TGC Podcast

The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition Podcast features keynote and breakout sessions from our national, regional, and women's conferences. We exist to equip the next generation of believers, pastors, and church leaders to shape life and ministry around the gospel.

  • 50 minutes 31 seconds
    Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry on Gospel Sanity for Pastors

    We live in a world increasingly marked by accusation and anger, and our churches are called to be places where the love of Christ is not just a theological tenet but a felt reality. 

    In this session from TGC's 2023 National Conference, Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry discuss how, with God’s help, our churches can be marked by honesty, safety, and renewal.

    They discuss: 

    • The need for gospel culture
    • The role of love in gospel credibility
    • "You're Not Crazy" book and its purpose
    • Honesty and honoring in gospel culture
    • The beauty and blessing of human relationships in gospel culture
    • A vision for gospel culture in churches

    Listen to the You're Not Crazy podcast from The Gospel Coalition.

    13 September 2024, 4:00 am
  • 47 minutes 36 seconds
    A Biblical Theology of New Creation with Dr. G. K. Beale

    The allure of worldly comforts can lead us away from our true security. In this breakout session from TGC23, Dr. G. K. Beale expounds on Revelation 18, illustrating the importance of obeying God's command to leave behind earthly comfort and security. 

    Pointing out how Babylon in Revelation represents the world's sin and self-reliance, Beale urges believers to detach from the fleeting materialism of "Babylon" and place their trust solely in Christ. By identifying with Christ’s death and resurrection, believers can escape judgment and anticipate the final resurrection into the new creation with hope, to the glory of God. 

    6 September 2024, 4:00 am
  • 53 minutes 34 seconds
    To Understand Salvation, Understand the Trinity

    In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Scott Swain demonstrates how understanding the Trinity equips us to grasp the biblical themes of salvation, particularly in the context of Exodus. He argues that the Trinity is central to God's self-revelation and covenant relationship with Israel, tracing promises from Abraham through to the Exodus. Swain also highlights the presence and role of the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testaments, linking the first Exodus to the hope of a second, the fulfillment of salvation in Christ. Swain connects the concept of the Trinity to themes of covenant, redemption, and the mystery of marriage, illustrating how these aspects unite creation, salvation, and consummation through Christ.

    30 August 2024, 4:00 am
  • 40 minutes 46 seconds
    Pursue Missionary Encounters Where You Are

    In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Vance Pitman shares about his call to church planting, reflecting on the New Testament church as a model for kingdom-oriented mission today.

    After Pitman's talk, he and a panel—Félix Cabrera, Matt Carter, Doug Logan Jr., and Tony Merida—discuss the challenges and strategies of planting churches in diverse urban contexts, with a focus on multiplying disciples and reaching 1 percent of North America with the gospel. They highlight the need for churches to reflect their communities, prioritize prayer, and equip believers for ministry.

    23 August 2024, 4:00 am
  • 54 minutes 8 seconds
    Let Kingdom Expansion Encourage You

    Trevin Wax explores the challenges of spreading the gospel in a culture of expressive individualism.

    His talk is followed by a discussion with Dean Inserra and Christine Hoover. The panel discusses the effects of expressive individualism on North American culture, emphasizing the transformative power of the gospel to address feelings of inadequacy and shame. They highlight the rise of personalized pseudo-religions and stress the importance of local church engagement and deep relationships in ministry. Regardless of the prevailing culture, the gospel has the power to fulfill people's deepest longings.

    16 August 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Ministry to the Modern Child: Challenges and Opportunities

    Clark Fobes highlights the importance of understanding diversity and cultural context when reaching Gen Z with the gospel, noting how social media has influenced a shift from guilt-innocence to honor-shame paradigms. He encourages churches to equip parents and youth pastors to navigate these changes and to provide a sense of belonging rooted in the gospel.

    After Fobes's message, a panel discusses prioritizing family ministry, integrating intergenerational discipleship, supporting a variety of family structures and leveraging existing church resources.

    Episode Resources: 


    9 August 2024, 4:00 am
  • 28 minutes 39 seconds
    Church, Equip Parents to Disciple Kids

    Family discipleship is essential for lifelong faith. In this breakout session from TGC23, Cameron Cole teaches from Ephesians 3:11–16, challenging parents to embrace their central role in their children's spiritual formation.

    Formative Christian practices like prayer, Bible reading, and spiritual conversations are crucial, and parents should prioritize their own spiritual growth as they actively participate in church life and discuss the gospel with their children regularly. The local church has a role to play as they equip parents through resources like video courses and Bible studies, promoting family discipleship as essential for lifelong faith.

    Cole ends by encouraging parents that our confidence and rest are ultimately found in the Spirit's work.

    2 August 2024, 4:00 am
  • 23 minutes 25 seconds
    It Takes a Church to Disciple Kids

    Discipleship is essential for the spiritual growth of the next generation. In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Terrence Shay emphasizes the distinct roles of home and church in disciple making, with parents as primary disciple makers and the church providing a supportive community.

    As we seek to effectively nurture children's spiritual development, especially in a post-pandemic culture, may the church equip and support parents with resources and a community to aid their children's spiritual growth and love for Christ.

    26 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 49 minutes 20 seconds
    When There’s a Bully in the Pulpit

    While Scripture calls Christian leaders to be gentle, kind shepherds, there continue to be cases of pastors who dominate their flocks with a heavy hand. How should we understand this issue of “spiritual abuse”? How big of a problem is it? In this breakout session at TGC23, Mike Kruger explores the definition of spiritual abuse, how it’s often misunderstood, and what steps churches can take to address it.

    19 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 50 minutes 41 seconds
    Fight Good Fights

    Unity matters. Christ prayed his church would be marked by it. Yet disunity among Christians abounds, and it’s not always civil in tone. With the Bible’s clear admonitions about foolish controversies and quarreling, how can we know when a fight is worth having? Jen Wilkin offers a framework for diagnosing how to pick your battles and how to conduct yourself when a battle is worth the fight.

    12 July 2024, 4:00 am
  • 54 minutes 34 seconds
    Hope and Help for Women’s Ministry

    A strong theological foundation plays a vital role in encouraging and sustaining hope. In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Ligon Duncan, Nancy Guthrie, Leigh Swanson, and Melissa Kruger provide practical advice and encouragement for pastors, elders, women’s ministry leaders, and others who desire to start and sustain biblically faithful and theologically rich women’s ministries in their congregations.

    5 July 2024, 4:00 am
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