6 Figure Creative

Brian Hood

We teach freelancers how to get more clients, waste less time, and build a business that allows them to thrive as a creative.

  • 31 minutes 12 seconds
    #306: Offering Recurring Subscriptions As A Freelancer | The Holy Grail Of Freelancing

    The life of a freelancer sounds amazing on the surface....

    The freedom of being your own boss and setting your own hours. The flexibility of working when you want. For some, even traveling the world as a digital nomad is a possibility.

    While that can all be true, the dark side is that there can also be a lot of unpredictability.

    What if you could change that? Imagine knowing how much you're going to earn each month and having a clear picture of who you're working for in the coming months.

    This isn’t just a nice thought... It's a reality for freelancers offering recurring services - think subscriptions, retainers, or monthly packages.

    When you do this, you move from always hunting for the next client to having "automatic clients." This idea comes from turning one-time gigs into ongoing relationships where clients pay regularly for continued services.

    Typically, freelancing is a one-and-done deal. You get a project, you do the work, you get paid, and that’s the end of the story. You start each month at zero—no guaranteed money, no clients waiting. It's like hitting the reset button every 30 days, which can make budgeting a nightmare and stability a pipe dream.

    But does it have to be this way? Not really. This constant chase for new gigs is a trap many fall into by only taking on one-off projects. There’s a better strategy that can help smooth out the highs and lows: setting up a recurring revenue model.

    If you’re tired of the freelance rollercoaster, check out this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast where I dive into recurring revenue for freelancers.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Creating a stable income stream by using recurring offers
    • Identifying industries that work well with recurring (or reoccurring) models
    • Helping your clients with a recurring service
    • Selling unlimited packages on a subscription basis
    • Making recurring packages valuable to your clients

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/306

    30 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 14 minutes 24 seconds
    #305: There Might Be A Good Argument For Selling Your Soul For $$$

    Navigating life as a creative freelancer is all about balancing what you love doing with what pays the bills.

    It's often framed as "selling your soul", but really, it's about making tough choices: do you follow your passion or chase the cash?

    For creatives, this dilemma is pretty intense. You've got the classic 'starving artist' on one side. They're rich in satisfaction but often struggle financially.

    Then there's the other side - the freelancers who focus mainly on what brings in money. Sure, they might be doing better financially, but at what cost?

    This week's episode explores each side in a search for finding a healthy balance between money and passion or the seasons of life that may be the right time to focus on money instead of passion.

    Whether you're the classic "starving artist" or the money-focused freelancer, this episode is worth a listen.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Hobbies vs businesses
    • Are you motivated by passion or profit?
    • The importance of focusing on what your clients want
    • Giving yourself more free time by being profit-driven
    • Reducing your stress by becoming a profit-driven creative
    • Why passion-driven creatives need to change

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/305

    23 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 41 minutes 37 seconds
    #304: The 10 Most Brutal Client Acquisition Mistakes That Are Wrecking Your Earning Potential

    Client acquisition is obviously an important part of running a freelance business because it’s how you make sure you keep getting paid every month.

    Despite how obvious this is, many freelancers don’t take this seriously enough... and it shows when work dries up and you're back into the dreaded feast-or-famine cycle.

    If you worked in a day job that decided to stop paying you for weeks or months at a time, you'd probably do something about it. However, many freelancers never do anything about this in their own business.

    They just keep showing up to "work" week after week, month after month, accepting their fate.

    If you'd like to be a better "boss" to yourself and actually make sure you get paid every month, this week's episode is all about avoiding some of the most common client acquisition mistakes

    If you stop making these mistakes and start taking client acquisition seriously, you’ll have more stability, better projects, and fewer dry spells. What’s not to like about that?

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Avoiding the basic mistakes that you make during client acquisition
    • Adding value as a freelancer
    • Why a high close rate is dangerous for your business
    • How to increase your sales with a high-quality follow-up sequence
    • Fix your pricing model!

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/304

    16 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 31 minutes 20 seconds
    #303: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 4

    In the final episode of this 4-part series, we're diving into one of the most powerful but often misunderstood methods of standing out from the crowd.

    I saved the best for last.

    This has been the "secret sauce" behind my all of my successful businesses, from freelancing, to Airbnb, to multiple software companies, and even podcasting.

    Without this last piece of the puzzle, nothing I've tried would have worked, and I'd likely still be working at Gamestop for minimum wage (missing out on millions of $ in the process)

    If you're ready to become absolutely indispensable to your clients, listen to this week's episode to the 6 Figure Creative Podcast.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • The importance of specialization
    • Why niches work better than others
    • Conversion-focused web design as a differentiation method
    • Niching down vs. niching out
    • The advantages of pushing bad leads away

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/303

    9 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 24 minutes 15 seconds
    #302: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 3

    Want to know the 3 golden rules for winning more clients than your competition?

    First off, forget about competing on price. It’s a dead-end street. Instead, focus on adding value in unique ways that don’t undercut your worth. It’s about quality, not the lowest bid.

    Second, make sure your stand-out factors are visible from the get-go. Qualities like a "great client experience" or a "cool vibe" are awesome, but they only shine through after you’re hired.

    You need something that grabs attention before that stage, something that makes potential clients think, “Yes, THIS is the right person for us,” before they even talk to you.

    Third, K.I.S.S. (keep it stupid simple). Focus on one differentiator at a time.

    In a sea of sameness, one well-defined trait can be your ticket to standing out. It’s not about being a jack-of-all-trades but a master of one.

    Last week, we talked about the ways you can differentiate by brute force, which can be tough and pricey.

    This week, let’s get into something more accessible yet equally powerful: building trust and credibility, especially through social proof. It’s about showing, not just telling, that you’re the real deal.

    Social proof, like glowing testimonials or endorsements, can be a game-changer. It’s about having others vouch for you, and showing potential clients that you’ve delivered 🤩amazing🤩 work before.

    This kind of proof doesn’t need to break the bank but does require effort and intentionality to gather and showcase.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Using social proof for differentiation
    • The impact of reviews on your business.
    • Asking for feedback and reviews
    • How to get case studies for social proof
    • Content creation to generate quote requests

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/302

    2 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 25 minutes 39 seconds
    #301: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 2

    Why should someone hire you vs alllll the other options they have?

    If you don't have a good answer to that question yet, it's time to start working on it before the estimated 500 Million freelancers come online by the end of this decade.

    This week I broke down 5 "Brute Force Differentiators" you can use to set yourself apart.

    If you're trying to find more ways to stand out, this is a great start!

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • The three rules of differentiation
    • Why lowering your price will never help you
    • When you need to stand out to close the deal
    • Focusing on one point so you aren't spread thin
    • Types of differentiators
    • Why being the best doesn't matter
    • Why gear is not a good differentiator
    • Growing a better network to stand out

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/301

    26 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 20 minutes 33 seconds
    #300: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 1

    "But they do it for less".

    If you've heard lines like that over the past year, get ready to hear it even more over the next 5-10 years.


    Well here's a terrifying stat: There are an estimated 500,000,000 freelancers "coming online" by the end of this decade.

    WTF can we do to set ourselves apart from all those people WITHOUT resorting to dropping our rates?

    It all comes down to one unsexy word: Differentiation.

    Why should someone hire YOU vs alllll the other options they have?

    If you don't have a damn good answer for that, you're going to have a bad time...

    Stick around for this new series where I'll dive into all the nitty-gritty on how to stand out, earn more, and keep doing what we love for the rest of your life.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    1. How freelancing grew in recent years
    2. Why should someone hire you?
    3. How low pricing hurts you and all other creatives
    4. The dangers of trying to appeal to everyone
    5. Making sure we don't lose our creativity while running a business
    6. The importance of differentiation in your business

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/300

    19 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 27 minutes 58 seconds
    #299: Why You Should Ask Your Clients For Feedback After Every Single Project | The Infinite Clients Series

    If you're an obsessive learner (or ADHD) like me, there's probably a long list of new things you've learned and implemented as a freelancer over the past year.

    Maybe you've set up that rock-solid client contract, nailed down an onboarding process that's smooth as butter, or started following those essential tips for staying top-of-mind with clients without driving them or yourself crazy.

    Or perhaps you've been working on your project management skills to keep all your ducks in a row or taken a page out of Michael Janda's playbook to become someone people just can't help but like.

    And let's not forget about setting those boundaries to keep things professional and sane.

    But here's the kicker: doing all these things isn't the end of the road.

    It's not about ticking boxes and moving on. The real magic happens when you stop and ask yourself...

    • "Is all this stuff actually making a difference to my clients?
    • "Am I getting better at this?"

    That's what keeps the wheel turning and what makes you better month after month, year after year.

    Now, when most freelancers wrap up a project, it's usually a quick "thanks and goodbye" deal. Maybe you're a bit more proactive and ask for a referral, but I bet asking for feedback isn't high on your list.

    It might be because you don't know you should, or maybe you're just scared of what your clients might say. And hey, that's totally understandable.

    But here's the problem: not asking for feedback is a missed opportunity.

    Sure, "asking clients for feedback" doesn't sound as flashy as "marketing" or "client acquisition," but by the time we're done here, you'll see it in a new light.

    Feedback can be your secret weapon. It's not just about finding out what you're doing right or wrong; it's about showing your clients that you care, and that you're committed to being the best you can be.

    So, even though it might seem scary or unexciting, collecting and using feedback can reshape how everything in your business is done.

    In this week's episode, I give you specific questions to ask your clients at the end of every single project. THIS will forever change how you spot weak points and make improvements on the most important things.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Why asking for feedback from clients is so important
    • How clients' wounds can fester
    • Using feedback to continuously improve your business
    • Building your feedback flywheel
    • The two main types of businesses
    • How to collect your data
    • Share your feedback with us!

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/299

    12 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 35 minutes 55 seconds
    #298: 6 Client Boundaries to Keep You Healthy, Happy, Stress-free, and Profitable | The Infinite Clients Series

    So you made it to $100,000+ per year... Congrats. Too bad you made so many sacrifices that you're constantly stressed out, you're missing out on time with friends and family, and you resent your business.

    The irony is that you became a freelancer because you hated your day job and you wanted to work for yourself. Now, you feel like you have 50 "little bosses", and you hate your life a little bit more with each new client you gain.

    If this sounds like you, it may be time to put boundaries into place to get to that sweet spot between hitting your income goals while also enjoying your life and business.

    In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I give you 6 different boundaries you should have with your clients so you can actually stay happy, healthy, and profitable.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Maintaining mental and physical health while you're running a business
    • How to handle revision requests without losing your mind
    • Eliminating one of the most painful freelance experiences
    • How to keep your clients from taking advantage of your kindness
    • Boundaries for corporate/agency clients
    • Using boundaries to avoid scope creep
    • Avoiding stress with payment issues
    • How to learn more about building your client acquisition machine

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/298

    5 March 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 34 minutes
    #297: The Best Method For Avoiding "Revision Hell" For The Rest Of Your Life | The Infinite Clients Series

    You have had one of those projects that went south fast? You're cruising along, and then boom, you hit the revisions stage, and it's like hitting a brick wall.

    Emotions run high, lists of changes start flying in, and what was supposed to be a quick fix turns into a never-ending nightmare. If you've been freelancing for a while, then I'm sure you've been there.

    This is the make-or-break moment in your quest for repeat clients and referrals.

    If the revisions process feels like a battleground, you're in trouble. It's supposed to be about making things better, but instead, it can end up being the thing that drives you and your client apart (sometimes forever).

    But here's the good news... It doesn't have to be this way.

    The revisions stage can actually be a chance to show your clients that you're 100% on their side and that you have their best interest in mind.

    Instead of dreading feedback, see it as a way to make the project even better. It's about getting organized, setting clear expectations, and most importantly, keeping your cool.

    So, how do you go from Revisions Hell to Revisions Nirvana? That's the topic of this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Making a flawless revisions process to keep your clients happy and create a viral business
    • The rules of efficient, effective revisions
    • How to politely stay firm on your project scope
    • Creating client guidelines
    • Why freelancers drop the ball
    • Refining your processes once you have data

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/297

    27 February 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 52 minutes 40 seconds
    #296: How Michael Janda Built A $30,000,000 Design Agency From One Super Power | The Infinite Clients Series

    Being likable is a super power for freelancers, and here's why...

    This business is all about making a great first impression, keeping your clients coming back for more, and getting them to tell their friends about you.

    When you meet a new client, hitting it off right away can make a huge difference. Just like when you meet anyone new and instantly click — you just want to hang out more.

    For freelancers, being more likable means clients are more likely to pick you over someone else, and stick around AND refer more work your way.

    See why this matters?

    Here's what sucks...

    Some people are just bad at being likable. If that's the case, what can you do?

    To help us all out with this, I brought back one of the most likable people I've ever had on the show: Michael Janda.

    Michael joined us back on episode 207 and walked us through how brought in 6 figures his first year freelancing, and went on to bring in over $30,000,000 from his design agency before he ultimately sold it.

    Those numbers show proof that he knows his stuff, and this episode, he'll walk us through what we can do to become the person people WANT to be around (and hire).

    No matter who you are, there is something you need to hear in my conversion with Michael Janda.

    In this episode you’ll discover:

    • Why relationships are so important to building your business
    • Building your reputation vs. building relationships
    • How he landed a $500,000 client just by being nice
    • Getting out of your shell when interacting with people
    • What skills to work on to grow your business
    • Asking people about themselves to win them over
    • Why playing games with your business is bad
    • Creating goodwill with your clients

    For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/296

    20 February 2024, 12:00 pm
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