Year One

Mamamia Podcasts

So, you've had a baby. Your life will never be the same. Your boobs will never be the same. And you're probably thinking, "How do I do this?" Welcome to Year One, the podcast that will get you through the first year of your baby's life, unscathed. Hosts Christie Hayes and Holly Wainwright have four kids under seven between them. Together with Mamamia's in-house-dream team of experts, they will take you from the moment the baby pops out to blowing out the candles on their first birthday cake. It's honest, practical and hilarious advice about everything from breastfeeding to milestones, in a judgement free environment. Year One, it's like mother's group on demand.

  • 46 minutes 11 seconds
    12. Light The Candles. You Made It

    Congratulations. You made it. Pop the cork, pour a glass of bubbly...(well, maybe not if you’re still breastfeeding) and pass the cake. It's time to marvel at how things have changed. We check in with our in-house paediatrician to go over baby's milestones, and discuss what to expect when you're living with a toddler. And if you've closed up shop, and you're in the "one and done" crowd, we discuss being an only child. But if you want to go around again, we talk planning for siblings, how to go about it, and introducing baby number two. 

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests: Dr. Golly & Saengtip Kirk

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    26 September 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    11. The Work Question

    Grab the baby wipes and get ready to scrub the spit off your shirt. This episode is all about going back to work. PAID work, we mean. What happens if you're on maternity leave and you want to go back to work early? What if you NEVER want to go back? Is there something in between? Plus, if you haven’t got child care organised, is it too late? Will you have to take your baby to work and keep it in a basket under your desk?

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests: Liz Short & Lisa Corigliano of Goodwood Community Center Adelaide

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    19 September 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 39 seconds
    10. Everyone's An Expert

    Life with a new baby can mean all your attention gets focused on just one thing; them. But researchers have found that relationship satisfaction can plummet after the birth of a baby. So, how can we nurture not just the baby but your relationship? How can you keep the old love alive when all your time and brain space is going into the love for your new one? This episode is all about your relationships in this first year. From your partner to your mother's group, the in-laws, parents and siblings, from friends who have kids and those who don't, we'll help you negotiate the change, and overcome the hurdles. 

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:   Kirsten Bouse 

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    12 September 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    9. Remember You?

    Do you look in the mirror and not even recognise yourself anymore? Miss adult conversation? Wonder if you will ever be the same person again? It's OK. The loss of identity feeling you have is normal. But, we’re going to talk about getting help with it. Also, if your social life has been depleted, we tackle how to get out of the house, find your community, and reclaim those adult conversations, without the separation anxiety. And how do you deal with family if you’re only just managing to keep it together? We have the strategies to help.

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests: Heba Shaheed Kirsten Bouse 

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes


    Wonderweeks App


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    5 September 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 1 hour 31 seconds
    8. The Food Diaries

    You might be a MasterChef in the kitchen, cooking up the latest in kale, pork belly or truffles but your baby won’t care. They're all about mush. Tasteless and nutritional mush. 

    This episode is all about starting solids. How can you recognise allergies? What's the best fix for fussy eaters? How can you introduce different flavours, and when? Is there a trick to getting less food on the floor, and more in their gob? And if you're thinking you should just let them eat nude and hose them down after, you're not alone.

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Dr. Daniel Golshevsky aka Dr. Golly &  Philip's Brand ambassador, Jess Beaton  

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    29 August 2017, 10:00 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    7. Don't Drop The Baby

    Have you gone from a free-loving, crazy risk-taker into walking around in a hazmat suit and bubble wrap?  

    This episode is all about safety. What should you worry about and what can you let slide? Should you rush out and do a CPR or First Aid course, or is common sense enough? We go room by room through your house and identify hazards, and then take it outside and look at car seats, water safety, and the big wide outside world. 

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Sarah Hunstead

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby


    Health Direct 

    Child Carseats 

    Kids Alive 

    Poisons Information 13 11 26

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    22 August 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 57 minutes 50 seconds
    6. The Milestone Race

    Is your kid a genius? Are they so far ahead of the other kids you already know they’ll need a Mensa membership? Or maybe they’re still sitting in the backyard happy digging a hole and eating dirt?

    This episode is all about milestones. Yup, all the things you can’t wait to cross off the list so you know you're on the right track. If your baby refuses to crawl but happily bum-shuffles around should you be worried? Does a dominant right-handed child mean they'll be a tennis star? From talking, smiling and rolling over, to standing, walking, and talking, we'll tell you what to look out for and when you should seek advice. 

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Dr. Daniel Golshevsky aka Dr. Golly 

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    15 August 2017, 8:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 13 seconds
    5. Get Out Of The House!

    Remember the days before you had a baby? You’d simply open the door and walk out. Ha! Not anymore! Getting out of the house is a full-on mission that takes serious planning.

    This episode is all about getting out of the house.

    What should you actually take with you and what can you leave in the car? Where are the best places to go? And if you’ve got anxiety about getting out of the house, we’ll walk you out the front door and be with you every step of the way.

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Beth Barclay 

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    8 August 2017, 9:45 pm
  • 45 minutes 3 seconds
    4. When Bedtime Goes Bad

    Your baby isn't sleeping, neither are you, your partner or your neighbours. You're at your wits' end and the time has come to get help. This episode is all about how much sleep is "normal", when to know if you need help with sleep, who to ask, and what happens with in-home help. We'll chat to a mum who went to sleep school and we bring on the The Sleep Whisperer, Elizabeth Sloane to tell us how to get the whole family back to counting sheep.

      Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Elizabeth Sloane & Tegan Gilchrist

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    2 August 2017, 12:51 am
  • 51 minutes 25 seconds
    3. Getting Sleep Sorted

    All parents are liars. And what they lie about most is sleep. How much they get, how much the baby gets, how the much their partner gets. Yes, it's the contest of who has the most and who has the least.

    Snuggle down and tuck yourself in, this episode of Year One is all about sleep. Hosts Holly Wainwright, Christie Hayes and the Year One team of in-house experts will weigh in on questions like: How important is routine? Can you wing it? Should you bundle up your baby like a burrito or put it in a bag? Plus we get advice on co-sleeping from Midwife Cath.  

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Beth Barclay Midwife Cath  

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes


    Red Nose

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    26 July 2017, 12:37 am
  • 55 minutes 52 seconds
    2. The Battle Of The Boob

    Whether you’ve opened a 24-hour milk bar or bottles are your best friend, this episode is all about the battle of the boob. It’s supposed to be the most natural thing in the world so why can breastfeeding be so stressful? Is there too much pressure on women to breastfeed? What happens when that just doesn't...happen?

    Hosts Holly Wainwright, Christie Hayes and the Year One team of in-house experts look at all the options, but promise not to tell you what's best for you, since there are enough people doing that already. We’ll discuss expressing, bottle-feeding and what to do when everything goes tits up.

    Bras off, lets get started.

    Show Notes

    Episode Guests:  Midwife Cath  & Amy Schmidt

    Hosts: Holly Wainwright & Christie Hayes

    Find us on Facebook at Year One with Baby

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    26 July 2017, 12:36 am
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