Rolling Hills Community Church Sermon Series


This podcast is dedicated to the Sunday morning teaching series happening each week at Rolling Hills Community Church in Franklin, TN.

  • 27 minutes 33 seconds
    Week 5 | Candlelight Service

    Join us for our special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service!

    23 December 2019, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 40 seconds
    Week 3 | Everlasting Father

    Before Jesus was born, God was telling the world what kind of Messiah He would be. When Jesus lived on this earth, He showed us what God is like. Jesus personified God as our Everlasting Father. We all know the impact of a father. For some, the word “father” brings great thoughts, but for others, there are difficult memories. However, despite the shortcomings of our earthly fathers, God is the perfect Heavenly Father. God loves you with an everlasting love. Christmas is all about the love of our Heavenly Father: sending His Son so that we could become His children. The greatest Gift of all has been given to us. And, His Name is Jesus. Merry Christmas!

    15 December 2019, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 9 seconds
    Week 2 | Mighty God

    Jesus is Mighty God. Sometimes it is easy, at this time of the year, to simply think about baby Jesus in the manger. Sweet little baby Jesus. While we do thank God for the humanity of Jesus and by that He can identify with all we go through, yet make no mistake - Jesus is fully God. Jesus’ birth, life, and death was anything but ordinary. Jesus, as Mighty God, came into this world to conquer death and to make a way for us to have eternal life. As Mighty God, there is nothing that Jesus cannot handle in the world or in our life. This Christmas, see Jesus as the God who loves and saves. “Immanuel” - God with us. God has come for you!

    8 December 2019, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 8 seconds
    Week 1 | Wonderful Counselor

    What counsel do you need from God?

    IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME!! Time to put up the tree, string up the lights, and turn on the holiday classics! But the best part of the whole season is the chance to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
    In the Old Testament, the prophet Isaiah predicted His birth, calling Jesus a “Wonderful Counselor.” Which is such a relief, because a lot of us could use a reliable shoulder to lean on this year.
    Join us this week at Rolling Hills as we begin our Christmas series. Discover how Jesus is the ultimate counselor and learn how you can reach out to Him for your every need -- the big ones, the small ones, and everything in-between.

    1 December 2019, 10:00 am
  • 53 minutes 24 seconds
    Week 6 | Stories of Thanksgiving

    What are you thankful for?

    It’s almost Thanksgiving! Which means we're a week away from being stuffed full of all kinds of culinary goodness. In the midst of all of the eating and parades and football, it’s easy to forget what the holiday is actually all about.

    Join us this week at Rolling Hills to hear stories of Thanksgiving and learn how you can prepare your heart for a week of thankfulness.

    24 November 2019, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 42 seconds
    Week 5 | The Fruit of Freedom

    You know a tree by its fruit. An apple tree produces apples. An orange tree produces oranges. Therefore, a Christian should produce Christ. So, what comes out of your life? Most of the time, we work hard to develop godly characteristics like love, joy, peace and the list goes on. However, our call is not to produce this fruit out of our own self-effort, but to grow deeper in Jesus. As we grow deeper in Jesus, fruit happens. The Fruit of the Spirit comes out in your life. Are you growing deeper in Jesus? This week, focus on Jesus in prayer, reading His Word and surrounding yourself with godly people. You (and others) will see the fruit as you live for Jesus.

    17 November 2019, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 23 seconds
    Week 4 | Freedom in Family

    Through Jesus, we are set free. When we commit our lives to Jesus, we ask Him to forgive our sins, redeem, and restore us. We then enter into an eternal relationship with Sovereign God who becomes our Heavenly Father and we are set free. Set free from having to live like the world and we are set free from the law. Our salvation comes in Jesus alone. We are set free and we are called then to live free. We should grow in our love for God and for others. May we love others as God loves us. Let’s be people who offer grace, forgiveness, and love just like we are received from God. We are set free to live free.

    10 November 2019, 10:00 am
  • 37 minutes 8 seconds
    Week 3 | Free to Live

    As a follower of Christ, everything about your earthly life and eternal salvation is based on the Promise of Jesus’ death and resurrection for you. As you go through your week, reflect on what it looks like to live a life based on God’s Grace and Promise instead of on your own striving and effort. Let your actions flow out of Jesus’ exceedingly abundant gift! Don’t try to finish by your own strength what God has begun in your life through His Spirit.

    3 November 2019, 10:00 am
  • 48 minutes 9 seconds
    Week 2 | Free to Love

    In a world filled with counterfeit gospels, it becomes imperative that we focus on the real gospel. Jesus plus nothing else equals everything...equals salvation...equals sanctification. When we have been set free from the Grace of God through Jesus it transforms our lives. Not only does it change the way we LIVE, but it also changes the way we LOVE. When we start from our undeserved grace and love he has given, it frees us from fixing people to loving people, the way that he loved. Our prayer is that we would be reminded of his deep love for us every morning and that love would be the love that we lead with throughout our days.

    27 October 2019, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 50 seconds
    Week 1 | Jesus Sets Us Free

    How’s your math?

    Maybe you’re a mathematician. You got straight A's in every single math class in all 20+ years of schooling. You’re the kind of person who even dreams in numbers.

    Or maybe you barely skated by in algebra and only because the teacher took pity on you. You won’t even attempt a math problem that can’t be done on your phone’s calculator.

    Regardless of your level of math knowledge, there’s one equation we can all get behind:

    Jesus + Nothing = Everything

    Join us this week at Rolling Hills as we begin our new series, Set Free to Live Free, and look at what Jesus did for us and how that changes everything.

    20 October 2019, 10:00 am
  • 48 minutes 27 seconds
    Week 6 | Surely Goodness and Love Will Follow Me All the Days of My Life

    We live in a culture of anxiety, worry, and fear, but God wants us to be “anxious for nothing.” God is Sovereign - He is in control of everything. When we learn to fully trust Him, then we can have peace. This doesn’t mean that we will not go through challenging times in our life, but it will mean that will always know that God is with us. Changing the music of our life to Psalm 23 will be a constant reminder that, The Lord is my Shepherd. I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1

    13 October 2019, 10:00 am
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