Ministry Strong with Lisa Whittle

Ivey Media Podcasts

Ministry Strong with Lisa Whittle – Rotating seasonal co-hosts join best-selling author and ministry leader, Lisa Whittle, for relevant and tough conversations related to culture and the church affecting ministry leaders, their families, and those they influence, today. (Special appearances by expert interviews)

  • 24 minutes 30 seconds
    Discovering Joy and Fun In The Call

    In this engaging last episode of Ministry Strong Season Two, Lisa and Adam focus on a topic rarely discussed in spiritual circles: How to find joy and incorporate fun in your calling. What is the key to infusing service with celebration? Is there an appropriate place for fun in ministry life? Are there any benefits to having a more lighthearted approach to your spiritual work? Listen in to discover the secret for experiencing both impact and fulfillment in your ministry journey! 


    God Knows

    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:
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    Adam’s Facebook

    30 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 30 minutes 21 seconds
    Pastor's Kids and the Family Dynamics of Ministry



    Have you ever heard the term, “PK?” Lisa Whittle and Adam Weber dive into the nuances of being a PK (or Pastor’s kid) and how raising children in any ministry environment can have a profound impact on their lives.  Having experienced these dynamics first hand – Lisa as a pastor's kid and Adam as a pastor with kids – they provide valuable insight on how to be authentic, how to navigate criticism, and how to prioritize a child's spiritual well-being while serving in ministry.  If you’re actively in ministry and looking to create healthy family dynamics and strong spiritual foundations for your home  – this episode is for you!


    God Knows


    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:
    Adam’s Instagram
    Adam’s Twitter
    Adam’s Facebook

    23 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 24 minutes 52 seconds
    Opinions: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    People offer opinions whether we ask for them or not, and often, it can be unhelpful and even damaging. For those in ministry, dealing with the varying opinions of leadership, staff, volunteers, congregation members, and the local community can be overwhelming.  In this episode, Lisa and Adam discuss how opinions influence our work, whose opinions matter, and what responsibility we bear to differentiate between helpful counsel versus personal opinions.


    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:
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    Adam’s Facebook

    16 October 2023, 4:00 am
  • 23 minutes 53 seconds
    Juggling Marriage and Ministry

    Whether one spouse or both spouses work in ministry, the demands of modern ministry can often put a strain on a relationship. In this episode, Lisa and Adam offer much-needed hope, wisdom and encouragement to couples who are experiencing tension related to their calling and commitments. Together, they discuss what it looks like for couples to embrace “God-sized” dreams versus falling victim to the enemy’s plans for their marriage. Listen in to discover the one word all couples in ministry need to know, and what an impact it can make on marriage and ministry.


    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:
    Adam’s Instagram
    Adam’s Twitter
    Adam’s Facebook

    8 October 2023, 4:00 am
  • 26 minutes 47 seconds
    Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    How do you know when it's time to move on in ministry? What does it look like to stay? And where is God in all of these questions? Lisa and Adam take this topic head on to provide wisdom and guidance to those who might be anticipating a transition, resignation, or upcoming change in their place of ministry. If you or a friend is battling the question, “Should I stay or should I go,” this episode will empower you with the tools to navigate these waters with grace and truth.

    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:
    Adam’s Instagram
    Adam’s Twitter
    Adam’s Facebook

    2 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 31 minutes 45 seconds
    Bi-vocational Ministry: The Art & Beauty of Balance

    Lisa and Adam discuss the struggles, blessings, and stigmas associated with bi-vocational ministry. Is bi-vocational ministry more or less impactful than full-time ministry? What is the key to thriving bi-vocationally? Is balance possible, and if so, how do we achieve that? Lisa and Adam highlight five practical ways we can be effective in both ministry and workplace settings without losing our quality of life. Listen in to discover the art and the beauty found in the balance!



    Love Has A Name by Adam Weber


    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram


    Connect with Adam:
    Adam’s Instagram
    Adam’s Twitter
    Adam’s Facebook

    25 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 26 minutes 9 seconds
    The Truth about Anxiety & Mental Health for Ministry Leaders

    The Truth about Anxiety & Mental Health for Ministry Leaders
    Lisa and Adam discuss the all-pervasive struggle of anxiety, especially among ministry leaders. Together they delicately, yet truthfully, address how anxiety is affecting our ministries, but also provide heart-felt encouragement to those suffering with mental health challenges. Pull up a chair, throw on some headphones, and listen in to this crucial conversation for ministry leaders of all types.

    The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society
    The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
    The Hard Good

    Connect with Lisa:
    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:
    Adam’s Instagram
    Adam’s Twitter
    Adam’s Facebook

    18 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 21 minutes 43 seconds
    Falling Into The Comparison Trap?

    Coming out the gate with a topic we don't often enjoy talking about, Lisa and Adam tackle comparison. They discuss the true motivation behind our desire to compare, the role social media plays, and the cost ministry leaders pay when we fall into this comparison trap. Listen in to discover practical tools to avoid this trap in your own life and ministry!  


    The Hard Good

    Connect with Lisa:

    Lisa’s Instagram
    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Adam:

    Adam’s Instagram
    Adam’s Twitter

    11 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 45 minutes 36 seconds
    Ministry Strong with Jennie Allen – Burnout & Boundaries

    Continuing the conversation on burnout and boundaries, Lisa chats with her friend, author, speaker, founder and visionary leader of IF Gathering, Jennie Allen. Sharing from their own personal experiences and scripture, they encourage leaders to be aware of the signs of burnout, do the hard work to rest and fast, and set good boundaries to live well.

    Mentioned in the Show:

    Paterson Center: Your Thinking Wavelength Test

    IF Gathering

    Connect with Lisa:

    Lisa’s Instagram


    Ministry Strong Instagram

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    13 March 2023, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 58 seconds
    Ministry Strong – Burnout & Boundaries

    Feeling weary or worn out? Listen in as Lisa Whittle and Joel Mudamalle speak candidly about their own personal experiences with burnout and boundaries. Throughout the conversation, they shed light on the beauty of acknowledging our natural limitations and the freedom that can be found by setting healthy boundaries.

    Mentioned in the show:

    J.I. Packer’s Book “Weakness Is The Way”

    Connect with Lisa:

    Lisa’s Instagram


    Ministry Strong Instagram

    Connect with Joel:
    Joel's Website
    Joel’s Instagram

    6 March 2023, 11:00 am
  • 54 minutes 46 seconds
    Ministry Strong with Jo Saxton – Women in Ministry

    In this episode, Jo Saxton joins Lisa for an important conversation about women in ministry. Jo Saxton is an author, speaker, podcast host, and coach known for empowering and championing women in leadership. Together they explore the vital role women play in the body of Christ, provide insight for women dealing with push back in the church, and so much more!

    Connect with Jo:




    Ezer Collective

    Connect with Lisa:

    Lisa’s Instagram


    Ministry Strong Instagram

    27 February 2023, 11:00 am
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