pattern

    Paul shares a cautionary tale of a Product Owner who, despite being good at their job, fell into the trap of working in isolation from the team. This episode explores the detrimental effects of isolation on the Agile process and offers tips on how Product Owners can foster collaboration and harness the collective power of their teams to unlock Agile's full potential.


    [IMAGE HERE] Are you having trouble helping the team work well with their Product Owner? We’ve put together a course to help you work on the collaboration team-product owner. You can find it at 18 modules, 8+ hours of modules with tools and techniques that you can use to help teams and PO’s collaborate.


    About Paul Jarvis

    Paul is a seasoned Enterprise Lean Agile Coach, Trainer, RTE, and Scrum Master with a decade of experience in the FinTech sector, focusing on banking, payments, and e-commerce. Recently, he completed a 3.5-year tenure at a key player in investment banking.

    You can link with Paul Jarvis on LinkedIn and connect with Paul Jarvis on Twitter.

    26 April 2024, 10:05 am
  • 14 minutes 19 seconds
    Key Indicators of Success for Agile Teams and Their Scrum Masters That You Can Reflect On | Paul Jarvis
    Paul Jarvis: Key Indicators of Success for Agile Teams and Their Scrum Masters That You Can Reflect On

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    Investigate Paul's perspective on what defines success for Scrum Masters, from the smooth running of refinement sessions to the collaborative maintenance of the Product Backlog. This episode provides practical tips for Scrum Masters to assess their impact, emphasizing the importance of team collaboration, effective backlog management, and the ease of sprint planning. Discover how to assess success in the Agile world through a blend of team dynamics, process efficiency, and shared responsibility.

    Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: The Sailboat Retrospective and Other Formats

    Paul emphasizes the critical role of retrospectives in enabling relentless improvement, highlighting formats like the Sailboat retrospective, Celebration Grid, and the high-performance tree to encourage experimentation and self-assessment within teams. These retrospective formats are not just reflective exercises but strategic tools that prompt teams to align their values with their Agile practices, ensuring continuous growth and alignment with business goals.

    [IMAGE HERE] Retrospectives, planning sessions, vision workshops, we are continuously helping teams learn about how to collaborate in practice! In this Actionable Agile Tools book, Jeff Campbell shares some of the tools he’s learned over a decade of coaching Agile Teams. The pragmatic coaching book you need, right now! Buy Actionable Agile Tools on Amazon, or directly from the author, and supercharge your facilitation toolbox! 


    About Paul Jarvis

    Paul is a seasoned Enterprise Lean Agile Coach, Trainer, RTE, and Scrum Master with a decade of experience in the FinTech sector, focusing on banking, payments, and e-commerce. Recently, he completed a 3.5-year tenure at a key player in investment banking.

    You can link with Paul Jarvis on LinkedIn and connect with Paul Jarvis on Twitter.

    25 April 2024, 10:05 am
  • 15 minutes 53 seconds
    Embracing the Stretch Zone, Tools for Personal and Agile Team Growth | Paul Jarvis
    Paul Jarvis: Embracing the Stretch Zone, Tools for Personal and Agile Team Growth

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    In this episode, Paul introduces the "comfort - stretch - panic model" by Karl Ronker. This episode explores the necessity of stepping out of comfort to achieve personal and professional growth, emphasizing the role of the Stretch zone in challenging and expanding our capabilities. Through practical tips and insights, including the significance of a growth mindset. Paul refers to Managing for Happiness, Jurgen Appelo. Regarding change processes, Paul guides listeners on how to use experiments, spikes, and the Cynefin model to navigate and embrace change effectively. What does it truly mean to stretch beyond our comfort zones, and how can we apply these principles to foster a culture of continuous improvement and happiness? Discover tools, tips, and techniques that catalyze growth and change.


    [IMAGE HERE] As Scrum Master we work with change continuously! Do you have your own change framework that provides the guidance, and queues you need when working with change? The Lean Change Management framework is a fully defined, lean-startup inspired change framework that can be used as the backbone of any change process! You can buy Lean Change Management the book at Amazon. Also available in French, Spanish, German and Portuguese.


    About Paul Jarvis

    Paul is a seasoned Enterprise Lean Agile Coach, Trainer, RTE, and Scrum Master with a decade of experience in the FinTech sector, focusing on banking, payments, and e-commerce. Recently, he completed a 3.5-year tenure at a key player in investment banking.

    You can link with Paul Jarvis on LinkedIn and connect with Paul Jarvis on Twitter.

    24 April 2024, 10:05 am
  • 15 minutes 57 seconds
    Unlocking Scrum Team Potential, The High-performance Tree Tool | Paul Jarvis
    Paul Jarvis: Unlocking Scrum Team Potential, The High-performance Tree Tool 

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    In this episode, we explore the dynamics of two high-performing teams hindered by a single member's reluctance to seek help. This episode explores the critical lesson, such as leveraging the "power of the team", and introduces the high-performance tree metaphor, illustrating the foundational values and desired behaviors in effective Scrum teams. How does one individual's challenge affect team performance, and what strategies can encourage collective problem-solving and support? Paul discusses his approach and insights, and refers to a video from Lyssa Adkins about the high-performance tree.

    Featured Book of the Week: Management 3.0 by Jurgen Appelo

    Paul recommends the book "Management 3.0" by Jurgen Appelo. He shares the book's profound impact on understanding Agile. Paul also shares other key references for Scrum Masters such as "Coaching Agile Teams" by Lyssa Adkins, "Radical Candor" by Kim Scott, "Nonviolent Communication" by Marshal Rosenberg, "Think Again" by Adam Grant, and Patrick Lencioni's contributions. Each book offers a unique perspective on Agile principles, from fostering constructive disagreements and navigating conflicts to reevaluating our knowledge and embracing humility. Find out about Paul's lightbulb moments and the collective wisdom these authors bring to the Agile table.


    [IMAGE HERE] Do you wish you had decades of experience? Learn from the Best Scrum Masters In The World, Today! The Tips from the Trenches - Scrum Master edition audiobook includes hours of audio interviews with SM’s that have decades of experience: from Mike Cohn to Linda Rising, Christopher Avery, and many more. Super-experienced Scrum Masters share their hard-earned lessons with you. Learn those today, make your teams awesome!  


    About Paul Jarvis

    Paul is a seasoned Enterprise Lean Agile Coach, Trainer, RTE, and Scrum Master with a decade of experience in the FinTech sector, focusing on banking, payments, and e-commerce. Recently, he completed a 3.5-year tenure at a key player in investment banking.

    You can link with Paul Jarvis on LinkedIn and connect with Paul Jarvis on Twitter.

    23 April 2024, 10:05 am
  • 15 minutes 34 seconds
    Agile is a Framework for Collaboration, Here’s How | Paul Jarvis
    Paul Jarvis: Agile is a Framework for Collaboration, Here’s How

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website:

    "Agile is a framework for collaboration"

    In this episode, Paul shares a story from his early days as a Scrum Master in digital agencies, focusing on website projects for real estate agents. Despite the prevalence of the waterfall methodology, Paul ventured into the world of Agile, aiming to transform his and supplier teams' approach to project management. His journey wasn't without its challenges, especially in conveying the benefits of Agile over traditional methods. Through a mix of daily phone calls and strategic persuasion, he learned valuable lessons about teamwork, the essence of Agile as a framework for collaboration, and the importance of explaining new processes to those involved. How can the shift from waterfall to Agile catalyze better teamwork and project outcomes? Listen to Paul's story of perseverance, learn about the tools like MURAL that supported his journey, and the insights he gained on fostering collaboration within teams.


    [IMAGE HERE] Recovering from failure, or difficult moments is a critical skill for Scrum Masters. Not only because of us, but also because the teams, and stakeholders we work with will also face these moments! We need inspiring stories to help them, and ourselves! The Bungsu Story, is an inspiring story by Marcus Hammarberg which shows how a Coach can help organizations recover even from the most disastrous situations! Learn how Marcus helped The Bungsu, a hospital in Indonesia, recover from near-bankruptcy, twice! Using Lean and Agile methods to rebuild an organization and a team! An inspiring story you need to know about! Buy the book on Amazon: The Bungsu Story - How Lean and Kanban Saved a Small Hospital in Indonesia. Twice. and Can Help You Reshape Work in Your Company.


    About Paul Jarvis

    Paul is a seasoned Enterprise Lean Agile Coach, Trainer, RTE, and Scrum Master with a decade of experience in the FinTech sector, focusing on banking, payments, and e-commerce. Recently, he completed a 3.5-year tenure at a key player in investment banking.

    You can link with Paul Jarvis on LinkedIn and connect with Paul Jarvis on Twitter.


    22 April 2024, 10:05 am
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