Eyes on Asia

Radiio Free Asia

A podcast where journalists from Southeast Asia and beyond share their insights on the week's news from the region. Radio Free Asia's Mat Pennington speaks with the network's reporters and local language broadcasters about their top stories and RFA exclusives.

  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    Will the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan revitalize terror groups in SE Asia?
    Eyes on Asia looks at how the Taliban takeover could resonate beyond the borders of Afghanistan. National War College professor Zachary Abuza discusses how it might revitalize terror groups in Southeast Asia. And RFA Uyghur Service director Alim Seytoff speaks about how Uyghurs in Afghanistan are fearful of cooperation between China and a Taliban regime eager for its diplomatic recognition and investment. Featuring RFA journalists Mat Pennington and Paul Eckert. https://www.benarnews.org/english/commentaries/asean-security-watch/taliban-abuza-08162021185452.html https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/afghanistan-uyghurs-08242021175318.html
    27 August 2021, 1:47 pm
  • 24 minutes 30 seconds
    China and Vietnam duped by COVID misinformation
    COVID misinformation has caused red faces in China and Vietnam this week. Eyes on Asia looks at how both nations were duped by fake news related to the pandemic that from the perspective of each government, proved too good to be true. Featuring RFA journalists Mat Pennington, Paul Eckert, Jane Tang and Son Nguyen. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/virus-08112021102813.html https://www.rfa.org/english/news/vietnam/khoa-08122021182805.html
    14 August 2021, 6:20 am
  • 32 minutes 27 seconds
    A lonely, independent voice on Cambodia's news media ethics panel
    The authoritarian Cambodian government is forming a commission to monitor a segment of the population that already have their backs against the wall -- journalists. Eyes on Asia speaks to Nop Vy, the executive director of CamboJA, a journalists' network. He will be a lone independent voice on this commission that is intended to scrutinize ethical standards in journalism but is stacked with government officials. And Rita Cheng of RFA's Mandarin Service speaks about the new Chinese ambassador to Washington. Could Qin Gang's appointment turn a new page in the fraught relationship between China and the United States? Featuring RFA journalists Paul Eckert and Mat Pennington.
    6 August 2021, 8:16 pm
  • 25 minutes 51 seconds
    Two steps forward, 100 steps back in Myanmar
    It has been six months since the Myanmar military’s Feb. 1 coup that all but erased democracy and human rights progress made in the country since 2011. RFA Myanmar journalist Kyaw Min Htun brings us up to date on how things are looking for journalists living under junta rule. Then Simon Billenness, Executive Director of the International Campaign for the Rohingya, draws on his 25 years of experience working on Myanmar issues to compare the current situation with the earlier military regime that imprisoned the country’s leader in the 1990s. With RFA journalists Paul Eckert and Eugene Whong.
    31 July 2021, 5:29 pm
  • 30 minutes 53 seconds
    'Seditious' children's book censored in Hong Kong
    Hong Kong arrested the publishers of a "seditious sheep" children's book in the latest sign of stultifying repression in a once vibrant city. RFA Cantonese journalist Carmen Wu (3:23) tells Eyes on Asia about deepening censorship and about the trend of people trying to leave Hong Kong or get their kids out to avoid political indoctrination. Then RFA Vietnamese journalist Son Nguyen (14:50) discusses growing public frustration in Vietnam about over-zealous enforcement of anti-COVID measures and failures in the vaccination campaign. With RFA journalists Mat Pennington and Paul Eckert.
    24 July 2021, 5:32 am
  • 30 minutes 22 seconds
    US tightens the screw on China over Uyghur crackdown
    In the six months since outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a determination that China’s treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang met the definition of genocide, Washington has ramped up policies aimed at making China change course in the vast, troubled region -- restricting exports suspected of being made with Uyghur forced labor, blacklisting companies in the region, and pressing for UN and other international scrutiny on the Xinjing issue. What is the significance of this shift by the United States from symbolic statements of condemnation of China and support for Uyghurs to concrete actions? And what will come next? Eyes on Asia asks RFA Uyghur Service Director Alim Seytoff to explain the rapid succession of developments. We also look at a COVID situation in Myanmar that is spiraling out of control. The health system was already in chaos because of unrest against military rule, and the junta has made matters worse by restricting oxygen supplies as the coronavirus spreads. RFA’s Mat Pennington speaks with a Yangon-based journalist about the deteriorating situation in Myanmar’s largest city.
    17 July 2021, 5:45 am
  • 21 minutes 24 seconds
    Could food shortages in North Korea Signal a Repeat of the 1990's Famine?
    After a springtime of increasingly dire warnings of food shortages from UN officials and even leader Kim Jong Un himself, this month North Korea told work units and organizations at all levels in the country of 25 million to fend for themselves when it comes to food. Further reports have emerged of rising hunger in the North Korean countryside -- at least partly the result of the closure of North Korea’s border with China in January 2020 to combat the spread of coronavirus. Paul Eckert and Eugene Whong will discuss the evolving crisis in a country that lost several million people to famine a quarter century ago. And we look at the little-reported impact of the use of Agent Orange over Laos during the Vietnam War. RFA's Mat Pennington speaks with Susan Hammond of the War Legacies Project which has conducted pathfinding research that points to a high incidence of birth defects in villages that were sprayed with the toxic herbicide five decades ago.
    10 July 2021, 3:52 am
  • 33 minutes 39 seconds
    Behind the brutal interrogation of a journalist in Myanmar
    Eyes on Asia interviews Nathan Maung, the editor-in-chief of Kamayut Media, who was detained for three months by Myanmar's junta. He recounts the brutal interrogation he faced, life inside prison and what the future holds for Myanmar, five months after the military coup. And we dissect the Chinese President Xi Jinping's bombastic speech at the Chinese Communist Party's centennial, where he railed against international critics. Featuring RFA journalists Paul Eckert, Mat Pennington and Rita Cheng.
    2 July 2021, 10:20 pm
  • 32 minutes 18 seconds
    Hong Kong mourns loss of “old friend” Apple Daily
    Hong Kong's feisty Apple Daily newspaper printed its last copy on June 24. The 26-year-old pro-democracy tabloid is the latest victim to an ever-broadening crackdown on public criticism of the government under a draconian national security law imposed on Hong Kong by the ruling Chinese Communist Party a year ago. And we examine growing criticism of Vietnam as the government struggles to vaccinate its 95 million citizens. After receiving praise for its handling of the pandemic, the country's pace of vaccination has fallen behind even poorer nations in the region.
    27 June 2021, 3:35 am
  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    Gambling magnate on the run from China, prospers in Cambodia
    Eyes on Asia speaks with Jack Davies, principal author of a new RFA investigation into Chinese tycoon who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison in China for running a huge, illicit gambling ring, and has relocated to Cambodia. The tycoon, Xu Aimin, has not only eluded arrest but he’s built a new business empire in Cambodia, including a casino in Sihanoukville that caters to a Chinese clientele. And RFA Mandarin's Jane Tang analyzes the outcomes of President Joe Biden's recent visit to the UK and Europe, where the G-7 group of industrialized nations and NATO took a strongly critical stance toward China. Presented by RFA journalists Paul Eckert and Mat Pennington. For more on these topics: http://bit.ly/G7Taiwan
    19 June 2021, 2:35 pm
  • 1 hour 51 minutes
    Evidence builds of China's atrocities against Uyghurs
    A top Uyghur advocate assesses a people's tribunal held in London in early June that has exposed mounting evidence that a genocide is underway in the Chinese region of Xinjiang. Eyes on Asia interviews Nury Turkel, a lawyer and commissioner on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. And RFA Burmese senior editor Kyaw Min Htun discusses the mounting humanitarian crisis in Myanmar as fighting between anti-coup and junta forces spreads. Presented by RFA journalists Mat Pennington and Paul Eckert.
    12 June 2021, 6:51 pm
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