Plastic Surgery Uncensored

Rady Rahban MD

Dr. Rady Rahban gives the uncensored truth about plastic surgery while unapologetically exposing false marketing claims and revealing unhealthy social media beauty fads so you can make smart and safe choices when considering plastic surgery.

  • 26 minutes 31 seconds
    Skin Cancer Myths Debunked: Tips to Stay Safe This Summer
    Many celebrities have recently announced that they have been diagnosed with skin cancer. Among them are Hugh Jackman, who was treated for skin cancer for a second time on his nose, and Andy Cohen, who was treated for melanoma on his lips. Both cancers developed on their faces, which is an area that can be life-altering because of their careers in front of a camera. Have you thought of how you would deal with it if you developed skin cancer on your face? Contrary to what many believe, skin cancer does not just affect older people, as is the case with Jackman and Cohen, who both are in their 50s. In recent years, skin cancer has increased among millennials and adults in their 40s and 50s. What is the underlying cause for the increase? Join Dr. Rady as he delves into this subject during the month of May, skin cancer awareness month. Tune in and learn to identify the different types of skin cancers, how we get them, and how to avoid them.

    Instagram: @DrRadyRahban
    Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
    TikTok: @Radyrahbanmd
    1 May 2024, 11:20 am
  • 31 minutes 33 seconds
    The Holistic Approach To Plastic Surgery
    What defines a holistic lifestyle? How does plastic surgery fit into the holistic mindset?

    In this episode of "Plastic Surgery Uncensored," Dr. Rady Rahban and his patient Sandeep explore the complexities of choosing plastic surgery from a holistic perspective. Sandeep, a mother of two and a follower of a natural lifestyle, shares her experience with abdominal plastic surgery, including her motivations, recovery, and fitness journey post-operation. They discuss societal judgments, the privilege of surgery, and the importance of self-love and partner support. The episode aims to dispel misconceptions and emphasize the holistic approach to well-being, blending physical enhancements with a commitment to health and self-care.
    24 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 58 minutes 49 seconds
    Celebrity Molly Sims Discusses Life Beyond the Red Carpet
    Although celebrities may seem to live luxurious lives, the reality is that not everything in Hollywood is as glamorous as it may seem. Is the grass truly greener on the other side? Dr Rahban invites his close friend and patient, Molly Sims, a stunning model, actress, and entrepreneur, to his show. 

    On this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr Rady and Molly candidly discuss the less glamorous aspects of the entertainment industry and reveals how she manages to juggle her demanding career, family life, and the trials of being a parent. She also gives her insights as a beauty influencer and together they discuss the latest trends in cosmetic procedures, regenerative medicine, treatments, and the pitfalls of social media within the realm of plastic surgery. 

    This riveting episode is one you won't want to miss!

    Follow us on Social!

    IG: @drradyrahban
    TikTok: @radyrahbanmd
    Facebook: @radyrahban
    YouTube: @radyrahban
    17 April 2024, 11:15 am
  • 30 minutes 5 seconds
    Differences Between A Mini Tummy Tuck VS A Full Tummy Tuck?
    When women go in for a mommy makeover, some feel guilty because they feel selfish and vain in taking time away from their family to have cosmetic surgery. That’s precisely how Stacy, Dr. Rahban’s patient, felt when she went to his practice for a consult for a mini tuck. Before her visit, she researched and spoke to women who had the procedure. She was confident that she wanted the mini tuck and not a full tummy tuck because the mini would give her less downtime away from her family. Although she did the right thing by doing her research, she took the wrong approach by assuming that was what she needed. In this episode, Dr. Rahban and Stacy discuss her experience and why she eventually followed his recommendation to get a full tummy tuck. He also delves into the difference between the two procedures and the recovery time needed. Ultimately, the decision to have a mommy makeover is personal and should be based on what makes you feel happy and confident as a woman and mother. 
    Instagram: @DrRadyRahban  
    Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
    10 April 2024, 1:04 pm
  • 29 minutes 36 seconds
    Secrets to a Beautiful Scar
    When you go for any cosmetic surgery, you care about the overall outcome, including your incisions. Scars are a massive part of what patients try to avoid; however, they go into surgery not knowing that their surgeon is probably not the one doing the closing. In this week's episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady's guest Amanda is a recent patient who underwent a complete mommy makeover. As a current patient and a nurse by profession, Amanda better understands the importance of closures than most patients. Join Dr. Rady and his guest as they give their expert insight on what you should know about surgical scars and what to look for to get the best outcome because scars matter.

    3 April 2024, 2:11 pm
  • 25 minutes 26 seconds
    The Transformative Power of Combining a Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation
    One of the main complaints patients mention when considering a rhinoplasty is their profile. They don't realize that their chin often contributes to how well they appear when looking at their profile. Dr. Rahban's philosophy is never to make suggestions to patients when they come for a procedure. However, he makes an exception when it comes to rhinoplasty. In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rahban welcomes his patient Genesis, who had a rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and chin augmentation procedure. Genesis initially wanted to fix her nose but discovered the need for a chin augmentation during the consultation. Genesis shares her experience with septoplasty, rhinoplasty, and chin augmentation, the impact it made on her profile and overall appearance, and the bonus of breathing a lot better.

    Instagram: @DrRadyRahban
    Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
    TikTok: @radyrahbanmd
    27 March 2024, 2:25 pm
  • 44 minutes 12 seconds
    Body Lift After Massive Weightloss With The Help of Medication
    Thanks to the popularity of weight loss medications like Mounjaro and Ozempic, many who were once obese are now skinny. With this new reality comes the problem of dealing with excess skin that won't go away with exercise. Join Dr. Rahban and his guest and patient, Katie, who had a circumferential body lift after losing more than half her body weight. Katie opened up about the challenges of weight loss, the misconceptions surrounding obesity, and how she struggled with yo-yo dieting and exercise until she turned to medication for help. Dr. Rahban delves into what a circumferential body lift is and the recovery involved. Together, they discuss the importance of health and self-acceptance, while highlighting the emotional and physical benefits of weight loss surgery. 
    Instagram: @DrRadyRahban
    Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
    20 March 2024, 4:16 pm
  • 43 minutes 57 seconds
    How Safe is Anesthesia During Plastic Surgery?
    There is a genuine misconception that general anesthesia is dangerous and should be avoided, if possible, when having plastic surgery. In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, these urban myths regarding general anesthesia will be debunked. Join Dr. Rahban and his anesthesiologist, Dr. Houston, as they address our listeners' questions and shared concerns about anesthesia in plastic surgery. They delve into the different types of anesthesia, including local anesthesia, general anesthesia, and conscious sedation, and provide insights into the safety and effectiveness of each type. They also discuss the management of nausea during anesthesia and the medications used to alleviate it. Additionally, they touch on topics like the effects of anesthesia on menstruation, the use of epidural and sedation for tummy tucks, and the importance of choosing a trusted anesthesiologist. Don't miss this episode that aims to alleviate fears and clarify myths about anesthesia in plastic surgery.



    Facebook: Rady Rahban MD


    13 March 2024, 12:56 pm
  • 45 minutes 15 seconds
    The Repercussions of Liposuction
    Would you have liposuction done to remove stubborn fat areas if you knew the result would not be what you expected? As the popularity and demand of liposuction has grown, the outcomes have gotten worse. One of the biggest pitfalls is unrealistic imagery found on the internet. Women go online and see the before and after spectacular images, but the reality is that they are getting the wool pulled over their eyes. Dr. Rahban recently posted his point of view regarding liposuction on his Instagram account and asked his followers if they had any regrets about their liposuction procedure. Much to his surprise, the post generated a tremendous reaction, with an overwhelming number of women complaining about their results. In this episode, Dr. Rahban welcomes Marcie and Nicole, neither of who are patients of Dr. Rahban, but who both offer us their cautionary tale of disappointment with their liposuction outcome. Listen in as they tell us why they did it and what they would do differently if they had the chance to do it again. They also discuss when to do liposuction and when to avoid it like the plague. What is "informed consent," and what should you look out for when looking at those unrealistic pictures online. Join Dr. Rahban in another revealing episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored.

    Instagram: @DrRadyRahban
    Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
    TikTok: @radyrahbanmd
    6 March 2024, 2:34 pm
  • 26 minutes 32 seconds
    All Things Tummy Tuck
    In this month's questions and answers, Dr. Rahban responds to our listener's question regarding tummy tucks. Join Dr. Rahban as he delves into all the aspects related to tummy tucks and abdomen and clarifies the curiosities regarding belly buttons, muscle repairs, pre and post-procedures, and possible blood clot consequences that can happen during a tummy tuck. Take advantage of another fascinating episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored.

    Instagram: @DrRadyRahban
    Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD
    TikTok: @radyrahbanMD
    YouTube: Rady Rahban MD
    28 February 2024, 10:47 am
  • 40 minutes 47 seconds
    Beyond Implants: Breast Explantation Journey
    In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, our host Dr. Rady Rahban, renowned plastic surgeon and expert in breast procedures, is joined by patient Raina as she bravely shares her personal journey with breast explantation. From the decision-making process to the emotional and physical aspects of the procedure, Raina provides candid insights into her experience. Join us as we explore the nuances of breast explantation surgery, offering guidance and support to those considering this transformative journey.
    21 February 2024, 2:06 pm
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