
Steve Rice

Learning to connect to intuition and spirit in order to craft a well-lived life. We discuss personal development and spirituality. IT's not about self-help. It's about self-reliance

  • 17 minutes 26 seconds
    2:03 - AWAKE! Podcast - How Can I Gain Confidence to Make Change

    What do you do when you know you're off-track and you want to make a switch?  A listener asks, "How can I have confidence that I won't fail when I make a change I know needs to be made?

    8 May 2014, 9:00 am
  • 14 minutes 25 seconds
    2:02 - AWAKE! Podcast - How Can I Get Back on Track and Regain my Passion?

    This listener is feeling unmotivated and says, "It's not the work. It's me. I feel like an artist who wants to do great work but has completely lost the drive.  How can I get it back?"

    When you lose your passion and motivation, here is the way you can regain your drive. 


    1 May 2014, 9:00 am
  • 53 minutes 20 seconds
    No Doubt by Steve Rice
    Stepping Out With Confidence and Clarity
    15 April 2014, 11:26 pm
  • 15 minutes 57 seconds
    2:001 - AWAKE! Podcast - How to Feel Good Living in Form

    A listener asks "How can I feel good in this physical form when life seems like such a hassle and I know that part of me is beyond all this?" 

    23 January 2014, 9:00 am
  • 14 minutes 10 seconds
    026: AWAKE! Podcast - Personal Freedom--The Space Between Stimulus and Response

    There is a space between stimulus and response.  This space is the place of our freedom.  This episode explores the ideas of personal freedom, choice and the power we each have to choose our response to the circumstances of our lives.

    2 July 2013, 10:00 am
  • 24 minutes 41 seconds
    025: AWAKE! Podcast - Interview with Fiction Author Stacy Claflin

    In this interview with young adult fiction novelist, Stacy Claflin, we discuss her inspiration, process and upcoming projects.

    18 March 2013, 4:00 am
  • 25 minutes 18 seconds
    024: AWAKE! Podcast - Interview with Denise Barreto - Part 2

    In this episode of the show, author Denise Barreto and I discuss the 5 steps to doing your life's work, outlined in her book, From Here to There: 5 Steps to Doing Your Life's Work Every Day.

    Denise provides powerful personal anecdotes and wonderful insights to help you do your life's work wherever you are in your career and life!

    29 January 2013, 11:00 am
  • 25 minutes 56 seconds
    023: AWAKE! Podcast - Interview with Denise Barreto - Part 1

    This is Part One of an interview with Denise Barreto, author of From Here to There: 5 Steps to Doing Your Life's Work Every Day.

    In this episode, I ask Denise about how she defines one's "life's work," what that means to her personally, and how she started doing her life's work--and helping others to do the same.

    (Part Two features a step-by-step discussion on each phase of the process for doing your life's work, outlined in the book)

    22 January 2013, 11:00 am
  • 18 minutes 40 seconds
    022: AWAKE! Podcast - Keys for Manifestation and Attraction

    In this episode, I continue the previous discussion on affirmation and discuss keys of manifestation and attraction--including affirmations, emotional alignment and action.

    I give personal examples to help these philosophical ideas make practical sense.

    30 July 2012, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 31 seconds
    021: AWAKE! Podcast - What is the Affirmation and Mantra of Your Life

    In this episode, I use 'affirmation' and 'mantra' as an analogy for how we think and feel about ourselves and our world.  I define each term and challenge you to uncover the affirmations and mantras that shape your life and your destiny.

    16 July 2012, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 52 seconds
    020: AWAKE! Podcast - The Affirmation that Changed My Life

    This episode I share the single most detrimental affirmation that has ever shaped my life.  I was not even aware that I held this belief at the time.  

    I follow it up with the single most powerful affirmation that changed my life.  At the end, I share a couple of powerful affirmations you can adopt in your own life.

    9 July 2012, 9:00 am
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