Doctors On Health Audio Newsletter

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Medical and health audio commentary from the doctors of Our doctors cover patient information on current health news related to medicine, viewer questions, doctors tips and suggestions, and the latest medical research. Listen in as our doctors help you better understand medicine.

  • 3 minutes 53 seconds - Head Lice Prevention
    There are number of ways in which a child can contract head lice most commonly perhaps contact with an already infested person. Personal contact can be very common during childrens's activities such as school, playing sports activities.
    21 September 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 50 seconds - Diabetes and Exercise
    Diabetics need to check their blood sugar before and after exercising. Diabetics who do not check their blood sugar run the risk of hypoglycemia which can cause dizziness, as well as other complications. Just because you are a diabetic doesn't mean you can't exercise. But it is important to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program, especially if you are over the age of 35 and run the risk of heart complications.
    18 September 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 10 seconds - ADHD and Alcoholism
    If it is undiagnosed and untreated, ADHD can be associated with sometimes significant academic and social problems. The teen can try and self-medicate with alcohol. Parents and educators can work together to monitor the symptoms.
    16 July 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 40 seconds - Exercises for Graceful Aging
    The most important thing is that we remain active as we get older, with aerobic exercise, and also exercises like Tai Chi and yoga, things that improve balance. We want to be physically active in our daily life, and remain active in our heads so we don't feel dependent on other people. Resistance exercise is great for the elderly, as well as balance exercises. Walking activities are important because your heart gets stronger as you continue to practice. Aerobics can even decrease the onset of Alzheimer's so it's working in the brain as well.
    13 July 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 50 seconds - Avoiding Vacation Weight Gain
    Vacations should be an opportunity to re-energize, refresh, and relax -- not an excuse to take a break from health. When planning your vacation, opt for locations that will allow you to engage in physical activities you enjoy. Keep in mind that physical activity is the ticket to enjoying extra calories without weight gain.
    13 June 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 50 seconds - The Role of Weightlifting in Weight Loss
    Exercise is the best way to keep the weight off after you have lost weight. Most of the weight gain from weightlifting is from fluid in the muscle, and water is heavy.You want to gain muscle because when you lose weight, twenty five percent of your weight loss is from muscle. The fastest way to lose weight is to cut your calorie intake.
    30 May 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 40 seconds - The Prevalance of Autism Today
    Autism spectrum disorders are the second most common serious developmental disability in the US, following mental retardation and intellectual impairment. CDC reports state that among 8-year-olds, 1 in 150 have autism spectrum disorder. That means 1.5 million Americans have autism spectrum disorder
    17 April 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 25 seconds - Kidney Stones Symptoms and Prevention
    One in 20 people will develop a kidney stone throughout their life. Dehydration can result in decrease of urine volume, which can also lead to kidney stones. Those who have had kidney stones once are more likely to have them again. Drinking plenty of water is the best preventative measure against kidney stone formation.
    29 January 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 42 seconds - Prostate Cancer- The Importance of a PSA Test
    An elevated PSA level in a patient with a history of cancer doesn't necessarily mean the cancer has recurred. There are no specific normal or abnormal PSA levels, but the higher the PSA level, the more likely cancer is present. When PSA levels continue to rise over time, other tests may be ordered.
    3 January 2007, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 30 seconds - Osteoporosis- Symptoms, Risk Factors and Prevention
    Osteoporosis features loss of the normal density of bone and fragile bone. It can operate silently for decades, because osteoporosis doesn't cause symptoms unless bone fractures. In the U.S, more than 10 million people have osteoporosis and almost 34 million more have low bone density.
    11 December 2006, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 40 seconds - Gastric Bypass Surgery- Risks and Controversy
    Gastric bypass surgery is a risky weight loss surgery and is only done on patients who are significantly obese. Patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery require lifelong changes in eating habits. Risks of gastric bypass surgery include infection, developing blood clots, leaking of the stomach contents, and stretching of the pouch.
    1 December 2006, 7:00 am
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