A church plant in West Oahu meeting every Sunday, 10:00am in Ewa. Check us out at www.harborwestoahu.org
We’re kicking off a new series exploring the Ten Commandments called Freed! Starting with the first commandment, we'll explore how God's law actually helps us experience the amazing freedom He has already provided.
In what areas of your life do you need to experience God's freedom more fully?
Speaker: Justin White // Passage: Exodus 20:1–3
We end our Advent series, Celebrate!, by remembering and celebrating Jesus as the Lord who saves, and the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Sharing our own stories and bringing others to Him causes us to look to the Lamb, the only true Hero of our lives.
As we begin a new year, how will you celebrate Jesus and share His story with others?
Speaker: Dan Keslar // Passage: John 1:29–42
We continue our Advent series, Celebrate!, by refocusing on the source of true light and satisfaction. The answer to darkness can never be found in the fleeting nature of material possessions and worldly relationships.
As we approach Christmas, are we seeking fulfillment in temporary things, or have we found true contentment and light in Jesus?
Speaker: Justin White // Passage: John 1:5–13
We’re kicking off Advent season with a new series, Celebrate! We explore the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of celebrating Jesus by diving into the Gospel of John. Jesus is the Word made flesh, God Himself, and the creator of all things. He came to reveal the truth about God and ourselves, offering us the only path to freedom and salvation.
As we prepare for Christmas, are you ready to celebrate Jesus in the best way possible—by giving your life to Him?
Speaker: Justin White // Passage: John 1:1–4
1 Peter 5 // Justin White
1 Peter 4 // Mike Ohara
1 Peter 4 // Justin White
1 Peter 3 // Justin White
1 Peter 3 // Justin White
1 Peter 2 // Justin White
1 Peter 2 // Justin White
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